Thought I'd share my early days with the PS1. I first read about it in magazines back in 1994-1995, but I didn't get to play one until late '95 in a local Toys R Us. It stood at the end of a long aisle facing the front of the store next to a Saturn which also stood at the end of it's own aisle. So there I was looking at 2 next gen systems, one with a demo of Virtua Fighter, and one with an entire demo disc. I played them both, but in the end I wasn't overly impressed by Virtua Fighter, but I was captivated by a cool new game called Wipeout. Holy shit that was a game changer for me.
So in early January 1996, I drove to Sears (I had just gotten a credit card there) and bought my Playstation. I picked Ridge Racer as my first game. As impressed by Wipeout as I was, I had been reading about Ridge Racer for about a year and I had to have it immediately.
So I drove home with my new swag, so excited to tear into it. This was upstate New York in the middle of winter. It was the middle of the day, but it was dark and overcast. Though there was no snow on the ground, there was a huge wind storm happening, and I remember dodging fallen branches in the road as I made my way back home.
I finally made it home only to be greeted by the news that the power was out. And the power would remain out for the rest of the day. Here I was with my new Playstation, so fucking eager to play it, the situation mocking me. In the end that became a memorable day for me, but at the time it really sucked. The power
finally came back the following day and I played my new system for hours and hours.
I didn't just play Ridge Racer, I also played with the demo disc that came with the system. The same demo that Toys R Us kiosk had featured.
The actual game/demo from the purchase of my system
That demo disc sold me on a shit load of games. Though only a few were playable like Wipeout (it also had playable demos of Jumping Flash, Battle Arena Toshinden, and ESPN Extreme) but it sold me on games like Warhawk, Destruction Derby, and Twisted Metal. I played the ever loving shit out of that demo, and to this day I have fond memories of it.
In the first few days following my new purchase, I would find myself buying Wipeout and Warhawk, and renting a shitload of games including Destruction Derby, Road & Track Presents: The Need For Speed, and Kileak the DNA Imperative. I rented them numerous times but eventually bought them all.
Road & Track Presents: The Need For Speed
Later that year I would be fortunate enough to play games like Resident Evil and Tomb Raider, and gaming was never the same for me again. I'd been playing games since Pong, but the appeal of video games were starting to wane. The Playstation changed all of that for me and it remains my favorite game system of all time.