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Programming |OT| C is better than C++! No, C++ is better than C


On the second question, I can tell you a few compilers will print out "foo()". You're right in that the spec says its undefined, but the compile can translate pA->foo to _A_foo( pA ). Since you don't access this or any member variables, it doesnt trigger the access violations.
Wow that's dumb. I really hate that language.


Getting a bit old these days but I always recommend Bruce Eckels "thinking in..." Books for any body starting out in c++ or java.
I'm not really starting out though, I'd rather not go through the whole beginner course again... I guess my question is really, what can I do now that I finished a beginner's book, yet I really don't feel ready to start downloading/looking at libraries and coding projects with purpose?

I mean, I could try coding small projects designed to utilize what I learned (I'm sorta doing it right now in the meantime), but it doesn't feel like I'm getting anywhere. Especially when the only guideline I have to know that I'm doing it right is.. that it works.


I'm not really starting out though, I'd rather not go through the whole beginner course again... I guess my question is really, what can I do now that I finished a beginner's book, yet I really don't feel ready to start downloading/looking at libraries and coding projects with purpose?

I mean, I could try coding small projects designed to utilize what I learned (I'm sorta doing it right now in the meantime), but it doesn't feel like I'm getting anywhere. Especially when the only guideline I have to know that I'm doing it right is.. that it works.

The most essential Java book IMO is the 2nd Edition of Effective Java by Joshua Bloch. It is very well written and as thorough as it gets. Joshua Bloch, by the way, worked on the implementation of the Collections API. It answers some fundamental questions like the right way to implement compareTo(), hashCode(), equals(), how to use Generics and Enums, and it gives just good general guidelines on how to program well.

It also doesn't hurt to know your way around the Java Language Specification. It's not something to read cover to cover, but it's good to skim it and know your way around it, in case you need an answer on some core features. Java in a Nutshell is good for that too, but it's a bit outdated now as the last edition is about Java 5.

Since your interest seems like projects in general, an intersting book would be Java Power Tools. It's somewhat outdated also but it's actually still really nice. It covers the whole stack of tools a well run outfit would use: version control, build tool, code metrics measurement, code "sanitiser" (not the real term, I just invented this), testing, etc. A couple of tools covered in the book: Ant, Maven, Checkstyle, JMeter, JUnit, Hudson (==Jenkins), Eclipse TPTP.

Oh and learn to do/work/manage unit tests in your flow if you still haven't. It can be a hassle but it really does change everything.
What's the Best 'C' book to learn from?


By the creators themselves:


The most essential Java book IMO is the 2nd Edition of Effective Java by Joshua Bloch. It is very well written and as thorough as it gets. Joshua Bloch, by the way, worked on the implementation of the Collections API. It answers some fundamental questions like the right way to implement compareTo(), hashCode(), equals(), how to use Generics and Enums, and it gives just good general guidelines on how to program well.

It also doesn't hurt to know your way around the Java Language Specification. It's not something to read cover to cover, but it's good to skim it and know your way around it, in case you need an answer on some core features. Java in a Nutshell is good for that too, but it's a bit outdated now as the last edition is about Java 5.

Since your interest seems like projects in general, an intersting book would be Java Power Tools. It's somewhat outdated also but it's actually still really nice. It covers the whole stack of tools a well run outfit would use: version control, build tool, code metrics measurement, code "sanitiser" (not the real term, I just invented this), testing, etc. A couple of tools covered in the book: Ant, Maven, Checkstyle, JMeter, JUnit, Hudson (==Jenkins), Eclipse TPTP.

Oh and learn to do/work/manage unit tests in your flow if you still haven't. It can be a hassle but it really does change everything.
Whoa, thanks a lot! I'll at least peek into all of them. Also I have no clue what that last sentence means.


Anyone here have recommendations for Latex for their technical documents? Never really messed with it and would like to know suggestions for editors and that kind of thing from people who use it. Seems like editors that build quickly in a side view are helpful in the longer docs?

Also anyone have good tips on learning how to use tools effectively? Be they debug tools or other features. I feel it's something I could really improve is knowing how to use tools, IDEs, etc. have so many features that would probably speed up and better my work if I knew how to use them, and some times even just know they were there.


Whoa, thanks a lot! I'll at least peek into all of them. Also I have no clue what that last sentence means.

Glad you appreciate it! Sorry about that last sentence. English is not my first language. I'll try to explain what I meant by the bolded above.

I'm just recommending that you learn to make unit tests a habit that's as natural to your programming tasks as breaking down a problem into working code. I don't want to sound preachy or anything. I am really not a model programmer. But if you're just starting out, I think it's a great time to make it a habit of testing what you can often, so that it gets easier enough that it is not a burden on your day to day programming.

Unit testing is like saving money. Everyone knows they have to do it, but no one does it. It's boring but it's also what makes a difference in the long run. And it's when those tests save your butt that you realise how valuable they are.

Personnally, it has helped me to develop code that is easier to be used by others. It's also helped me immensely in refactoring and in load testing. And honestly, I don't even use JUnit yet. I have the dummest duckt tape setup you could think of. The objective for me is to write the damn tests and removing JUnit from the equation reduces the barrier to entry, if you will.

Here's a good page on unit testing (and it's on the one thru original wiki at that!): http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?TestDrivenDevelopment
The JUnit site: http://junit.sourceforge.net/

And a link to download the java spec: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/


Glad you appreciate it! Sorry about that last sentence. English is not my first language. I'll try to explain what I meant by the bolded above.

I'm just recommending that you learn to make unit tests a habit that's as natural to your programming tasks as breaking down a problem into working code. I don't want to sound preachy or anything. I am really not a model programmer. But if you're just starting out, I think it's a great time to make it a habit of testing what you can often, so that it gets easier enough that it is not a burden on your day to day programming.

Unit testing is like saving money. Everyone knows they have to do it, but no one does it. It's boring but it's also what makes a difference in the long run. And it's when those tests save your butt that you realise how valuable they are.

Personnally, it has helped me to develop code that is easier to be used by others. It's also helped me immensely in refactoring and in load testing. And honestly, I don't even use JUnit yet. I have the dummest duckt tape setup you could think of. The objective for me is to write the damn tests and removing JUnit from the equation reduces the barrier to entry, if you will.

Here's a good page on unit testing (and it's on the one thru original wiki at that!): http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?TestDrivenDevelopment
The JUnit site: http://junit.sourceforge.net/

And a link to download the java spec: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/

Also learn Mockito. It's awesome.



Glad you appreciate it! Sorry about that last sentence. English is not my first language. I'll try to explain what I meant by the bolded above.

I'm just recommending that you learn to make unit tests a habit that's as natural to your programming tasks as breaking down a problem into working code. I don't want to sound preachy or anything. I am really not a model programmer. But if you're just starting out, I think it's a great time to make it a habit of testing what you can often, so that it gets easier enough that it is not a burden on your day to day programming.

Unit testing is like saving money. Everyone knows they have to do it, but no one does it. It's boring but it's also what makes a difference in the long run. And it's when those tests save your butt that you realise how valuable they are.

Personnally, it has helped me to develop code that is easier to be used by others. It's also helped me immensely in refactoring and in load testing. And honestly, I don't even use JUnit yet. I have the dummest duckt tape setup you could think of. The objective for me is to write the damn tests and removing JUnit from the equation reduces the barrier to entry, if you will.

Here's a good page on unit testing (and it's on the one thru original wiki at that!): http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?TestDrivenDevelopment
The JUnit site: http://junit.sourceforge.net/

And a link to download the java spec: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/

Also learn Mockito. It's awesome.


Thanks for the information! I watched this video recently on testing, and it seems a lot more important to write testable code that I had thought. Been programming in Java for a bit over 6 months now so I figure it's time to start learning to write that kind of code.

okay thanks, I've seen others use it but never really checked it out myself. Seems like it could be quite useful.

It's beyond useful; it's imperative to any project with more than two people involved. Even if you're doing a project yourself, it's always handy to be able to go back to a previous version at any moment.


It's beyond useful; it's imperative to any project with more than two people involved. Even if you're doing a project yourself, it's always handy to be able to go back to a previous version at any moment.

Well I almost ruined a friendship with some over poor version control (actually it was more him not doing his fair share, but he did more damage than help). They kept fucking things up by editing a file I already had open and stuff. Hopefully this will resolve all of that.


he's Virgin Tight™
How well does jQuery mix with ASP? Gotta create a small web site for my work and I was doing it old school VB.NET style but jQuery has me intrigued enough to go that route.


How well does jQuery mix with ASP? Gotta create a small web site for my work and I was doing it old school VB.NET style but jQuery has me intrigued enough to go that route.
It mixes fine. Go with ASP.NET's MVC if you can.



Does anybody have any recommendations for a good data structures and algorithms book? I'd like to apply that knowledge with my knowledge in object-oriented programming languages like Objective-C and Java.


Does anybody have any recommendations for a good data structures and algorithms book? I'd like to apply that knowledge with my knowledge in object-oriented programming languages like Objective-C and Java.


If you want books where the focus is on application look for the following:

- I heard about this book when I was in college, but my school didn't use it. I haven't read it personally but if I was to get a data structures book focusing on Java, this is what I would get. Don't be fooled by the title, it is actually a data structures book.

The Algorithm Design Manual - This book was recommended to me as preparation for interviews with Microsoft and Amazon. It covers algorithms in a more practical approach as opposed to other more theory heavy books (see below).

If you are more interested in theory and have a very strong mathematical background look for the following:

Introduction to Algorithms - This was the required book in my Algorithms class. The closest thing to a bible we have in Computer Science. I'm not kidding. This book covers pretty much everything. It dives deep into the analysis of algorithms and shows detailed proofs. Undergrads hate it, but grad students and professors love it.


Glad you appreciate it! Sorry about that last sentence. English is not my first language. I'll try to explain what I meant by the bolded above.

I'm just recommending that you learn to make unit tests a habit that's as natural to your programming tasks as breaking down a problem into working code. I don't want to sound preachy or anything. I am really not a model programmer. But if you're just starting out, I think it's a great time to make it a habit of testing what you can often, so that it gets easier enough that it is not a burden on your day to day programming.

Unit testing is like saving money. Everyone knows they have to do it, but no one does it. It's boring but it's also what makes a difference in the long run. And it's when those tests save your butt that you realise how valuable they are.

Personnally, it has helped me to develop code that is easier to be used by others. It's also helped me immensely in refactoring and in load testing. And honestly, I don't even use JUnit yet. I have the dummest duckt tape setup you could think of. The objective for me is to write the damn tests and removing JUnit from the equation reduces the barrier to entry, if you will.

Here's a good page on unit testing (and it's on the one thru original wiki at that!): http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?TestDrivenDevelopment
The JUnit site: http://junit.sourceforge.net/

And a link to download the java spec: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/

Also learn Mockito. It's awesome.

Hmm alright, I think I get it. Not sure yet what I'm supposed to do different since in the little I'm doing, I test practically every time I do anything ever. I guess bad workflows only show their stinky butt on bigger projects and I haven't had a chance to slip it yet. Will check this out in detail!
Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out the logic behind this simple Java code. I've tested it and it outputs 55 times but I don't understand exactly why. It's a problem I'm working on by the way, so I didn't write the code. If anyone could explain to me exactly how this works, I'd be very appreciative! the code:

for (int j=0; j < 10; j++)
  for (k=10; k > j; k--)
Hey guys, I'm trying to figure out the logic behind this simple Java code. I've tested it and it outputs 55 times but I don't understand exactly why. It's a problem I'm working on by the way, so I didn't write the code. If anyone could explain to me exactly how this works, I'd be very appreciative!

With each iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop iterates one less time than it did before. So, the output line gets executed 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 times, 55 in total.

Edit: For future reference, you should think about what kind of additions you can make to the code to make its workings more apparent. For example, in this case, adding a newline character at the end of the outer loop would let you see how many times the inner loop had run compared to the outer one.
With each iteration of the outer loop, the inner loop iterates one less time than it did before. So, the output line gets executed 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 times, 55 in total.

Edit: For future reference, you should think about what kind of additions you can make to the code to make its workings more apparent. For example, in this case, adding a newline character at the end of the outer loop would let you see how many times the inner loop had run compared to the outer one.

Got it, that makes perfect sense. Thank you, and good advice as well.


I downloaded this QT C++ example guide but I am not sure how I am supposed to use the example code. I have the .pro, .cpp, and makefiles but I'm not sure how to get them compiled with Qt Creator on Windows 7. Does the Qt Creator program have some terminal for me to use something called "Qmake" with?

The guide's download page that I am referencing: http://www.informit.com/store/c-plus-plus-gui-programming-with-qt4-9780132354165

Anyone have an idea on how to set this up? Setting this kind of stuff up is often my downfall in taking initiative; I want to beat the hump!


For C, how would you write code so that the program would only continue to function if you press the enter key? Sort of like a press enter to continue situation.


For C, how would you write code so that the program would only continue to function if you press the enter key? Sort of like a press enter to continue situation.


From stdio.h (alternatively cstdio for C++) : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/getchar/

edit: This would be for *any* key. If you wanted to handle exclusively the enter key, then you would need to test the result of getchar() (an integer ascii value) against the value for the enter key in a loop. Something like:

while (getchar() != '\n'); (I believe '\n' is the ascii value for enter, though you could just use the integer code)

From stdio.h (alternatively cstdio for C++) : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/getchar/

edit: This would be for *any* key. If you wanted to handle exclusively the enter key, then you would need to test the result of getchar() (an integer ascii value) against the value for the enter key in a loop. Something like:

while (getchar() != '\n'); (I believe '\n' is the ascii value for enter, though you could just use the integer code)

I can't get the function to work. How is it specifically implemented? This function was never taught to us in class.


I can't get the function to work. How is it specifically implemented? This function was never taught to us in class.

What is your error, exactly? The site I linked is predominantly for C++, but stdio (standard i/o) header is available for C projects by way of including <stdio.h> in C, or <cstdio> in C++. There is an example code snippet there of using it, and I tested the loop:

while (getchar() != '\n'); // getchar() returns an integer assigned to the keyboard key entered

Which seems to work fine.

edit: This may help. More information on getchar(). http://rabbit.eng.miami.edu/class/een218/getchar.html Remember to do a #include <stdio.h>.
What is your error, exactly? The site I linked is predominantly for C++, but stdio (standard i/o) header is available for C projects by way of including <stdio.h> in C, or <cstdio> in C++. There is an example code snippet there of using it, and I tested the loop:

while (getchar() != '\n'); // getchar() returns an integer assigned to the keyboard key entered

Which seems to work fine.

edit: This may help. More information on getchar(). http://rabbit.eng.miami.edu/class/een218/getchar.html Remember to do a #include <stdio.h>.

Hmm, still not working. My program is completely ignoring the code, I have had the stdio header and everything. I even copied the code in your link, but still it just gets ignored.


I downloaded this QT C++ example guide but I am not sure how I am supposed to use the example code. I have the .pro, .cpp, and makefiles but I'm not sure how to get them compiled with Qt Creator on Windows 7. Does the Qt Creator program have some terminal for me to use something called "Qmake" with?

The guide's download page that I am referencing: http://www.informit.com/store/c-plus-plus-gui-programming-with-qt4-9780132354165

Anyone have an idea on how to set this up? Setting this kind of stuff up is often my downfall in taking initiative; I want to beat the hump!

I think you might have screwed up your project configuration. Those CONFIG warnings seem strange.

1. delete the current directory tree for those examples.
2. extract the tree from the .zip again
3. don't bother opening examples.pro
4. open age.pro
5. build->run
6. repeat steps 4 & 5 for any other examples you want to check out (substituting the other subdirectory's .pro for age.pro)

If you encounter errors, post again with the new error. The QHBoxLayout error might mean you have other problems, but we can cross that bridge when we come to it.

I got the examples working, so I can probably take you through the whole process.


Hmm, still not working. My program is completely ignoring the code, I have had the stdio header and everything. I even copied the code in your link, but still it just gets ignored.

Oh right. my bad

Are you taking input before this point in the program? It could be possible that getchar is reading an enter keystroke
Are you sure your program is in fact getting to that point in the code? if it is executing then you should probably check to see what it thinks it's doing using a debugger or possibly just have it put the output of getchar to the stdout with the magic of putchar

so something like
char c;
c = putchar(getchar()); //putchar returns the character it wrote when it is successful
}while(c != '\n')
Hi all,

In my class we're dealing a lot with recursion. While I feel as though I understand the concept, could anybody provide (or direct me to) an example that doesn't use Fibonacci or factorial numbers? We're using C if that helps.

Also, Sublime Text looks great but is there an advantage to using an editor like that over the one built into Visual Studio?

Thank you!


Hi all,

In my class we're dealing a lot with recursion. While I feel as though I understand the concept, could anybody provide (or direct me to) an example that doesn't use Fibonacci or factorial numbers? We're using C if that helps.

Also, Sublime Text looks great but is there an advantage to using an editor like that over the one built into Visual Studio?

Thank you!

Just google "Recursion Examples"


Hi all,

In my class we're dealing a lot with recursion. While I feel as though I understand the concept, could anybody provide (or direct me to) an example that doesn't use Fibonacci or factorial numbers? We're using C if that helps.

Also, Sublime Text looks great but is there an advantage to using an editor like that over the one built into Visual Studio?

Thank you!

One recent example where I've used recursion is to enumerate all possible combinations of m integers between 1 and n (i.e. n choose m).

See if you can write a program that will print all combinations of 3 positive numbers less than 5, with all the numbers in each combination sorted in ascending order.
Hi all,

In my class we're dealing a lot with recursion. While I feel as though I understand the concept, could anybody provide (or direct me to) an example that doesn't use Fibonacci or factorial numbers? We're using C if that helps.

Also, Sublime Text looks great but is there an advantage to using an editor like that over the one built into Visual Studio?

Thank you!

I threw together a quick implementation of QuickSort in C for you to take a look at. It's probably not the greatest implementation but it works for the single test case I tried it on and is maybe a more practical example of how you might use recursion for problems that are easily expressed in that way.

Essentially with Quicksort, you want to organise a list into elements that are less than some "pivot" value and greater than the pivot. Then you know that the pivot value is in it's correct position and you can quicksort the left and right partitions of the array.

#include "stdio.h"
#include "stdlib.h"

void quicksort(int* array, int lower, int upper)
    //if we are at the end point, we're done, do nothing
    //this is the recursive base case
    if (upper - lower <= 1)

    //choose a pivot, just use last item, it's easiest
    int lower_index = lower;
    int upper_index = upper - 1;
    int pivot = array[upper_index];
    int i = 0;
    int temp = 0;

    for (i = lower; i < upper - 1; ++i)
        if (array[i] <= pivot) //then swap
            temp = array[i];
            array[i] = array[lower_index];
            array[lower_index] = temp;

    //once we're done iterating, throw pivot element into it's final place
    temp = array[upper_index];
    array[upper_index] = array[lower_index];
    array[lower_index] = temp;

    //call quicksort again on list lower and higher than pivot
    quicksort(array, 0, lower_index - 1);
    quicksort(array, lower_index + 1, upper);

int main()
    int i;
    int length = 8;
    int array[] = {10, 6, 4, 2, 7, 8, 9, 1};

    printf("%s ", "Sorting the list: ");
    for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
        printf("%i ", array[i]);

    quicksort(array, 0, length);

    printf("\n%s ", "Sorted result: ");
    for (i = 0; i < length; ++i)
        printf("%i ", array[i]);


Sorting the list: 10 6 4 2 7 8 9 1
Sorted result: 1 2 4 6 7 8 9 10

Let me know if you have any questions about the implementation.


In my class we're dealing a lot with recursion. While I feel as though I understand the concept, could anybody provide (or direct me to) an example that doesn't use Fibonacci or factorial numbers? We're using C if that helps.

Here's a (condensed) search algorithm of mine that looks for files with a specific extension. It's C#, but the general idea should be clear:

public final int MaxDepth = 3; //Constant variable

//Call SearchSubdirs("C:\Windows",0);
private void SearchSubdirs(string currentDir, int currentDepth) {
    string[] exeFiles = Directory.GetFiles(currentDir, "*.exe");            

    foreach (string currentFile in exeFiles) {
        Console.WriteLine("Found file: "+currentFile);                

	if (currentDepth < MaxDepth) {
		foreach (string subDir in Directory.GetDirectories(currentDir)) {
			SearchSubdirs(subDir, currentDepth);

If the desired maximum folder depth isn't reached yet, the function is called again, but looks this time for files in the subfolders of current directory. And then for files in the subfolders of those subfolders...

Also, Sublime Text looks great but is there an advantage to using an editor like that over the one built into Visual Studio?

They usually have some nifty functions, like more sophisticated search/replace, macros, an own programmable API or an overall simpler UI. But you usually can't debug without an external debugger and they are less tailored to a specific programming language. I personally prefer an actual IDE for projects larger than some homeworks, but for learning a language or some quick writing, they are usually fine. Might be different for scripting languages though.


Here's a (condensed) search algorithm of mine that looks for files with a specific extension. It's C#, but the general idea should be clear:
Directory.GetFiles() has an overload which takes a SearchOption. SearchOption is an enum with 2 values: TopDirectoryOnly and AllDirectories. So you can search all subdirectories that way, although you don't get an option for a limited depth.

Just saying :)

In my class we're dealing a lot with recursion. While I feel as though I understand the concept, could anybody provide (or direct me to) an example that doesn't use Fibonacci or factorial numbers? We're using C if that helps.
One classic example is Graph Traversal
Also, Sublime Text looks great but is there an advantage to using an editor like that over the one built into Visual Studio?
Visual Studio is better for most cases. I guess some advantages are that it's smaller, cheaper, more portable, etc.


Directory.GetFiles() has an overload which takes a SearchOption. SearchOption is an enum with 2 values: TopDirectoryOnly and AllDirectories. So you can search all subdirectories that way, although you don't get an option for a limited depth.

Just saying.

Yes, I know. But I wrote that specifically to support variable depth, since the user can choose to which extend a partition/folder will be searched to save time.


Yes, I know. But I wrote that specifically to support variable depth, since the user can choose to which extend a partition/folder will be searched to save time.
I figured. I just thought I'd mention it because I used a very similar recursive function that I wrote for over a year before I found that overload. I felt so dumb haha.


I figured. I just thought I'd mention it because I used a very similar recursive function that I wrote for over a year before I found that overload. I felt so dumb haha.

When I first read about that overload I was a bit baffled that they didn't include an option to actually specify the depth. There are a lot of functions in the C# library that make you "Oh nice, I don't have to write that stuff myself", but in this case an "no subdirectory or all of them" is so easy to implement manually, the overload seemed kind of pointless (but useful) to me.

My actual implementation also looks a bit different, I'm using Directory.EnumerateDirectories and Directory.EnumerateFiles along with yield statements to save some memory if the user cancels the search prematurely.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Quick question to you guys: at what age did you start coding?

I took a programming class when I was only 15 or 16 and it didn't click with me.

Now I'm nearly 28 and I took another crack at it last year and it's coming along great. I feel like another few months of hard work and I'll be able to start coding professionally. The only thing is that I feel I've wasted so many years NOT learning this stuff, when it turns out that all I needed was the right teacher to make me love learning it all. I'm excited at the prospects of doing this professionally, but I feel like a (relative) dinosaur to my peers. Anyone else start coding this late in life and find success with it?
Quick question to you guys: at what age did you start coding?

I took a programming class when I was only 15 or 16 and it didn't click with me.

Now I'm nearly 28 and I took another crack at it last year and it's coming along great. I feel like another few months of hard work and I'll be able to start coding professionally. The only thing is that I feel I've wasted so many years NOT learning this stuff, when it turns out that all I needed was the right teacher to make me love learning it all. I'm excited at the prospects of doing this professionally, but I feel like a (relative) dinosaur to my peers. Anyone else start coding this late in life and find success with it?
I started at 24 and I'm 25.


I have a test in C on wednesday, and I don't think I'll make it.

If I have to repeat, I'm gonna bug you guys with stupid questions all through the semester.


Quick question to you guys: at what age did you start coding?

I took a programming class when I was only 15 or 16 and it didn't click with me.

Now I'm nearly 28 and I took another crack at it last year and it's coming along great. I feel like another few months of hard work and I'll be able to start coding professionally. The only thing is that I feel I've wasted so many years NOT learning this stuff, when it turns out that all I needed was the right teacher to make me love learning it all. I'm excited at the prospects of doing this professionally, but I feel like a (relative) dinosaur to my peers. Anyone else start coding this late in life and find success with it?

It's really never too late to start learning this stuff. If you're finding it easier now than it was, it probably has a lot to do with your level of maturity now relative to where you were; Programming is a craft, a science, and requires a lot of discipline. That said, you'll always be a dinosaur with respect to someone else -- get that competitiveness out of sight and mind and just start soaking it in.

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
If you're finding it easier now than it was, it probably has a lot to do with your level of maturity now relative to where you were; Programming is a craft, a science, and requires a lot of discipline.

You nailed it. Only until recently did I develop a sense of self-discipline.

That said, you'll always be a dinosaur with respect to someone else -- get that competitiveness out of sight and mind and just start soaking it in.

Nailed it again. I think about a few of my friends who are guru's out there, so far ahead of me and I just get driven to "get there" and hit their stride. I don't think I'll ever get my competitiveness completely out of sight, but maybe I could use a little more zenhabits in my life.

Thanks Spoo, really appreciate your 2 cents.
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