Am I missing something or are there no demos or 1 hr trials? I could have sworn Cerney said they would let you try any game on the store a while back.
Watch it not work in 10 minutes.Huh, suddenly my PS4 works. Perhaps I just did not have the HDMI cord in all the way or something.
Glad to see the people with working PS4s talking about it.Battlefield's the graphics omg! Such smooth, many pixels, so explosion. Wow
Huh, suddenly my PS4 works. Perhaps I just did not have the HDMI cord in all the way or something.
Was able to restart it in safe mode, I reset everything to factory settings. Now doing the internet setup.
Of course the PS4 customer service would be full. .4% my ass. This is widespread..Sony shouldn't have rushed the launch to meet the needs of the customers.
Disk drive is kind of loud when it's loading but no worse than the PS3 slim, IMO. Otherwise it's audible but pretty quiet.
One thing that pisses me off. Why did Sony switch to Micro-USB for the controller cable? What was the reasoning here? So all my extra-long PS3 cables wouldn't work and I'd have to buy new ones? It's not like a phone where the device is so thin you really need it. The controller's bigger than last time for pete's sake. Grumble, grumble..
As someone with a high end PC, I'm not being blown away graphically. Games look good, but outside of physics/particle effects, I'm not really seeing anything I haven't seen before.
That being said, I'm loving the system. The UI, the responsiveness, and precision of the controller...I really can't fault the PS4 for much right now.
OR you could be part of the .04. Many of us on this forum will be part of that since we're the ones who pre-order the earliest and probably getting the first off the line.Of course the PS4 customer service would be full. .4% my ass. This is widespread..Sony shouldn't have rushed the launch to meet the needs of the customers.
The opposite. They said their wouldn't be 1 hour trials and from the way they made it sound they wouldn't be coming any time soon.Am I missing something or are there no demos or 1 hr trials? I could have sworn Cerney said they would let you try any game on the store a while back.
My GOD ,you guys are scaring the SHIT out of me, getting my console on Monday and I'm going to hook it up at the store before I take it home, I'm THAT paraoind(((
Of course the PS4 customer service would be full. .4% my ass. This is widespread..Sony shouldn't have rushed the launch to meet the needs of the customers.
I'll ask one more time just in case.
Does anyone have the link to download the update to a USB drive?
According to Sony PSN is experiencing extremely high traffic at the moment.I typed in my sign in information after downloading the update and it's been saying "Please wait..." for over five minutes now. Is that normal?
about to start up Knack and figured I'd stream for you all
no voice because I'm recovering from dental surgery (this also explains if I do anything weird)
That's exactly what I got lolAw, here we go.
Wait.. hasn't it always been microusb?
Best quality stream iv seen so far, all others were on twitch so far though... whats the obsession with twitch if Ustream has that quality.
Yah really high quality stream. Nice.about to start up Knack and figured I'd stream for you all
no voice because I'm recovering from dental surgery (this also explains if I do anything weird)
alright, its been three fucking hours and Im still only able to play the default game on 2k14 owing to it still installing. Three hours and its barely even halfway done? what is this?'ll ask one more time just in case.
Does anyone have the link to download the update to a USB drive?
Yeah, at this point it's seeming pretty significant. Yes, people who are having problems are more likely to speak up than people who aren't, but still.It really does seem like the hardware issues might be a bigger problem than what was expected yesterday.
disc or download? mine didn't go over an hour for disc to install.
I feel really stupid - but, I'm on the second level of Resogun. And every time a human is about to be free (when their cell starts to glow), they keep dying. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I even sit right over them and they die. I kill everything around them, and it doesn't matter.
I'm guessing I missed something crucial. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?
I'm assuming people used a mixture of the HDMI cable included in the box or their own...all pretty nerve racking.
well I also have a really good FiOS internet connection and went into settings and changed the stream quality to best