Value of Elon Musk’s X ‘rebounds to $44bn purchase price’

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I think we found him. Lol.

Aren't you from Poland?

Calling me a Nazi supporter
Animated GIF

I'm not saying you are Nazi supporter. But you clearly support Elon and he loves Nazi related controversy. He posted (and did) confusing stuff many times, I bet he is just that narcissistic and loves being the center of attention but who knows. He was leftist in the past and now he is clearly far right.

I mean, Kanye West is black and he loves Hitler so color of the skin don't stop people from having controversial opinions.
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Gold Member
I'm not saying you are Nazi supporter.
Correct.....we didn't have concentration camps in NA.

We annihilated the Nazi regime.

You're welcome.

And the fact you (and alot of Europeans) feel so comfortable calling North Americans Nazis fucking unreal considering.
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Correct.....we didn't have concentration camps in NA.

We annihilated the Nazi regime.

You're welcome.

And the fact you feel so comfortable calling North Americans Nazis fucking unreal considering.

Anyone can support Nazi/Fascist ideology. Free speech and all?

And yeah, concentration camps were build on Polish soil by Nazi Germany, country as a whole was controlled by Nazi Germany. This fact is often portraided quite wrong by American/International media:

And yeah, Kanye doesn't need explaining and Elon is South African in origin.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Anyone can support Nazi/Fascist ideology. Free speech and all?

And yeah, concentration camps were build on Polish soil by Nazi Germany, country as a whole was controlled by Nazi Germany. This fact is often portraided quite wrong by American/International media:

And yeah, Kanye doesn't need explaining and Elon is South African in origin.
Imagine telling a Polish person they should stay in their lane if they try to criticize Nazi apologists. Wow.


Gold Member
don't stop people from having controversial opinions.
North America isn't the place that has an issue with violent extremists.

He is a map of terrorist attacks Globally.

Again, North America isn't the continent with extremism issues.....if we're being honest here.....regardless of how much you want to fantasize that there is.
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Imagine telling a Polish person they should stay in their lane if they try to criticize Nazi apologists. Wow.

I mean, when I was younger I talked with older people that lived through this horror. Most of them are gone now...

North America isn't the place that has an issue with violent extremists.

He is a map of terrorist attacks Globally.

Again, North America isn't the continent with extremism issues.....if we're being honest here.....regardless of how much you want to that there is.

I fantasies about this stuff? WTF, Elon does this stuff himself:

Even Germans can see this.

Most of the terrorists attacks on this map are related to Muslim religious fanatics. Not sure what it has to do with Elon Musk...


Didn’t take long for people to bring up our favorite socialists. By the way, the Japanese were concentrated into camps during World War II. Roosevelt even called them “concentration camps”. It didn’t have the same connotations back then. It was about quarantining potential enemies of the state during times of war. America would probably do it again during war and just call it something else.


Do continue your insinuation here, very curious what you mean.

what are all us south africans to you?

This was response to this:

And the fact you (and alot of Europeans) feel so comfortable calling North Americans Nazis fucking unreal considering.

Elon is not from north America. I don't think his country of origin has anything to do with what his current ideology is.


This was response to this:

Elon is not from north America. I don't think his country of origin has anything to do with what his current ideology is.
To be fair he is more North American than he is South African anymore, the guy hated it here and left just as he finished studying essentially and made some money.


To be fair he is more North American than he is South African anymore, the guy hated it here and left just as he finished studying essentially and made some money.

To be fair, your passport matters.

Otherwise Arnold would have run for president, but he cant.


To be fair, your passport matters.

Otherwise Arnold would have run for president, but he cant.
what does that have to do with anything.

Culturally, he is more a North American than a South African, as a South African living in South Africa with other South Africans i can tell you he doesn't really fit in, same with Arnold and the US.

The person was talking about how Europeans think of Americans, they responded saying that well Elon isn't American, and all I'm saying is he basically is besides the Passport.
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what does that have to do with anything.

Culturally, he is more a North American than a South African, as a South African living in South Africa with other South Africans i can tell you he doesn't really fit in, same with Arnold and the US.

The person was talking about how Europeans think of Americans, they responded saying that well Elon isn't American, and all I'm saying is he basically is besides the Passport.



The value judgement described here is pretty useless. When we typically describe a companies value, we're talking about market cap for publicly traded companies, or an earnings multiple for private companies. In this case, the value is being judged off a secondary sale.

This feels like one of the investors goosed some paperwork to get a positive headline. There's no indication the net profit for the company has increased substantially. There's also no indication the owners could get $44B if they tried to sell the company.


The value judgement described here is pretty useless. When we typically describe a companies value, we're talking about market cap for publicly traded companies, or an earnings multiple for private companies.

If you read the financial times article you would have read they are getting ready to raise 2B. It's anything but useless.
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Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
It seems that a group of investors, which includes Musk himself have been buying shares in Twitter at a price close to what it was when he bought it. Details are vague. But this seems to be the reason why the value is back up. Only reason I find it sussy is that Musk himself is involved in this, and that there are many reasons why investors might be overpaying for Twitter equity.
Hmm.. I did get the FT article to load on my laptop:
Investors valued the platform at $44bn in a so-called secondary deal earlier this month, in which they exchange existing stakes in the company, according to two people with knowledge of the matter

Investors exchanging existing shares for what exactly?

I think if they can actually raise significant cash at that valuation then that would make sense to declare X at that value, but this sounds pretty odd. This was all done w/o any cash involved according to the article.
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ChatGPT 0.001
Twitter will be fine, their foundation is connected to communication, and freedom of speech where’s Facebook is about trolling, instagram is associated with distractions and tik tok is unhealthy.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service

He can divest himself anytime he wants to protect this precious American company instead of just consolidating his own personal power and wealth. No one buys the fake tears at all; worldwide. He is entirely to blame for politicizing his own company and reputation, all by himself.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service

Records also show that every citizen over 65 in the state and every elderly citizen across the entire country gets Social Security. Probably a good idea to not cut it if you give a shit about other people's retirement, which you clearly don't and have demonstrated for weeks.

Sounds like the state of Minnesota should sell and invest somewhere else.
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If you read the financial times article you would have read they are getting ready to raise 2B. It's anything but useless.

If they came to you and said "We haven't improved net profits since we told advertisers to go fuck themselves, but I got my buddy Marc to buy some of my shares at the original value. So how about you give us some of your money?", would you give them 2 billion dollars?

Seriously - this is some very naked paperwork shuffling that does not provide any evidence that the core business has improved. If it has and they're now making 450% more revenue than they were last September, great - let's see the receipts. If Elon can actually turn Twitter around, good for him.


Gold Member
Holy shit that’s hilarious. How is RFK Jr #3? I never see him on my feed.

Is this list true XXL XXL ?
Why are you surprised about that result?

The left has spent the last few years smearing people as spreading misinformation. If the Bot is drawing from internet articles of course that would be the result.

The main spreaders of misinformation of the last few years is by far the big media companies.

I mean....Covid, Hunter Biden, Russia Collusion, Biden isn't in decline, Riots with cars on fire being peaceful, the election is going to be close, etc.

Let's be real here.
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Hmm.. I did get the FT article to load on my laptop:

Investors exchanging existing shares for what exactly?

I think if they can actually raise significant cash at that valuation then that would make sense to declare X at that value, but this sounds pretty odd. This was all done w/o any cash involved according to the article.
Thanks for the clarification. it seems this ft article is reporting more recent stuff. I didnt have access to it.
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Gold Member
Meta is worth 1.475 trillion right now like 36 times more than that and worth more than Tesla too which is only 758 billion Zuckerberg is winning. One dollar of Teslas earnings is $109 bucks too compared to $24 bucks for one dollar of metas earnings. Zuckerberg and the Chinese electric car companies gonna make a run
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