Don't know if this is right thread to ask, I've been unemployed for a while, the job I had previously was in research and development in material science. I want to switch in to a career that allows me to work close to new york city, which material science doesn't allow. So on the advice of a web developer friend, I've been trying to learn Ruby on Rails as that's the new hot shit and there seems to be a lot of jobs compared to the few material science jobs that are all in the middle of no where Penn.
I know with Ruby on Rails for web development you are expected to know the entire vertical stack. I am trying to get a grasp at the type of competency i would need to get an entry level job, and would a masters in comp sci help out?
I would love if any of you guys can point me to an example web app written with ruby on git hub so i can get a grasp the type of knowledge i should have for a fully deployed site.
My current experience with Ruby on Rails is, hey gems are fucking cool you can do so much with them, to wait there's no IDE, wait there's no hand holding? Configuring your gem packages is a pain in the ass? and there's a million versions of these Gems?
First of all, RubyMine is an IDE for Ruby on Rails.
It seems like you are wanting to jumpstart into web-dev by going straight to Rails, but I think you really should start by getting a solid understanding of the full-stack, (HTML/CSS/Javascript). You won't be of much use if you don't understand what you're trying to interact with through Rails if you don't understand those core fundamentals.
Also from what I understand, Ruby is really loud right now because it's new and seems really awesome at first. PHP is still by far the dominant player in the web world though currently. Rails expertise may make you more desirable for people looking at building a new project or site, but PHP expertise would make you more desirable to people that have to maintain established systems. Here's a nice article on the topic.
Just my 2¢. I'm going through a similar experience currently because I want to get experience with front-end development, and every time I try to overextend beyond what I actually know to get something done quick it just turns into a clusterfuck.