Zombie James
Any Haskell tutorials that aren't so focused on doing everything through ghci? I guess the interpreter is good for leaning the basics but I want to learn how to actually put a program together.
Ah Ruby on Rails, the current rockstar of web application development (Djano/Python crew holla). Enjoy it while it lasts, PHP will be making it's come back!
Enjoy it while it lasts, PHP will be making it's come back!
Wait what? I thought people wanted that dead... what niche does it fill that something else can't do better?
Oh cool they have the PHP on the internets now
EDIT: Hah, that reminded me, I did do some PHP work week or two ago. My face was whatthechrist.php.gif.exe the whole time.
I was joking sorry. I hate PHP like the republican party hates poor people.
I would love to see breakdown over the years of PHP usage. How IS python/django doing anyways? I know a few years ago everyone and their parents swore it was poised to pretty much take over the internet as the go to framework.
I did understand the jokebecause no-one in their right minds would hope for PHP comeback ^^
Actually, I'd like PHP6 just for the name. Pee-aitch-pee-sex
I've always been overwhelmed by web dev. How does one begin approaching it? Like C or Java is pretty straight forward. But web seems like well.. a web of a whole bunch of tools and languages coupled together in some lose interface.
what's wrong with that, this sounds like you're racist against hipsters or something
Doesn't look like it.Almost every Bay Area startup uses Bootstrap for their first website and product pitch, and it shows.
I've always been overwhelmed by web dev. How does one begin approaching it? Like C or Java is pretty straight forward. But web seems like well.. a web of a whole bunch of tools and languages coupled together in some lose interface.
Yeah, that's the basic gist of it, though I'd clear up that those other libraries are most likely in JavaScript. HTML for page structure, CSS for styling, JavaScript for logic that runs in the browser. There's overlap in some areas with HTML5 and CSS3 features, but that's the general idea.I just have no clue how to approach that stuff. Like node.js is a server side engine to interpret JS code? And that is used to generate and serve up web pages? Which then the pages themselves are using JS and other libraries to render stuff client side? Is that how it works?
So... this one is similar to my last assignment, what's different is that I have to have at least 2 sub-procedures or functions in the coding. This assignment is much harder, at least with the last one I knew at least how to get started, but with this, I'm completely stumped.
Some of the best engineers in the world are Windows-only. Of course some of the best engineers in the world are Unix-only too. If Windows and GUIs are a red flag for you, it sounds like you have a bias which is not substantiated with actual facts.
So... this one is similar to my last assignment, what's different is that I have to have at least 2 sub-procedures or functions in the coding. This assignment is much harder, at least with the last one I knew at least how to get started, but with this, I'm completely stumped.
I'm a Unix guy at heart (and home), and used to hate Windows with a fiery passion. But after being forced to tackle several C#/C++ projects at work, I'll admit Visual Studio is a nice environment and Powershell is decent for CLI work. I still prefer my Unix tools, but Windows development definitely has it's place.
That said, I still hate Windows as an OS big time. It feels very clumsy to work in, even after trying to adopt a Windows-style workflow, and I dread doing OS tasks.
One step at a time. Write down the functionality of this program on paper. Look up UML diagrams and see if you can create a simple one. Or just write some pseudocode like I mentioned a couple pages ago. Seriously try to break this down into simple steps, then break those steps into even smaller steps, etc.
It's difficult to code an entire program...
It's easy to code 'add some numbers together' or 'calculate tax for this number'...
Sub TotalandSubtotal()
varSubTotal = varSubTotal + totalquantity
varTotal = varTotal + varSubTotal
end sub
Sub RunningTotalandSubtotal()
If varSubTotal <= 14.0 Then
varSubTotal = varSubTotal
End If
If varTotal >= 14.0 Then
varTotal = varTotal
End If
End Sub
Going from the "teach a man to fish instead of giving the fish" school of thought, I think you need to learn how to build confidence in your results.The program seems to work, but I;m not really sure if I did it correctly.
My.Application.Log.WriteEntry("The variable varSubtotal has a value of " & varSubtotal)
console.log("The variable varSubtotal has a value of " + varSubtotal);
printf("The variable varSubtotal has a value of %d", varSubtotal);
in=[0, 0, 0, 1, 0; 1, 1, 1, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1, 1, 0; 0, 0, 1, 1, 0; 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]
Not sure what exactly you mean by math formulas, you'll have to give examples and zero in on what you mean.I started dabbling in c# and the beginner assignments mostly give you the various math formulas and such that you'll need. My question is, as a professional, does someone else typically supply you with the necessary equations, like a coworker or employer, or are you expected to come up with it on your own in addition to implementing it?
This is a little misleading, since most apps don't really need hardcore instrumentation to understand performance. If you're on linux, you have the magic tool to tell you where most of your CPU/RAM is spent already, and no instrumentation is needed.On the subject of debug tools, if you're looking for performance optimization on Linux, Brendan Gregg (formerly of Sun, Joyent, and the primary author of the DTrace book) has has a rather good blog showing the state of performance tracing tools on the platform.
Linux Performance Tools 2014 gives a good state of affairs, and he has a devoted page to Linux Performance showing off all of his works explaining the various tools and how they work. And of course he wrote the best-selling book on the subject.
This is more sysops level stuff, but performance profiling to see where your app is spending the most time can really come in handy.
OS X has Instruments and a port of DTrace that hasn't been updated in some time, but which does form the basis for custom instruments on OS X. There are a few excellent tutorials out there for OS X. FreeBSD has its own DTrace with some perfectly good documentation of its own.
It works.I mean, say the army tasked you with making a program that predicted where a missile would hit based on angle and speed. Would you have to come up with the math procedure in addition to physically programming it, or does someone else say "here's the steps to calculate that, now make it into a program."
Obviously that's a rather simple example.
Yes, Valgrind came from the Linux kernel project as a means of catching various performance bugs, especially of the heap corruption and memory leak kind. It is directly referenced by Zed's Learn C The Hard Way, and it is a very good tool that should be used. Thanks for bringing that one up, I got carried away with showing too much of the bigger picture of Linux runtime tooling. (it's cool tho)This is a little misleading, since most apps don't really need hardcore instrumentation to understand performance. If you're on linux, you have the magic tool to tell you where most of your CPU/RAM is spent already, and no instrumentation is needed.
For CPU cycles,
valgrind --tool=callgrind [cmd args]
For heap usage,
valgrind --tool=massif [cmd args]
So enums are about as awesome and useful as I think they are right?
So enums are about as awesome and useful as I think they are right?
0 1 2
0 | a | b | c |
1 | d | e | f |
2 | g | h | i |
I guess this is a theoretical question more than anything: Are 2D switches a thing in programming? Disclaimer: idk what im doing.
- When I want to do a series of actions based on a variable's value, I use a switch statement.
- When I want to do a series of actions based on two variables' value, I use a... 2D switch?
My current method is using a switch on a temporarily created array, but it feels weird. Using a lot of if statements feels weirder. I guess it all works, I'm just wondering if there's a common approach.
Code:0 1 2 ------------- 0 | a | b | c | 1 | d | e | f | 2 | g | h | i |
Yes, with the exception of graphics stuff. (Visual Studio + DirectX is still a potent combo)Can someone explain to me in a fairly simple manner why many developers believe that development is done better on UNIX systems?
My school teaches all of its classes using Windows and my current internship has me working on Windows (using Visual Studio). This has me thinking that I won't have much UNIX experience by the time I finish school.
Are the tools better there? Do you get any benefits if you are still just working in an IDE? Is it all preference?
I've searched around before but never really found a good answer, so I'd appreciate any info!
Can someone explain to me in a fairly simple manner why many developers believe that development is done better on UNIX systems?
My school teaches all of its classes using Windows and my current internship has me working on Windows (using Visual Studio). This has me thinking that I won't have much UNIX experience by the time I finish school.
Are the tools better there? Do you get any benefits if you are still just working in an IDE? Is it all preference?
I've searched around before but never really found a good answer, so I'd appreciate any info!
Can someone explain to me in a fairly simple manner why many developers believe that development is done better on UNIX systems?
My school teaches all of its classes using Windows and my current internship has me working on Windows (using Visual Studio). This has me thinking that I won't have much UNIX experience by the time I finish school.
Are the tools better there? Do you get any benefits if you are still just working in an IDE? Is it all preference?
I've searched around before but never really found a good answer, so I'd appreciate any info!
Yes, with the exception of graphics stuff. (Visual Studio + DirectX is still a potent combo)
But more importantly, Windows systems are very finicky. BSD (Mac) and Linux are much more stable and reliable OSs -- I would actually say they are much more modern OSs -- and developers usually don't want to be fighting both their computer and their code. With Windows you usually are.
The other thing is that Linux is much more viable for developer types who already understand OSs than it is for the general populace. So you'll see a higher % of usage just from the demographic alone.
If someone were to ask me why I develop on OSX/Linux, I'd point out the ridiculous number of times Windows decided to shit itself as my reasoning.
Thanks for the answers. I've used Windows all my life and have only had very little experience with OSX/Linux systems in general. I've never tried anything but Windows for programming so far.
Thanks for the answers. I've used Windows all my life and have only had very little experience with OSX/Linux systems in general. I've never tried anything but Windows for programming so far.