Macam said:
Spike (and I ask you, since you seem the most likely person to know), has Ross done any full Marvel books in the last few years? He seems to be primarily DC-focused, and the rare moments when I see his work, it's generally just a cover or a poster or some such trifling. As Outcast noted, Marvels was/is absolutely phenomenonal and I'd love to see him tackle that universe again, at least as long as the story's there to back the art.
Hmmm... nope, I can't recall anything really. Nomo might know about something I don't but IIRC the only work Ross has done for Marvel lately has involved just covers and art prints. Oh, and the Spider-Man 2 opening.
Looks like he's sticking with DC.
ThirstyFly: It's really a long story, but I'll try to be brief.
The Amazons of Themiscyra are the reincarnated souls of women who died long ago, brought to life again by the goddesses of Olympus to become champions of equality and protectors against Ares. Diana's mother, Hippolyta, was pregnant at the time of her first death, and when she was reincarnated the spirit of her unborn child remained behind in the Cavern of Souls to be reborn later, in desperate times when a hero would be needed. When Hippolyta began to feel an unexplained yearning, the goddesses of Olympus commanded her to go to the shore of Themiscyra, to carefully fashion a baby's image from the island's clay soil and pray for their guidance. The goddesses then combined their powers with the earth mother Gaea, each bestowing a gift upon the soon-to-be child (strength, beauty, wisdom, etc.), and using the soul of Hippolyta's unborn baby they made her clay figure flesh and blood with the gift of life.
And Diana, princess of Themiscyra, Wonder Woman, was born.
Basically, she's a clay figure made flesh and blood by the gods. Some theorize that, when she dies, she'll return to the earth from which she was made, which would explain the cracks forming on her legs. Plus it just makes for a cool artistic effect too, don't you think?
Check out Doug Mahnke's take on
Wonder Woman's corpse.
As for the baby thing from Kingdom Come... eh, that's the writer's prerogative. If a writer
wants it to be possible, then it's possible. Hell, how do we even know Kryptonian DNA is compatible? Lois sure as hell hasn't squeezed out any kids yet. Miller gave Supes and WW a kid too, in DK2.