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PREMATURE EJACULA-TON: PS3 delayed until November 2006 in Japan?

gofreak said:
It wasn't there when I saw the article! But effectively that makes it standard, no? Whether it comes with the system or not, if it's required, it's required.

Although if it is required, honestly, they'd have to ship with it. You couldn't risk people buying units and not being able to find HDDs or something. Unless there's more to this, a qualification, maybe it's required for online or something..?

Actually, it doesn't seem clear in either direction... I doubt that a 60gig HDD will ship as standard with every PS3. I think what was meant by the comments of 'requirement' and 'HDD' was that software is to be required to use it if it is connected to the system, but will still function without it...within reason, anyway.


Amir0x said:
This has nothing to do with hype endorphins. Only facts

There is no fact regarding hard drive inclusion though.

Interestingly, Kutaragi didn't confirm if the system will actually ship with a hard drive or not -- just that it's required. It's semantics, we know, but we thought that it was worth pointing out.

Required & peripheral seem to point to sold seperately. It would be an easy revenue stream if so.

11月上旬=Early November (probably 1st week)


The Inside Track
Wow, very nice. Gotta preorder one quickly I guess.
With linux on such a powerful platform this could make the ultimate HD media player :)
Amir0x said:
Well sure, 360 could be 90% BC by November... and pigs could fly, and dinosaurs will rule the land.

It could be $50 less though, sure. That's plausible, although it doesn't change my point whatsoever.

PS3 will still have 100% BC with PSX and PS2. Soo...

And uh, yeah, if 60GB HDD included with every PS3... that's, uhm, that's called beating Microsoft at their own game. This is the thing I was bitching at Sony for, and previously Microsoft. HDD is essential going forward, how can you not standardize such a thing? Microsoft said they were, but then changed their mind.

This has nothing to do with hype endorphins. Only facts

Well here is a fact: Sony cant even guarantee 100% PS2 compatibility on PS2 revisions so what makes people believe they can guarantee it for PS3?

Oh and Hard Disk does not come standard.


SailorDaravon said:
Am I the only one not excited about the PS1 emulator? First, it says "1st-Gen emulator," does that mean PS1 first gen games? Aside from that, I'm not exactly excited about buying the game again, having to have a large card just to hold a game or two for something I already have. Also somebody mentioned resolution, how is that going to work?

Aside from that though, great news all around from Sony, color me suprised and impressed.
It probably means the emulator could have kinks and a few problems, but they'll continue to update and improve it through the firmware
awe, so sad to see all the xbots who were so primed to dance on Sony's grave trying to simultaneously backpedal and damage control.

seriously, go back pre-announcement and see the usual suspects giddy with anticipation.


GAF's Bob Woodward
On the HDD, hopefully it'll be clear what its status is, in english press releases.

edit - I'll take Fishie's word! Linux is enough to make me happy though :D :D


i wonder if they will be able to sneak in a br drive speed bump with the delay?

disappointing no games shown though.. why was untold legends allowed to come out? more media at gdc?


No games announced.
That speaks volumes, imo.
If they'd secured anything major at this point, they would surely be singing and dancing about it.

Also, the BC thing sounds like a BS promise to me. Fishie is right in that there's no way they can pull it off if they can't even get PS2 games working on a PS2 revision. And all in high res too? Come on!
I expected Sony to trump the 360 in every possible area. That's the advantage of launching second like MS did last gen. I'm glad that I waited for the PS3.


Jonnyram said:
No games announced.
That speaks volumes, imo.
If they'd secured anything major at this point, they would surely be singing and dancing about it.

Also, the BC thing sounds like a BS promise to me. Fishie is right in that there's no way they can pull it off if they can't even get PS2 games working on a PS2 revision. And all in high res too? Come on!

I consider memory card and HDD compatibility within the 100% domain.


Jonnyram said:
No games announced.
That speaks volumes, imo.
If they'd secured anything major at this point, they would surely be singing and dancing about it.

Also, the BC thing sounds like a BS promise to me. Fishie is right in that there's no way they can pull it off if they can't even get PS2 games working on a PS2 revision. And all in high res too? Come on!
What about 0.1% of PS2 games didn't work with the slimline. Talk about grasping for straws :lol


Jonnyram said:
No games announced.
That speaks volumes, imo.
If they'd secured anything major at this point, they would surely be singing and dancing about it.

Also, the BC thing sounds like a BS promise to me. Fishie is right in that there's no way they can pull it off if they can't even get PS2 games working on a PS2 revision. And all in high res too? Come on!

Kuturagi traveling to the 4th dimension and back to accomplish these things!

You're always so skeptical when it comes to Sony related things. ;)


Like many here, I believe this when I see it. If it turns out to be true, it's a great day. If it turns out to be half truths and optimism, it's just another day riding the Sony Hype train. I've been on before, while it usually reaches the destination, it rarely arrives on time.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Alright the fact that's it's 3AM EST and trying to read babelfished pages is leaving me less articulated at the moment.

Are they saying they're putting in the HDD w/ every system? that doesn't make sense to me, since HD's will replace memory cards as accessory sales. But if they sell them seperately, all the HD's will have a linux distrobution preinstalled that was built to work on CELL?

confuse me some more you rat bastards


GAF's Bob Woodward
Jonnyram said:
No games announced.
That speaks volumes, imo.
If they'd secured anything major at this point, they would surely be singing and dancing about it.

You gotta keep something for E3 :) I've no doubt Sony has "secured" plenty, unless you're talking absolute exclusives.

The event was also opened to the press at fairly short notice, which might explain a lack of razzle-dazzle eyecandy etc. It was previously meant for publishers only.


Pachael said:
PS3 WOO! 4-dimensional world WHAT
But Australia's not on that worldwide launch list, we're screwed again ;_;

Presser says Europe and Australia before Christmas!


"We are absolutely delighted that we will be able to bring PS3 to gamers in Europe and Australia before Christmas. This is an exciting first for Europe, and is a huge endorsement and vote of confidence in the strength of the European market and its importance globally”


awe, so sad to see all the xbots who were so primed to dance on Sony's grave trying to simultaneously backpedal and damage control.

I know, I am enjoying the bitter responses :lol

I'm dissapointed with no games shown, HOWEVER it's prob not the right venue for that. E3 is the place to drop all the bombs, however is does seem odd that they'd release those awful Untold Legends screens.


Hmm. Perhaps $350 was too good to be true. $400 is indeed expensive, but I guess it is to be expensive. This is not just a console, think about everything it has... it's somewhere in between a console and media center PC. Ken wasn't lying when he said the PS3 would be expensive, and I appreciate his honesty.

Oh well, as time goes on, things get more expensive, right? Plus, if you want to get the best out of your 360, you have to give up $400 as well.

10 years ago, $299 seemed like a LOT. Now, we are basically begging for a $299 PS3 pricetag, despite the fact that we know that's more than likely not going to be a reality. Sony knows that we do not see a the $299 pricetag as being so high anymore. $400 is the new $300.

So I guess what we should be concerned about is if it will go OVER $400. Once they cross that they are getting into really dangerous territory, especially if MS drops the 360 to ~$250 in time for the holidays


Thinks his PR is better than yours.
Not to rain on the parade, but what's really so revolutionary about this info. So much to deem X360 dead?

Japan got delayed, no games have been shown, pricing is like the same as the premium Xbox 360 bundle (which will probably have a price drop by the time PS3 ships). We already knew Sony was going to offer similar online as MS, but haven't confirmed if it's free online play or just free online such as Silver on Live.

The only new stuff we got was that there's most likely a HDD built in, which hasn't been completely confirmed yet.

If anything, this just confirms that the PS3 and X360 are basically the same damn thing, except PS3 is coming out a year later.
gofreak said:
On the HDD, hopefully it'll be clear what its status is, in english press releases.
Are you seriously entertaining the notion that a system with the kind of hardware that the PS3 will have, with a high-speed proprietary CPU, brand new blue laser drive, wi-fi hardware, fairly high-end GPU, and a half-gig of high-speed memory will come with a 60gig HDD for $400-450 anywhere in the world at the end of this year? You crazy.


So no HDD and 50,000+ yen standard if I understand it correctly?
We'll see how many of these promises the actually follow through.
I do not believe they will launch 2006 in Europe. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me.

and final dev kits delayed to June, which means the delay was not a BluRay issue, I suppose..



Beginning at the system's launch, currently scheduled for sometime this November, the system will feature community tools including lobby matching and voice chat, commerce features that includes bootable software via the hard drive.

The service was created with the help of Sony Online Entertainment. Best of all, the "basic" service will be free of charge.


Bad Art ™
Jonnyram said:
Also, the BC thing sounds like a BS promise to me. Fishie is right in that there's no way they can pull it off if they can't even get PS2 games working on a PS2 revision. And all in high res too? Come on!

yeah but he won't be as bad as the Xbox 360 BC


I don't understand why people are so excited:

So a large delay from original spring launch

No standard HD

cryptic announcement of a tiered Internet service

No price

No new games shown

About the only good news is that they're aiming for a large supply of units. We'll see how they manage that.
I'm betting there's going to be a PS3 valueoack at launch and only a value pack at launch. Probably around 450$, and will come with a HDD pack with a linux install disc and a Blu-ray sample disc. I don't think the HDD will be standard, but will in practice be standard. Kind like the pro duos.
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