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Starting Oct. 11, Metroid® fans will receive a free Metroid-themed T-shirt from select retailers when they place a deposit to reserve a copy of the hottest video game of the holidays, Metroid® Prime 2 Echoes, exclusively for the Nintendo GameCube™.

Metroid Prime 2 Echoes, launching Nov. 15, is a heart-pounding first-person adventure game that finds bounty hunter Samus Aran trapped on a world torn between light and dark. Special weapons and ammo help her fight off a slew of enemies as a mysterious entity hunts her. Players use weapons and abilities like Light and Dark Beams, Space Jump, Grapple Beam or Morph Ball to confront opponents and overcome obstacles. For the first time in the Metroid franchise, up to four players can compete in multiplayer mode.

From the beginning, Metroid games have captured the imaginations of players through creative stories, awesome battles and innovative power-ups. The star of the series, bounty hunter Samus Aran, was the first heroine to surprise the video game scene. Through the years, Metroid fans have proved themselves to be among the most loyal of any series, making this opportunity for a free gift all the more rewarding. Metroid Prime 2 Echoes will sell at an MSRP of $49.99.

Retailers participating in the Metroid Prime 2 Echoes T-shirt pre-sell offer include Circuit City, Game Crazy, GameStop and Electronics Boutique. Metroid Prime 2 Echoes is Rated T for Teen (Animated Blood, Violence). The hip T-shirt features a Samus name tag on the front and a bounty hunter logo on the back.


I want.
I'm definitely getting in on this. Just reserve, or pay for the whole game? And do you get it when you pre-order, or on Nov 15th?


I'm not sure whether I'm going to get this game or not. I liked the original, but I was mostly unimpressed by the demo (although the presentation is top-notch). We'll see, I guess. Maybe I'll wait for a price drop.


My aunt & uncle run a Mom & Pop store, "The Gamecube Hut", and sold 80k WiiU within minutes of opening.
Unfortunately, that color isn't in my color season.

Seriously, I'm thumbing through my "color me beutiful" swatch-packet, and there is no "pukey-brown" in my color season (cool-summer).

Oh, well.


snapty00 said:
I'm not sure whether I'm going to get this game or not. I liked the original, but I was mostly unimpressed by the demo (although the presentation is top-notch). We'll see, I guess. Maybe I'll wait for a price drop.

You? Dissapointed by a Nintendo -anything-? I wouldn't expect that!


Hey, I'll take a free t-shirt. If you guys don't want it and are pre-ordering anyway, send it over.


TheGreenGiant said:
This + Olimar shirt (I got the name right :D) makes a true Nintendo Space Cadet fanboy. I love it.

Wait a minute, what Olimar shirt?!?!

Nintendo, thanks, but no thanks. Army green in November, for shame.


Still Tagged Accordingly
that shirt will be mine... but I want the Pikmin 2 "obey the captain" shirt a hell of alot more.


October 11? I've had the shirt for a week.

Out of the kindness of my heart, I'll model the shirt off for my fellow GAF...ers.




The front says Samus on the top left side, in case you can't make it out. My apologies for the poor picture quality.

aoi tsuki

It serves the purpose for a free shirt. Covered with a shirt or jacket so that the Samus name is occasionlly visible, it might get a few compliments from random gamers, but that's it. The design is pretty weak, and the color predictable. As much as i'd like to get MP2, chances are i'll just preoder it to move my preorder over to my DS when it hits. A backlog of games (including the original MP) awaits me.


You deleted your first post, you crazy ironic hipster!

The color is intentionally bad. That's what makes it ironic. "Did you see that new Metroid Prime shirt? It looks just like the crappy t-shirt I just got at Goodwill....except it's Metroid!"


Tag of Excellence
Give me a Metroid Helmet free with preorder (ONE THAT I CAN WEAR) and then I'll get excited.

I still have those goofy shades they released when the first one came out.


Let's contact Nintendo and ask them why they decided on this kind of shirt! It's probably a good reason, like demographic research! Yes!


Still Tagged Accordingly
the shirt is fine. you're all just a bunch of whiny bitches... what GAF does best :p
Docpan said:
October 11? I've had the shirt for a week.

Out of the kindness of my heart, I'll model the shirt off for my fellow GAF...ers.




The front says Samus on the top left side, in case you can't make it out. My apologies for the poor picture quality.

You look like Reese from Malcolm in the Middle! :D
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