S smurfx get some go again Sep 27, 2016 #1,303 trump caught benghazi fever from killary! lol that sniffing is going to be very distracting.
R rugioh Banned Sep 27, 2016 #1,306 Alright I feel more relaxed now, this is gonna be a long night for Trump lmao
B Bronx-Man Banned Sep 27, 2016 #1,308 Trump: [spurts fecal matter] Lester: OK, but how you gonna bring back the jobs?
V Vyse24 Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,310 Is Trump saying that his business should pay taxes for all those suits made overseas, or is that different because Trump?
Is Trump saying that his business should pay taxes for all those suits made overseas, or is that different because Trump?
Trojita Rapid Response Threadmaker Sep 27, 2016 #1,311 manzoman96 said: there are thousands, THOUSANDS! Click to expand... He cut himself short when he was saying he could name them.
manzoman96 said: there are thousands, THOUSANDS! Click to expand... He cut himself short when he was saying he could name them.
B Bookoo Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,314 Im guessing its going well since my roommates are playing the drinking game and are screaming "he said Mexico again"
Im guessing its going well since my roommates are playing the drinking game and are screaming "he said Mexico again"
B BajiBoxer Banned Sep 27, 2016 #1,316 I was really hoping Trump would pull out a tiny water bottle there...
F friskykillface Banned Sep 27, 2016 #1,317 Both of them are shook Donald breathing like that due to shookness
S shiftplusone Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,318 There are not thousands of companies leaving for Mexico you turd
J - J - D - Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,324 Lester: "How would you stop jobs from leaving, Donald?" Donald: "WE HAVE TO."
D DontBeThatGuy Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,329 Maiden Voyage said: What is with the sniffing.... This is so weeeeeeird Click to expand... It's Cocaine, alright.
Maiden Voyage said: What is with the sniffing.... This is so weeeeeeird Click to expand... It's Cocaine, alright.
I iammeiam Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,330 Hillary, please ask Donald how he'd bring his tie business back to the US. Please.
A AlteredBeast Fork 'em, Sparky! Sep 27, 2016 #1,332 ramble, ramble, ramble. Damn, the amount of words this guy uses without saying anything is ridiculous. Clinton, on the other hand says everything in a metered way.
ramble, ramble, ramble. Damn, the amount of words this guy uses without saying anything is ridiculous. Clinton, on the other hand says everything in a metered way.
M MHWilliams Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,337 Holt: "That's nice Donald, but how do you bring back them jobs?"
D DangerMouse Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,341 And you just said the exact same thing again Trump without saying "how" "That's called business by the way." Yeah...that's a great answer to all those people effected by it Trump...
And you just said the exact same thing again Trump without saying "how" "That's called business by the way." Yeah...that's a great answer to all those people effected by it Trump...
F Fox318 Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,343 Never thought I would hear a Republican wanting trade tariffs on other nations like that
T TheBioLover Member Sep 27, 2016 #1,347 Why the fuck is he sniffing so much? Did he do a few lines before coming on stage?
A Arkeband Banned Sep 27, 2016 #1,348 Hillary's baiting him like a pro. Dear lord, he can't help himself