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Price matching help!

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Smegging smeg of a smeg!
I've never price matched anything before. Todays Circuit City circular has a $4.99 game sale blurb with no specific titles. Will Best Buy check with them to price match games if they're not specified?


Hollywood Square
Those are clearance, so no. And from I've heard, those games have been clearanced and pillaged for weeks, so you'll be lucky to find something you want, if ANYTHING, at all.


Smegging smeg of a smeg!
Yeah, I did ok last Monday though and was hoping to get Best Buy into it as they're much closer to my house.


Wario64 said:
I'm still gonna try to price match by showing a copy of a receipt
This is one way. And i would hope more people help you out Wario. I can scan my Reciept with RAD, MGS2:S, and the other games i got if you need. But that would be your only chance at maybe getting a Pricematch.
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