N NullPointer Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,453 Yeah. Shove that shit in his face. Make him lie in his own damn bed.
T thelatestmodel Junior, please. Sep 27, 2016 #5,460 Hilary getting all the laughs at Trump's expense. Amazing.
I Incendiary Banned Sep 27, 2016 #5,468 Nickle said: Trump is the type of guy who doesn't know that Ana's darts heal teammates. Click to expand... I like this.
Nickle said: Trump is the type of guy who doesn't know that Ana's darts heal teammates. Click to expand... I like this.
B buttery fistful Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,469 i just tuned in, can anyone give me a quick synopsis of what happened the first hour?
H HeisenbergLannister Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,474 Trump started alright but has fallen off a cliff since, especially once race got involved. Shocking.
N NimbusD Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,480 Trump is doing great if all you care about is a rich white man yelling things. I've said "what the fuck?" out loud multiple times from things he's said.
Trump is doing great if all you care about is a rich white man yelling things. I've said "what the fuck?" out loud multiple times from things he's said.
J Joeku Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,481 Fitts said: Hillary basically let Trump punch himself out over the last 20 minutes. Dude is done. Click to expand... HomerSimpsonboxing.gif
Fitts said: Hillary basically let Trump punch himself out over the last 20 minutes. Dude is done. Click to expand... HomerSimpsonboxing.gif
B Big Nikus Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,484 Empyrean Heaven said: "Just listen to what you heard." Well said. Click to expand... Hahaha
M Massive Duck. C.M. Banned Sep 27, 2016 #5,487 Seriously If you watch this and think Trump is intelligent or a viable choice for president, can't respect you
Seriously If you watch this and think Trump is intelligent or a viable choice for president, can't respect you
B balladofwindfishes Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,489 She is ripping him apart in this segment, it's almost not even fair
F FLEABttn Banned Sep 27, 2016 #5,490 Twilight Princess said: Why the fuck is he even nominated? Click to expand... Racists.
M Mass Effect Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,492 Yeah, there's no way Trump is getting out of this one. He's going to have to hold the L on this topic.
Yeah, there's no way Trump is getting out of this one. He's going to have to hold the L on this topic.
M megarockexe Member Sep 27, 2016 #5,493 Some of these counter points are months old, so they seem easy to counter. Oh, and birther again lol.
Some of these counter points are months old, so they seem easy to counter. Oh, and birther again lol.