Very good. You have to set the system to output the sound in the settings though.
Yeah but after that initial time, all you have to do is plug in the headphones and it will go straight through the headphones. It's flawless.
Very good. You have to set the system to output the sound in the settings though.
Well I think the idea is that you'd have all friends using their real names lol
Yep, once I was finally able to log in, I've been playing Killzone matches with no problems at all.
I'm jealous of all of you with good download speeds. The 1.5 update download was lightning fast, but since then, it's been PS3 levels of slow for me.
Warframe has been downloading for almost 2 hours and only 1.5 gigs has downloaded.
Is it just me or is the ps4 loud? Especially the disk drive and fans. Sounds like my pc
Got ya.I only got that when running a disc based game
Same.For what it is worth I've noticed that the fan noise is significantly louder/more noticeable when vertical for whatever reason.
Horizontal it is very quiet.
Unless I'm going completely mad, (I haven't slept yet).
Here's my PSN if anyone wants. Want to break through the 100 limit lol
Yeah but after that initial time, all you have to do is plug in the headphones and it will go straight through the headphones. It's flawless.![]()
Glad to hear that the most people have good first impressions (some people will always have problems of course, but the majority seems to really enjoy the machine).
Of course these are really early impressions, but I'm even more hyped for the EU-release now.
So, I hate to ask, but early last night 2-3 people mentioned broken consoles. It seems like those are gone now. Not widespread?
If I update my HDD, do I need to have a FW update on a USB stick or will the drive go into stock OS mode?
I don't have a USB storage device right now.
So, I hate to ask, but early last night 2-3 people mentioned broken consoles. It seems like those are gone now. Not widespread?
So people were saying the update was 308MB but the PS4 actually says the update is 323MB. I wonder if they put a different version up?
Ok so I set my profile to only show my PSN ID but when I go to my activity feed it shows my name next to everything. Is that only on my system or does everyone see that? Can someone check to see if it shows their name?
Ok so I set my profile to only show my PSN ID but when I go to my activity feed it shows my name next to everything. Is that only on my system or does everyone see that? Can someone check to see if it shows their name?
Don't feel like going to sleep at all, but damn my eyes are beyond fucked at this point. Played Resogun for about 90 minutes, played the first mission of BF4(IMMEDIATELY noticed the 60 good man), and one match of CoD Ghosts. Not a bad night of gaming at all.
Very satisfied with the interface. Seems a little bare bones, but I like that. Cut the shit and get to the point. And hurray for fast trophy syncs. I'm liking this generation already. Can't wait to spend all day tomorrow playing Battlefield and Knack(yes, knack.)
RIGGS! TELL THAT MOFO I MISS HIM AND I'M ASKING HIM WHY HE'S IGNORING ME!Was talking to Riggs while playing 2K14(Party chat ftw) and when I cursed after turning the ball over, the ref T'd me up lol..
Was talking to Riggs while playing 2K14(Party chat ftw) and when I cursed after turning the ball over, the ref T'd me up lol..
Man so excited. Obviously, its nerve wracking when connecting the PS4 to see if there's any issues. But none for me! Well actually, initially the OS was a bit wonky because of the PSN issues, but it seems to have cleared itself up at this time.
I do have a quick question, how will I know when the game is done installing? Well, I mean 100% installed...I'm sure the initial install is just enough to get you to play the game...but is there any indicator? I did notice a spinning circle when I suspended the game, but is that the installation indicator? Or is it just saying the app is currently open?
Thanks for the help guys, and have fun with your gaming![]()
I belive you can send someone request for thier real name too. Only shows between you and the other person.Oh ok good. Not the biggest deal but ya never know with dem stalkers.
Man so excited. Obviously, its nerve wracking when connecting the PS4 to see if there's any issues. But none for me! Well actually, initially the OS was a bit wonky because of the PSN issues, but it seems to have cleared itself up at this time.
I do have a quick question, how will I know when the game is done installing? Well, I mean 100% installed...I'm sure the initial install is just enough to get you to play the game...but is there any indicator? I did notice a spinning circle when I suspended the game, but is that the installation indicator? Or is it just saying the app is currently open?
Thanks for the help guys, and have fun with your gaming![]()
Wtf lol niicceee! Btw, did Klipp3d find a ps4??
As promised, the spines of three games; in order Battlefield 4, Assassin's Creed IV and Killzone Shadow Fall.
It looks like ACIV and Killzone match in size, with Battlefield 4 WAY shorter, but the ACIV color is different than the other two. It's as if someone forgot not to print using RGB.
Wtf lol niicceee! Btw, did Klipp3d find a ps4??
Anyone having issues with the controller light reflecting on there screens? Much ado about nothing?
Anyone having issues with the controller light reflecting on there screens? Much ado about nothing?
Got a few questions about using a PSN ID tied to a different region than your own.
Example: US PSN ID in Europe.
Do we know how/if that affects where from you end up downloading/streaming game/video content from that's available on PSN? Is PSN smart enough to check for closest available source or are you by virtue of having an US ID tied to American servers? How did it behave on PS3?