Which language you learn first is likely to colour your programming style for some time. Also, some languages are easier to use as first languages than others; Java certainly isn't at the top of the easy pile, but it's not at the bottom of it either. It's a kind of middling language for learning.
I wouldn't recommend my personal path into coding these days (BASIC followed by 6502 assembler, a little Z80, ARM assembler and then C), awesome as it was. But there are better ways in these days; starting with a fairly straightforward language that lets you get straight down to the coding basics as quickly as possible (Java just requires too much structure), then on to the more practical languages for real world use.
I think it's a terrible idea. Firstly, as others have said, sticking to one language to start with will help. Secondly, C++ and Java are just too similar - but very different in some ways. You'd be trying to learn the same things with the same syntax but fundamentally different approaches in other places. It's just confusing. If you really felt the need to learn two languages, I'd go for something completely different as a second language. Prolog, anyone?
But seriously, I'd go with one language at a time. If Java's where you're committed to starting, start with Java. Once you've got a solid grasp on it, then you can begin to branch out.