I'm having a hard time understanding the problem. Can you try and explain it a bit more clearly? What are the parameters? Provide the function signature, if you can.
It's this:
I'm having a hard time understanding the problem. Can you try and explain it a bit more clearly? What are the parameters? Provide the function signature, if you can.
It's this:
It's this:
I'm trying to make a basic database application in C#. It's my first time with the language so I'm trying to get used to the features. It's also my first real project.
A dataset is an in-memory database right? If so, it wouldn't be worth it to make objects for your tables if you aren't going to have any specific behaviors right, since you'll just be duplicating data? I'm used to doing SQL queries in the application so datasets are confusing lol.
I'm trying to make a basic database application in C#. It's my first time with the language so I'm trying to get used to the features. It's also my first real project.
A dataset is an in-memory database right? If so, it wouldn't be worth it to make objects for your tables if you aren't going to have any specific behaviors right, since you'll just be duplicating data? I'm used to doing SQL queries in the application so datasets are confusing lol.
I've graduated and I'm trying to get a job, but they all expect me to have commercial experience. I search for Graduate Developer and Junior developer, is there another word for an entry level role?
I've graduated and I'm trying to get a job, but they all expect me to have commercial experience. I search for Graduate Developer and Junior developer, is there another word for an entry level role?
I've graduated and I'm trying to get a job, but they all expect me to have commercial experience. I search for Graduate Developer and Junior developer, is there another word for an entry level role?
I've graduated and I'm trying to get a job, but they all expect me to have commercial experience. I search for Graduate Developer and Junior developer, is there another word for an entry level role?
Essentially, yes that's what a dataset is. How are you planning on retrieving the data? It is certainly still possible to retrieve the data using SQL queries and populate your dataset with it. To me, the biggest benefit that objects give you in this case is that they're strongly typed, but you're free to do it however you wish.
I was planning on using the TableAdapters' fill() methods to populate the datasets and LINQ to access the dataset in my code. I haven't actually done it yet though. I've just been reading through the MS documentation and walkthroughs to try and figure things out, and from what I understand that's how they suggest you do it.Depends what you want to do. If you're doing the MVVM approach this is exactly what you would be doing.
I work regularly with datasets in C#, so I may be able to help if you need more specific information.
A dataset is just a representation of the tables in SQL...you basically just need to make a SQL connection and then use a data adapter to fill the dataset.
You can make a strongly typed dataset for this if you want so you're not just making an in memory dataset (creating the columns on the fly).
I've graduated and I'm trying to get a job, but they all expect me to have commercial experience. I search for Graduate Developer and Junior developer, is there another word for an entry level role?
If you are going to use LINQ why not check out LINQ to SQL (or Entity Framework)?
It may not be the fastest method out there, but the time saving and piece of mind make it worthwhile for me. Properly design the database tables, pull into the project and enjoy my objects right away.
Can somebody please tell me what kind of algorithm those lines use?
Problem is I don't even know what I should google, all I get is standard line algorithms like bresenham.
You can sort of do that with datasets as well. Open up the server menu and just drag your tables into an empty dataset. Visual Studio is pretty incredible in that aspect.
Bezier Curves?
Linq expressions are pretty nice thoughultimately you have to decide if you want to deal with the overhead of ORM. I would only use Datasets if I didn't want to get bogged down with managing ORM code generation.
Fell into a dark place this evening and decided to finally learn Brainfuck.
It went as well as it could have.
Can somebody please tell me what kind of algorithm those lines use?
Problem is I don't even know what I should google, all I get is standard line algorithms like bresenham.
Hmmm, that looks like absolute garbage. What does it do?
Are you asking for the algorithm that Epic uses? Or just curiosity?
If you're looking to implement something like that in code, paper.js has some functionality to draw lines like that.
Oh man, this is what I'm afraid of. I'm graduating at the end of the year and none of my interviews panned out. I hope I can get something.
Hmmm, that looks like absolute garbage. What does it do?
You can make it an error with -Werror=return-type. This is the sort of reason why I include -Wall -Wextra -Werror in my default compiler flags.C++ w/ clang pro-tip, since I just ran into this:
Not remembering to give your function a return value (say if it's a bool that you only check in unit tests) will generate SIGILL when you call it! At least on x64.
or: if it's going to produce such nasty code it should probably be a build error, not a warning...
thank you, just curiosity.
also js is the environment I'm working with so that link is gold
Prints out "Dota\n"
It's actually an exceedingly simple language that would require an insane amount of code to do anything meaningful in.
Discrete math is very useful, and I find it strange that your program wouldn't require it for all CS majors. It completely changed how I think about problem solving and definitely made me a better programmer.So how much does the "name" of your CS degree matter and how important is theoretical computer science?
I think I might have to switch form "Computer Science (Honours)" to "Computer Science (Honours Applied Computing)" because I can't take a first year discrete math course (due to a conflict with Comp. Arch II which is a pre-req for a bunch of third year CS courses) that is a pre-req for a series of theoretical CS classes that are required for the "Honours" degree but not the "Honours Applied Computing". The main difference between these two degrees being the "Applied" one doesn't require these theoretical CS courses. Switching to the "Honours Applied" degree will save me from a messed up schedule and allow me to graduate on time, but I'm worried that having something like "Honours Applied Computing" might look bad on a resume. Of course, I'm already going to a "no-name" school so it might be a moot point anyway.
I realize my concerns over the name seem silly (I think a lot of it might come from going to high-school in Ontario, where kids are divided into "Applied" and "Academic" tracks). So I guess the more important question is, how important are the theoretical CS courses and how much would I be missing out on by not taking them?
EDIT: I suppose I could try to get permission to take two overlapping courses, which I have heard people have done before. Also, on further inspection there are a bunch of other interesting courses I would be missing out on by switching.
Discrete math is very useful, and I find it strange that your program wouldn't require it for all CS majors. It completely changed how I think about problem solving and definitely made me a better programmer.
EDIT: unless I misunderstood, and you're just worried about the courses that Discrete is a pre-req for
Discrete math is very useful, and I find it strange that your program wouldn't require it for all CS majors. It completely changed how I think about problem solving and definitely made me a better programmer.
EDIT: unless I misunderstood, and you're just worried about the courses that Discrete is a pre-req for
[remote "test"]
url = https://example.com/git/REPO
git push --set-upstream test master
[remote "test"]
url = https://example.com/git/REPO
fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/test/*
[branch "master"]
remote = test
merge = refs/heads/master
git push test :master
# Error
! [remote rejected] master (deletion of current branch prohibited)
I want to get rid of all the test stuff, but I'm stuck.
I'm ok with it not being an error the way gcc compiles it, but not the way clang does. Still, that's an informative link! Thanks.You can make it an error with -Werror=return-type. This is the sort of reason why I include -Wall -Wextra -Werror in my default compiler flags.
It's probably never going to be an error by default. There's a lot of code that may require it. gcc and clang have their hands tied on this one. It's fundamentally a language issue.
public class OvalButton extends JButton implements InfoIF {
public OvalButton(){
this.setContentAreaFilled(false);//don’t fill entire button
public boolean contains(int x, int y){
Ellipse2D e2d = new Ellipse2D.Double(0,0,this.getWidth(),this.getHeight());
if(e2d.contains(x,y)){ //if click outside ellipse dont arm
return true;
return false;
public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
if(this.getModel().isArmed()){ //if armed change color red
super.paintComponent(g); //repaint on screen
public void paintBorder(Graphics g){
g.drawOval(0, 0, this.getWidth()-1, this.getHeight()-1);
public double getArea() {
// utilize getWidth() and getHeight() to compute size.
return 0;
Can anyone tell me if this UML diagram accurately represents this code? OvalButton overrides all 3 methods in JButton, and it also overrides the getArea() method in InfoIF. My professor also said to include multiplicity in the diagram, but I am not exactly sure how to do that.
So guys, I'm currently moving on from a course specifically for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL and php. Kinda want to start learning new languages on my own to further my skill set, and also start developing for mobile. Should I go for ruby on rails, java, c++ or any others? I know that what I've learned hasn't even really delved into the more complex parts of coding yet.
So guys, I'm currently moving on from a course specifically for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL and php. Kinda want to start learning new languages on my own to further my skill set, and also start developing for mobile. Should I go for ruby on rails, java, c++ or any others? I know that what I've learned hasn't even really delved into the more complex parts of coding yet.
Alright. Cool. I am interested in python so I might look into that too. C just feels a bit.. hardcore for me right now. Might be a project I look into someday though.
From what I've gather of ruby on rails is it just a html/css/javascript builder with pre-made objects and constraints?
Not quite. Rails does what PHP does, it interfaces with a database, does server-side data processing and serves HTML templates. I've never used PHP, but from what I gather Rails is more structured (it's based on the MVC pattern).
If by "mobile" you mean apps for cell phones / tablets, then Java. If you are specifically concerned with iOS devices, you could learn Objective-C instead, but it is not very broadly used outside of Apple platforms.
Try CakePhpNot quite. Rails does what PHP does, it interfaces with a database, does server-side data processing and serves HTML templates. I've never used PHP, but from what I gather Rails is more structured (it's based on the MVC pattern).
Not quite. Rails does what PHP does, it interfaces with a database, does server-side data processing and serves HTML templates. I've never used PHP, but from what I gather Rails is more structured (it's based on the MVC pattern).
To expand on this, Ruby on Rails is just a framework so since you want to learn a new language first you need to learn Ruby and then understand the Rails framework and how it does stuff. I'm not sure what you know about PHP so far, Antiwhippy, but I imagine you just learned the language itself and not any framework. It is possible to get something similar to Ruby on Rails using PHP if you use one of the many PHP frameworks like Yii or Laravel.
Maybe. PHP is a decent language at times, but it's lacking.Ah alright, yeah I haven't really explored any php frameworks yet. Just the language, learning how to interface with the database, creating actions, loops, boolean etc. and also using pdo. If I understand how php works would ruby on rails be fairly easy to transition into?