Does it get easier?
I constantly worry if this is just the bare basics, and that further classes/learning will go right over my head. I am improving with Python, but I can't tell if it's normal progression or slow going.
There are people in class who say they've done programming for a living and claiming the professor isn't explaining things well. I do feel he needs to dumb down things more, and he also creates these sudden rule shifts that throw me out of a loop (for instance, he claimed he couldn't open my email with the last assignment because he got a virus warning, so I have to deliver it directly in class).
Well, sure it gets easier in the sense that it took me about half a second to figure out your problem. I guessed what it was before I even looked at the code
Programming is as much experience as it is studying. You can read 100 books about something, but there's no substitute for getting your hands dirty. That's why there's people who are probably in your class aceing everything. It's not that they're smarter, it's that they've probably been tinkering with programming and computers since they were kids.
I'm not saying that's necessary in order to be successful, the point is just that it takes time. It's not for people who want an easy pass through college. But then again, the fields that pay well never are. If something was easy and it paid well and didn't require luck to be successful, everyone would do it, right?
In any event, I need to take that code and have it search via binary algorithm. I'll start searching/trying it myself, but if anyone immediately knows how to do that it would save me time.
I think this would be doing you a disservice, and as such I hope nobody else answers your question for you. Not trying to be rude, but you said you wanted it to get easier. But as I've already explained, there's no substitute for experience, practice, and discovering on your own. So if you want it to get easier, you need to struggle through it. That doesn't mean people can't help, but certainly just telling you how to do everything without you first struggling a little on your is not going to get you any closer to this stuff being easier for you.