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Programming |OT| C is better than C++! No, C++ is better than C


I'd personally always go with 3.x because that's where the cool new stuff happens. 2.7 has been stagnant for a while. Recently,Python 3.5 introduced a couple of cool new features (@-operator for matrix multiplication, async and await and so on) and the most important libraries are compatible. If there is some library that doesn't work, you can go back to 2.7, but if possible I'd choose 3.

Ok thanks. That's what I was inclined to do but just wanted to see if there was any compelling reason to stick with 2.7, the main one seems to be libraries but I'm a novice so not sure how much that will impact me for now.


Who do you think has the best Javascript style guide? Our code is a mess because we're wildly inconsistent about things like like how much to indent each line. It's literally different in every function.

I'm thinking of setting up a linter. They have presets based on the coding standards of different companies. Specificially: Airbnb, Crockford, Google, Grunt, jQuery, MDCS, node-style-guide, Wikimedia, Wordpress, Yandex



Is currently on Stage 1: Denial regarding the service game future
Who do you think has the best Javascript style guide? Our code is a mess because we're wildly inconsistent about things like like how much to indent each line. It's literally different in every function.

I'm thinking of setting up a linter. They have presets based on the coding standards of different companies. Specificially: Airbnb, Crockford, Google, Grunt, jQuery, MDCS, node-style-guide, Wikimedia, Wordpress, Yandex


I know Google has a good style guide for JavaScript.


Their linter.
With an extension you can generate classes from a context menu, so you don't have to build the project or go outside of VS to gain access to/update the classes.

I'm leaving it for now though. Working on the async RPC now. I decided to have the queries run fully asynchronously, so guess I'll just have to keep the reply delegate around in order to send a reply eventually.

Fair enough, but you don't have to go outside of VS using the method I suggested either.

You add the JSON files directly to your project, then set a custom build action to invoke the tool. It's just like any other source file, the build system knows what the right thing to do is. Then you add the generated files to your other project. Everything is inside of VS, you don't even have to click a context menu, you just hit F7 to build and everything gets generated as part of the normal build process.
Who do you think has the best Javascript style guide? Our code is a mess because we're wildly inconsistent about things like like how much to indent each line. It's literally different in every function.

I'm thinking of setting up a linter. They have presets based on the coding standards of different companies. Specificially: Airbnb, Crockford, Google, Grunt, jQuery, MDCS, node-style-guide, Wikimedia, Wordpress, Yandex


I think the Airbnb one is pretty awesome, I was also influenced quite heavily by Crockfords style guide mainly because I was using JSLint which enforced that. Later I switched to JSHint at which point I cut out the things I didn't like in Crockfords one.


Got accepted into my co-op program so things are looking up. Almost finished up my website and I've joined a programming group where I'll be working on a UE4 game for iOS. Even though I'm still looking for work, things are much better than I initially thought they'd be.


Can anyone help me out with this SQl query I trying do. I'm using select statements on the same table twice. I wanted to compare the essn from the table dependent with the ssn from the table employee.(that works fine ) but when I continue down to compare the superssn() to the ssn I'm getting the incorrect results.

select em.lname,em.fname
from employee e join 
dependent d on e.ssn = d.essn join
 employee em on em.superssn =e.ssn
 where d.dependent_name = 'joy'


I wonder - what is the best learning resource for JavaScript in your opinion? I have programming knowledge and books that are highly recommended are for programming beginners.


Who do you think has the best Javascript style guide? Our code is a mess because we're wildly inconsistent about things like like how much to indent each line. It's literally different in every function.

I'm thinking of setting up a linter. They have presets based on the coding standards of different companies. Specificially: Airbnb, Crockford, Google, Grunt, jQuery, MDCS, node-style-guide, Wikimedia, Wordpress, Yandex


It's the one your colleagues use ;) It's hard to convince programmers to adapt a new style, so best thing is to find a style guide with different persons.

Personally, I'm very Crockford-shaped. I don't use jslint anymore, because I need ES6 and JSX support, but I really like my code clean and at least written in the same "art style" throughout a project.

The Airbnb guide looks really good, though. Will definitely have a look at this when I find some time.

I wonder - what is the best learning resource for JavaScript in your opinion? I have programming knowledge and books that are highly recommended are for programming beginners.

I did not read it but hear lot's of good things about this one:



Can anyone help me out with this SQl query I trying do. I'm using select statements on the same table twice. I wanted to compare the essn from the table dependent with the ssn from the table employee.(that works fine ) but when I continue down to compare the superssn() to the ssn I'm getting the incorrect results.

select em.lname,em.fname
from employee e join 
dependent d on e.ssn = d.essn 
join employee em on em.superssn =e.ssn
 where d.dependent_name = 'joy'

I'm not sure I've ever seen a join from a table back to the same table. Can you restate your goal for the query? I don't really understand what you're trying to do, but I think joining a table to itself is probably not ever necessary.

edit: NM, maybe this isn't as weird as I thought. It seems like you just want to select the employee details along with the details of any dependents (comes from dependent table) and their supervisor (comes from the same employees table). It looks like the general format of the query is right. Maybe try left outer joins rather than just joins?


I'm not sure I've ever seen a join from a table back to the same table. Can you restate your goal for the query? I don't really understand what you're trying to do, but I think joining a table to itself is probably not ever necessary.

edit: NM, maybe this isn't as weird as I thought. It seems like you just want to select the employee details along with the details of any dependents (comes from dependent table) and their supervisor (comes from the same employees table). It looks like the general format of the query is right. Maybe try left outer joins rather than just joins?

Yep that's about it. I'm comparing data from dependent table essn to the employee table ssn. Then I use the results I got and take its superssn and compare it to the employee table again and find the another match. I tried the left outer join but It gave me the same results.
Yep that's about it. I'm comparing data from dependent table essn to the employee table ssn. Then I use the results I got and take its superssn and compare it to the employee table again and find the another match. I tried the left outer join but It gave me the same results.

I'm confused. Why don't you just add the extra condition to the where clause?

The first join guarantees that employee.ssn == dependent.essn.
The second join guarantees employee.superssn = employee.ssn.

You don't need a join for the second part.

select e.lname,e.fname
from employee e join 
dependent d on e.ssn = d.essn 
 where d.dependent_name = 'joy'
 and e.ssn = e.superssn


^ I'm still confused about the expected output. The original query makes it look like he's wanting supervisor level employees who have dependents named Joy.

So that would be
select e.lname, e.fname
from employee e 
join dependent d on e.ssn = d.essn
where d.dependent_name = 'joy' and e.ssn in (select superssn from employee)


What do you guys think about Aspect-Oriented Programming?

I had to do a school assignment about AspectJS and AOP in general, and the more I think about it, the more interesting this whole thing seems. This presentation specially, seem to address some of the issues I saw while doing some research, and makes AOP sounds promising.
having a problem right now (C). i'm using input and output redirection (stdin and stdout) and I want to parse through a file and tokenize a block of code like this:

BLAH R1, R2 #this is blah it does this
LOAD DATA1 #this loads DATA1
ADDR R2, R1 #this does this

etc. etc.

how would I use the delimiters in strtok to tokenize everything in that block except for the comments after the # sign

right now I've been using strtok(x, " ,#"); but this is obviously including everything after the # sign as well.

basically I want to pull in BLAH R1, R2 and everything like that and nothing else.

oh and i established char x[500] (this was just a random large buffer size for the char array)

fgets (x, 500, stdin);


having a problem right now (C). i'm using input and output redirection (stdin and stdout) and I want to parse through a file and tokenize a block of code like this:

how would I use the delimiters in strtok to tokenize everything in that block except for the comments after the # sign

right now I've been using strtok(x, " ,#"); but this is obviously including everything after the # sign as well.

basically I want to pull in BLAH R1, R2 and everything like that and nothing else.

oh and i established char x[500] (this was just a random large buffer size for the char array)

fgets (x, 500, stdin);

? Why not just use the first token and discard the rest?
having a problem right now (C). i'm using input and output redirection (stdin and stdout) and I want to parse through a file and tokenize a block of code like this:

how would I use the delimiters in strtok to tokenize everything in that block except for the comments after the # sign

right now I've been using strtok(x, " ,#"); but this is obviously including everything after the # sign as well.

basically I want to pull in BLAH R1, R2 and everything like that and nothing else.

oh and i established char x[500] (this was just a random large buffer size for the char array)

fgets (x, 500, stdin);

Technically speaking tokenizing a character stream is performed by a Lexical Analyzer, not a Parser per se. If you are making use of search engines, then search for information about lexical analysis, it would return more useful information than a search of Parsers.

The simplest and possibly quickest(in terms of writing the code, not performance of the code) would be to simply look at every character in the input stream and decide based on its value what to do with it. This means abandoning strtok and using something like getchar.

I was bored, so here is a bare bones lexer (that makes a bunch of assumptions about your grammar). Zero warranty and no guarantee yada yada.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> /* memcpy */
#include <ctype.h> /* isalpha, isalnum, isspace */

enum token_type {


struct token {
  int type;
  size_t size;
  char *buffer;

static struct token *lex_next_token() {
  char c = 0;
  while(c != EOF) {
    c = getchar();
    /* skip whitespace. */
      c = getchar();
    if(isalpha(c)) {      
      /* we have an identifier. valid identifiers start with alphabetic characters */
      char ident_buffer[256];
      size_t count = 0;

      /* all alphanumeric characters are valid in identifier body. */
      while(isalnum(c)) {
	ident_buffer[count] = c;
	c = getchar();

      struct token *new_token = (struct token *)malloc(sizeof(struct token));
      new_token->type = TokenIdent;
      new_token->size = count;
      new_token->buffer = (char *)malloc(count * sizeof(char));
      memcpy(new_token->buffer, ident_buffer, count);

      return new_token;
    if(c == '#') {
      /* we have a comment. skip until we hit a newline. */
      do {
	c = getchar();
      } while(c != '\n');

  struct token *error_token = (struct token *)malloc(sizeof(struct token));
  error_token->type = TokenError;
  error_token->size = 0;
  error_token->buffer = NULL;

  return error_token;

int main() {

  struct token *tok = NULL;

  do {
    /* avoid leaking tok */
    if(tok != NULL) {
      if(tok->buffer != NULL)


    tok = lex_next_token();
    switch(tok->type) {
      case TokenIdent: printf("Identifier: %s\n", tok->buffer); break;
      case TokenComma: printf("Comma\n"); break;
      case TokenError: printf("Error encountered\n"); break;
      case TokenUnkown: printf("Unkown token type returned"); break;
      default: break; /* never reached */

  } while(tok->type != TokenError && tok->type != TokenUnkown);


One thing I always find is worth pointing out for people handwriting lexers is that the C runtime library already provides a bunch of useful functions for determining the value of a character. isspace, isalpha, isalnum, isdigit for example.


Anyone familiar with JavaFX?

I have a list of "Rectangle" elements from my FXML file that are referenced in one of my .java files like this:

@FXML private Rectangle rect_top_left, rect_top_right, rect_bot_left, rect_bot_right;

I use the .setFill(value) function on each of them throughout my code, but it's getting a bit tedious. ie:


Is it possible to reference these variables into some sort of array and have it so that a change to any of the rect variables similarly changes the elements in the array?

I tried adding these lines, but it didn't work (FXML load exception when I try to .setFill):
	private Rectangle[] rectangles = new Rectangle[] {rect_top_left, rect_top_right, rect_bot_left, rect_bot_right};
	for(Rectangle r : rectangles){


Hey guys,

I'm more or less a programming noob, having tried to get into Java and Android programming through various books and online courses and gave up twice in the last two years. Now I'm working my way through the bitfountain course (about half way through) and I started a side project to start coding by myself. Lacking the experience and a whole lot of knowledge, I come to you for advice.

So, I'm making a dice throwing app and one of the activities is gonna be a custom dice throw, where you can add/remove custom sided dice from the collection and then throw all of them at once (maybe later individually too).

As of now, I've created a die object, succesfully implemented the buttons that add/remove a die (well, only the last die for now) from an arraylist, but the whole thing is done by programatically adding/removing textviews (for testing, later imageviews) in the most crude way possible with a few elseif and for statements. This brings me all sort of problems with styling the textviews and just seems redundant.

Is there a way to make an object have its own UI object and remove one with the other? Or at least a smarter way of going about this that I'm not thinking of?

Thanks for any suggestions!
Oh wow man, that is an immense amount of help. Thanks giantenemycrab I'll be sure to never attack your weak point for massive damage

I was planning on inserting the tokens into a linked list or array once I managed to parse through them, you just killed two birds with one stone tho. I figure I can maybe insert those tokens one by one in the list within the switch statement in the main function of ur lex analyzer

I'm gonna get some rest and try it out when I wake up
Oh wow man, that is an immense amount of help. Thanks giantenemycrab I'll be sure to never attack your weak point for massive damage

I was planning on inserting the tokens into a linked list or array once I managed to parse through them, you just killed two birds with one stone tho. I figure I can maybe insert those tokens one by one in the list within the switch statement in the main function of ur lex analyzer

I'm gonna get some rest and try it out when I wake up

This area of computer science is rich in excellent literature. This book in particular has good coverage of a wide range of topics around lexical analysis, semantic analysis (parsing) and optimization. I presume you are exploring these areas due to an interest in compilation, or perhaps its homework. Either way, its a great text, and well worth reading.
it's for homework. i'm not taking a compiling course but this information seems quite important to my future studies so thanks for the link, will read up on that book soon enough.


Could someone please recommend me a library for Socket programming in Java?

For a university course, I have to develop a small, networked game in a team of three. The game should run a server, and multiple clients should be able to play together. It has to be in Java.
We decided to implement the communication with plain old sockets, which I do have some experience with, but I was wondering whether there's libraries that would make it more convenient.

Searching on Google led me to Netty and Apache MINA, so I'm gonna check those out.


Could someone please recommend me a library for Socket programming in Java?

For a university course, I have to develop a small, networked game in a team of three. The game should run a server, and multiple clients should be able to play together. It has to be in Java.
We decided to implement the communication with plain old sockets, which I do have some experience with, but I was wondering whether there's libraries that would make it more convenient.

Searching on Google led me to Netty and Apache MINA, so I'm gonna check those out.
JeroMQ which is the Java implementation of ZMQ. I'm working with that myself so I could give you some pointers on that should you need any. JMS I guess as well but it's not really aimed for low latency I think. Also a bit more work to set up for simpler use cases.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Quick question:

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

     int = 0;
     while (argv[1][i] == argv[2][i++] {
          if (argv[1][i] == '\0') {
               printf("%d\n", i);
               return 0;
          if (argv[2][i] == '\0') {
               printf("%d\n", i);
               return 0;
return 0;

What is happening here?

argv[] is an array of POINTERS to strings, right? Not a matrix.

So what is he doing exactly with the argv[1] notation (that's used for matrices)?

Is it a technique (that I've never seen) used to acess the i-th element of the string that's POINTED to by the 1st element of argv[] or is it something else?


Quick question:

What is happening here?

argv[] is an array of POINTERS to strings, right? Not a matrix.

So what is he doing exactly with the argv[1] notation (that's used for matrices)?

Is it a technique (that I've never seen) used to acess the i-th element of the string that's POINTED to by the 1st element of argv[] or is it something else?

In C, strings are just char arrays and arrays are just a pointer to a contiguous set of memory beginning at the 0th element.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
In C, strings are just char arrays and arrays are just a pointer to a contiguous set of memory beginning at the 0th element.

Yes I know. So you can basically think of a array of pointers to strings as a matrix and move in it as you would do with one?


Yes I know. So you can basically think of a array of pointers to strings as a matrix and move in it as you would do with one?
This 'array of arrays' is jagged. Not every entry has the same length and the length information of each element is only accessible by reading until you hit a null byte.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
This 'array of arrays' is jagged. Not every entry has the same length and the length information of each element is only accessible by reading until you hit a null byte.

Yes, obviously.

This was in an old exam I was exercising on, and the question was understanding what this program was doing. I had never seen that thing (never thought about it either, even if it's obvious really). Thanks for confirming what I though! ahah


Yes I know. So you can basically think of a array of pointers to strings as a matrix and move in it as you would do with one?

Consider also that argv is often represented as a double pointer (**argv). In both cases, there are two levels of indirection between argv and any character value it holds. Hence why accessing a single character takes two bracketed indices.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Consider also that argv is often represented as a double pointer (**argv). In both cases, there are two levels of indirection between argv and any character value it holds. Hence why accessing a single character takes two bracketed indices.

Yes, in this case it's declared as *argv[], which is equivalent to **argv (pointer to pointer to char) right? Which is also equivalent to argv[][].


Anyone able to offer any thoughts on sending email (c#/tsql).

Essentially in my application users can signup for notifications and be sent either immediately, a day before or a week before an email containing relevant information.

Trying to figure out the best way to send all these emails.

users signup via c# webforms .net application. Im thinking of having a separate console application which runs every x minutes / hours and checks a view/sproc in the database for what emails it needs to send and to who.

Is there a big performance issue if i send individual emails to each subscriber or should i the best i can batch them up so that where possible everyone who will receive the same text will be in the same email just bcc'd in?



Yes, in this case it's declared as *argv[], which is equivalent to **argv (pointer to pointer to char) right? Which is also equivalent to argv[][].

It's been a while but I think there are some gotchas around star bracket vs star star. Sorry- wish I could remember them off the top of my head.


It's been a while but I think there are some gotchas around star bracket vs star star. Sorry- wish I could remember them off the top of my head.
In other circumstances they do behave differently, but to my knowledge, they're 100% identical when they're function parameters.


Got a question for ProgrammingGAF. Will be studying Computer Science in uni starting this year and I'm looking to get a laptop for university. Granted considering I'm a student and won't have unlimited funds, I'd like to have something that'll last and won't require me to replace within a year.

Looking around, the quintessential "student" laptop, especially for ease of use when programming, is the Macbook Air/Pro. With a budget of below $2000, I'm definitely considering getting one but not sure which one exactly. The Macbook Air seems decent but then there's the fact that for a little bit more, I could get something more powerful and with a higher resolution, the Pro. But with the Pro, I have the option between two sizes, 13" and 15".

Will a 13" Macbook Pro be suitable enough for programming and other general student needs or should I spend more and opt for the 15"? Anything else I should know when getting a Macbook?


Got a question for ProgrammingGAF. Will be studying Computer Science in uni starting this year and I'm looking to get a laptop for university. Granted considering I'm a student and won't have unlimited funds, I'd like to have something that'll last and won't require me to replace within a year.

Looking around, the quintessential "student" laptop, especially for ease of use when programming, is the Macbook Air/Pro. With a budget of below $2000, I'm definitely considering getting one but not sure which one exactly. The Macbook Air seems decent but then there's the fact that for a little bit more, I could get something more powerful and with a higher resolution, the Pro. But with the Pro, I have the option between two sizes, 13" and 15".

Will a 13" Macbook Pro be suitable enough for programming and other general student needs or should I spend more and opt for the 15"? Anything else I should know when getting a Macbook?

13" Pro should work perfectly fine for all your needs. The battery life is good(albeit not as good as the Air), and the power boost over the Air is nice, especially when you're running a VM or Parallels. I've been using my 13" Pro for a little over a year now for programming and network stuff along with all my regular schoolwork and it's worked great.

Sucks for gaming, but that's why I have my desktop! Can at least play Hearthstone.


Got a question for ProgrammingGAF. Will be studying Computer Science in uni starting this year and I'm looking to get a laptop for university. Granted considering I'm a student and won't have unlimited funds, I'd like to have something that'll last and won't require me to replace within a year.

Looking around, the quintessential "student" laptop, especially for ease of use when programming, is the Macbook Air/Pro. With a budget of below $2000, I'm definitely considering getting one but not sure which one exactly. The Macbook Air seems decent but then there's the fact that for a little bit more, I could get something more powerful and with a higher resolution, the Pro. But with the Pro, I have the option between two sizes, 13" and 15".

Will a 13" Macbook Pro be suitable enough for programming and other general student needs or should I spend more and opt for the 15"? Anything else I should know when getting a Macbook?

Programming can easily be done on a netbook (granted it'll probably need Linux), so I think you'll be fine on any MBP :p


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Got a question for ProgrammingGAF. Will be studying Computer Science in uni starting this year and I'm looking to get a laptop for university. Granted considering I'm a student and won't have unlimited funds, I'd like to have something that'll last and won't require me to replace within a year.

Looking around, the quintessential "student" laptop, especially for ease of use when programming, is the Macbook Air/Pro. With a budget of below $2000, I'm definitely considering getting one but not sure which one exactly. The Macbook Air seems decent but then there's the fact that for a little bit more, I could get something more powerful and with a higher resolution, the Pro. But with the Pro, I have the option between two sizes, 13" and 15".

Will a 13" Macbook Pro be suitable enough for programming and other general student needs or should I spend more and opt for the 15"? Anything else I should know when getting a Macbook?

I bought a 400$ laptop and I can code on it just fine. And do everything else too! The only problem is that at 17" it's a bit too big IMHO.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
It's been a while but I think there are some gotchas around star bracket vs star star. Sorry- wish I could remember them off the top of my head.

** is a pointer to pointer, while *p[] is a pointer to an array of pointer. Which is different yeah (might be the same too though, if ** is pointing to an array).

In other circumstances they do behave differently, but to my knowledge, they're 100% identical when they're function parameters.

This too, since array are seen as pointers when passed to a function, *p[] it's turned to **p.


Got a question for ProgrammingGAF. Will be studying Computer Science in uni starting this year and I'm looking to get a laptop for university. Granted considering I'm a student and won't have unlimited funds, I'd like to have something that'll last and won't require me to replace within a year.

Looking around, the quintessential "student" laptop, especially for ease of use when programming, is the Macbook Air/Pro. With a budget of below $2000, I'm definitely considering getting one but not sure which one exactly. The Macbook Air seems decent but then there's the fact that for a little bit more, I could get something more powerful and with a higher resolution, the Pro. But with the Pro, I have the option between two sizes, 13" and 15".

Will a 13" Macbook Pro be suitable enough for programming and other general student needs or should I spend more and opt for the 15"? Anything else I should know when getting a Macbook?
The 13" Air has served me well in CS studies. I have even taught a game programming course with it. The additional performance of the 13" Pro is not relevant, but I'd still get the Pro for the much nicer, higher resolution display. That would have been handy a number of times, mostly for specialized stuff outside core CS curriculum though.

Between the 13" and the 15" Pro, the reason to favor the 13" is how portable it is. The 13" machines just disappear in shoulder bag so I never leave the Air at home, and so it would be with the 13" MBP. 13" is also a handier size to use in tight spaces like lecture halls, in public transport, even while lounging in sofas and such; the agility difference to the 15" is much larger in practice than you'd expect on paper. On the other hand, if you are the type that carries a backpack everywhere anyway, then the 15" isn't much harder to carry. It does give you significantly more screen space but is more of a "desk use only" machine. Again, you don't need the extra performance. I think the price premium of the 15" is much harder to justify.


but I'd still get the Pro for the much nicer, higher resolution display.

I feel like the value of having a nice display is often over looked. Our job is to write and read text on computer screens for hours at a time.
I know when I upgraded to even just a 1080p display the difference was huge when writing code. Hopefully my next laptop will have 2560x1440....


I want to keep up with the wwdc videos online this year. anyone know when they go up on the dev site? I also read that the wwdc iOS app won't get every video - will they be on the web?


I think the Airbnb one is pretty awesome, I was also influenced quite heavily by Crockfords style guide mainly because I was using JSLint which enforced that. Later I switched to JSHint at which point I cut out the things I didn't like in Crockfords one.
Thanks. We went with the airbnb standard. What was it that you didn't like about Crockfords?
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