Date of Lies said:
Right, but we do have people saying they know more and exerpt power over all other believers.
True, but that happens with pretty much anything. Your teachers or professors do that all the time.
For Catholics, the Pope can never be contradicted in whatever he says, he holds the truer knowledge above all others, atleast to the catholic community. But where does that come from? The Bible?
Your talking about the idea of Papal Infallibility here. I think at least. I personally do not agree with papal infallibilty, but I have studied it a bit. According to Catholicism, its not as bad as it seems, and is only "Infallable" when the pope speaks "ex cathedra", which is not very much. In addition, for something to be infallably proclaimed by the pope, it has to be agreed on also by a majority of the cardinals beneath the pope. Here is a good catholic webpage describing what this means:
What about when the Vatican gave out tickets to heaven in exchange for donation money?
I think Martin Luthor took care of that about 500 years ago. The church was wrong then.
What about when Pie XII almost approved Hitler and even did the nazi salut upon his arrival?
Once again, the church was wrong.
I've first-hand read a speach given to colonial cardinals about to invade africa to use religion as a way to passify the blacks, telling them to embrace poverty while their lands are stripped of everything valuable. Telling them to endure the injustices commited by the colonials and not to rebel against them because that would be the "un-christian" thing to do. Telling them to "turn the other cheek" while their country gets raped.
I have not heard of this, but if it was done specifically in the context, and with the meaning that you say it was done in, then of course, it was wrong.
And on top of this, on his last visit to Africa, the Pope still condemed the use of codoms and other preservatives when the country is being ravaged by aids.
I may somewhat disagree with the popes stance on contraceptive birth control, but really, the problem here is not allowing the use of condoms, but the extreme sexual promiscuity going around in Africa. I think that is the bigger problem, not the non-use of condoms cause of what the pope says. I mean, if you go around having lots of sex, why would you listen to the what the pope says about condoms anyways?
I could go on with the inquisition,
When the church did it, that was wrong.
the conservatism that halted scientific advances for more than a millenia,
Sorry, but this is just plain false. If anything, the Christian faith made science what it is today. Do not let the last 150 years of the conflict between science and religion cause you to assumme that that is how it has always been, because it has not. I actually just did a presentation on this very topic in my Evolutionary Biology class, so all the research is fresh on my mind. I'd recommend the book "Christianity on Trial," the 3rd chapter where it spends considerable time analyzing the history between science and Christianity. Barnes and Noble usually has it, if you get a chance to stop by.
the sin repenting in exchange for money (cardinals could kill any layman and be forgiven for 15 piastres, and if he killed more than one on the same day, it's still 15 piastres),
Once again, i have never heard of that happening, but if it is true, then of course it is wrong.
Not to get into a huge discussion on this topic, but you seem to be assumming that homosexuality is a good thing. I simply cannot agree with that, the same way i see no-fault divorce as a bad thing, adultery as a bad thing, and anything else that is a sin against God as a bad thing.
I dont understand how being anti-communist is bad. To much of the world, the fall of Russian communism was a good thing.
anti-feminism (the woman is still nothing more than a matrone in the church, and the Pope pushed back any ideas of her being anything more),
I think here you are first assumming that what is current and popular (feminism) is also good, when that is not always true. Second, you completly seem to be disregarding the biblical teachings on this subject. And if you even did regard them, I am confident that you would probably misrepresent them anyways, as most people do. But, here is what I always say to the many people who like to bring up this subject: The Bible declares that, before God, men and women are equally valued. Genesis declares that they were both created in the very image of God, so they automatically have inherent worth.
Now, here is where the conflict arises. What the Bible also puts forth is that men and women have different roles. Only men are allowed to be ministers/priests. Husbands are called to be leaders of their households. In no way does this deminish a woman's inherent value, all it does is designate seperate roles, etc.
Of course, that is extremely politically incorrect. But so what? Of course, modern culture usually has it all backwards anyways. It assummes that the only way to be of worth is to be strong, assertive, active, in control of yourself and others, etc. But from a biblical perspective, the exact opposite is true. It is better to be humble then it is to be prideful. The best example is Jesus Christ. He was willingly submissive to God the Father, even to the point of his own death. Taking that further, Jesus Christ, who was also God in the flesh (known as God the Son) humbled himself so much as to remove himself from the throne of heaven, and dwell among mankind. Think about that for a moment. A holy God willingly living among a sinful people, and ultimatly, allowing these same people to put him to death. If that isnt humbleness, then I dont know what is. It is the humble people, not the prideful, that God is pleased by.
anti-democratic (NO ONE can speak against the Pope or even question him).
So what? The US military is the same way. Just because something is not democratic does not make it a bad thing. But, I disagree with your initial premise anyways. Many times throughout history people have disagreed with the pope. Henry the 8th is a good example, so is our current president, concerning the war in Iraq. But perhaps you mean within the Catholic Church. But then I again ask, so what? The whole point of the pope is to have a leader of the Catholic Church, someone the cardinals choose to be an authority over themselves. That is the whole idea of a leader, isnt it? Popular opinion is not always the best or right choice to make, and it takes a real leader to make the really hard decisions, some which will obviously anger some people. But, democracies aren't free from these problems either.
I guess all in all, my problem is not with the religion but it's followers, but it's very much to the point where religion should not exist simply because of it's believers and human nature.
Yes, most people I seem to meet have this problem as well. The church (all Christians throughout all time) were never said to be perfectm, as you can see, and their imperfection does not at all prove, or even suggest, that the actual Christian faith, as it is according to the Bible, is false.
You seem to like to point out all the bad things, but have you forgotten all the good? I can promise you, Christianity has done more good for the world, then it has done bad, and if I may make a bold claim, I will say that nothing else has ever benefited humanity more then Christianity. Some may disagree, I am sure, but then I'd just ask, what thing has shown itself to be better then Christianity?
Alright, enough for now, even though I just did it the other night, I must go to sleep once again for another day.