B Boney Banned Sep 27, 2016 #1,102 Surprised they're not talking about moving from low skill jobs to higher education jobs to compete with the first world countries. Bringing blue collar work is just the worst idea. Let's see how Americans live with 3 dollars pero hour job
Surprised they're not talking about moving from low skill jobs to higher education jobs to compete with the first world countries. Bringing blue collar work is just the worst idea. Let's see how Americans live with 3 dollars pero hour job
P Pamplemousse Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,106 Justin Bailey said: Trump is sniffling. Does he have Pneumonia? Click to expand... HAHAHAHA
B BocoDragon or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious Sep 27, 2016 #1,107 Maybe he did a few lines before the debate for confidence?
S Strimei Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,116 Hey Trump, could I get a small loan too? Couple million, nothing big. edit: Oh yes, talk down to Clinton, you cheeto.
Hey Trump, could I get a small loan too? Couple million, nothing big. edit: Oh yes, talk down to Clinton, you cheeto.
M Matrix LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world hed rather have. The problem is, Dwyanes not a woman. Sep 27, 2016 #1,119 Trump breathing out of his nose weirdly
W WhiskerFrisker Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,125 I don't watch Trump, but why do I find they way he talks so annoying.
M mre Golden Domers are chickenshit!! Sep 27, 2016 #1,126 Trump is breathing weird. It's very distracting.
B Brinbe Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,128 HRC on her A game now. going for the kill. She's not getting shaken at all and knows people will be looking at her demeanor HE'S FLOUNDERING
HRC on her A game now. going for the kill. She's not getting shaken at all and knows people will be looking at her demeanor HE'S FLOUNDERING
S SynthFetish Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,130 Ahasverus said: Thick skin coming out! Click to expand... Empyrean Heaven said: "a very small loan." ONE MILLION DOLLARS IS SMALL IS THIS FUCKER DELUSIONAL? Click to expand... Yes
Ahasverus said: Thick skin coming out! Click to expand... Empyrean Heaven said: "a very small loan." ONE MILLION DOLLARS IS SMALL IS THIS FUCKER DELUSIONAL? Click to expand... Yes
G Gurrry Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,133 Trump is spending more time talking about other countries than the one is running for. Hes a clown.
D djkimothy Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,138 Watching trump is like watching Michael Scott refrain from saying "that's what she said." the restraint seems unbearable for him.
Watching trump is like watching Michael Scott refrain from saying "that's what she said." the restraint seems unbearable for him.
O OpinionatedCyborg Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,139 Trump looks good in this lighting. Way less orange than usual. Nearly resembles his early 90s late 80s self. What's with Trump's snorting? Cold? Stimulants?
Trump looks good in this lighting. Way less orange than usual. Nearly resembles his early 90s late 80s self. What's with Trump's snorting? Cold? Stimulants?
X xxracerxx Don't worry, I'll vouch for them. Sep 27, 2016 #1,148 YES LESTER, keep asking the questions.