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Prank calls

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Ok i'll make this short, someone just prank called me using the old arnold soundboard, yeah I know, it's lame, but i heard people laughing their asses off on the other end of the line, idiots. I know who it was, and I want to get them back, what do you guy suggest I do? I want to make it a good convincing prank call, and i haven't been able to think of one good enough. Suggestions would be appreciated...


I remember my friend and I once prank called somebody pretending to be a newly opened Chinese food delivery place in the area, and told them they won a free delivery to try our food. So we took their order, and then called a Chinese food place, and had that delivered to them. I wonder what happened when they got there and said they had to pay for the food.
When I was in primary school (about age 12) I prank called all these random numbers saying "for a good time ring Seb on <insert phone number>" on a whole bunch of answering machines. I was lmao until someone actually rang the guys number and his mum somehow worked out it was me even though I put on a really stupid voice. To this day I'll never know how she knew. I never confessed though.
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