Usually I would write a paragraph highlighting the motivations and intentions behind the threads I create, but I honestly cannot be bothered so here's the 411. Television shows are unique from other related media because of their ongoing nature and as such they often follow a similar path to one another. The first season involves a large amount of money, planning and marketing and as a result puts the entire production on the map and turns the cast members into overnight celebrities. Then riding that momentum comes the second season which is often superior to the first due to a larger budget, additional characters and storylines as well as familiarity with one another. Then follows the middling third chapter which isn't as good as either though manages to do an amiable job before the cracks start to show in the fourth and everything inevitably turns into a dumpster fire. Let's focus on those prime slices of television when everything was in unison, before it all fell apart due to staleness, departure or cancellation. I did it again eh?
Game of Thrones
Prime (2011-2014)
Peak = Season 2
The Simpsons
Prime (1989-2000)
Peak = Season 6
Prime (2016-2018)
Peak = Season 2
Game of Thrones

Prime (2011-2014)

The Simpsons

Prime (1989-2000)


Prime (2016-2018)