"The only secret is that he has no plan."
What reality are you living in??Is it bad I think he is way more charismatic, and that's going to make a huge difference coming out of this.
I miss this shit.
Hillary sounds like she's reading a script
Why can't you just be honest about your beliefs? Are you that ashamed that you need to add some disclaimer?As someone who hates both of them, the amount of appearance shaming of Trump is gross. Just because you don't like the guy doesn't make it ok.
I disagree. He was tough on trade deals and regulations, and held Hillary to task, and I think that was just what many independents and disaffected voters wanted to see and hear.He actually started pretty weak. The only time it felt like he was making any headway was during the part with the emails. He's looked disoriented and uninformed the rest of the time. It'll be interesting to see if the media actually hammers him or if they give him a free pass yet again.
Oh that's right, HRC started ISIS.
"Pay up Japan" fuck off
it's 7:30 here in SF and it's FUCKING 86 degrees....
too hot fuck me.
Oh cry me a fucking river.
I tuned in late, but has the moderator been this terrible the whole time?
He might as well be asking questions into a paper bag outside for all the good it's doing.
I live in Alaska, I'm going to be so embarrassed when they vote Trump