Okay guys. Looking for guidance. I know HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery--that is, I know the basics.
I want to build a website similar to Neopets, but focusing not on virtual pets but on turn-based PvE/PvP battle systems and world exploration. I mean "similar to Neopets" in the way of events being handled in real time/automatic updates (shop refreshes) and that sort of thing. Accounts keeping track of progress, where characters have been, yada-yada. You get the idea. Basically I want a website game, where the world is hosted in the browser.
What programming languages do I need to know? I am so clueless and lost. I know how to build basic, static websites and I know how to implement some interactive/responsive design tools, but I don't even know where to get started in building a world/website like that.
What languages am I lacking that will be essential for this? What tools should my website be built with? (Flash, etc.?) Any guidance would be appreciated. I know this will be a difficult and long process. Just looking for the place to start.
I'm often given the "if you don't know where to start, you're not ready" response and that frustrates me. Cause I spend hours on hours on hours of my freetime learning coding. And I can only repeat the basics so many times. I don't know how to turn what I've learned into the game in my head. Help please?