I hope we finally get to see footage of Injustice on PS4 today
Ditto. I really just want to see of the game runs well.
Edit: Oh snap, Ground Zeroes in the house.
I hope we finally get to see footage of Injustice on PS4 today
Lineup for the review event from Greg Miller:
I am suprised to see that Child of Light is there. Hopefully that means we see some more footage soon.
Lineup for the review event from Greg Miller:
I am suprised to see that Child of Light is there. Hopefully that means we see some more footage soon.
Wait so they're supposed to review all of those games in the 2 days they're at the event?
If they haven't already, yes. It's the only opportunity for some sites.Wait so they're supposed to review all of those games in the 2 days they're at the event?
Wait so they're supposed to review all of those games in the 2 days they're at the event?
I think the reviews are just for the hardware and Sony's first party games. The other games are just there for demo purposes.
Is octodad a launch game? That'll be the first thing I download if so (after the day one update, of course)
My VISA was just charged 450 bucks...
i just realized how at the gate i figured i'd just get a ps4 and killzone to start off.
i now realize i have a ps4, killzone, knack, battlefield 4 (free with amazon b1g1), 30 day ps+, 12 month ps+, $10 store credit, 30 day music pass. not to mention ps3 crossover, f2p and PS+ games. all with launch day free shipping and no taxes on amazon.
woof. i feel like a prince.
Question: I've owned this thing since PS3 launch and works flawless recharging both Sixaxis and Dualshock3.
Any idea if it'll work with Dualshock4?
Lineup for the review event from Greg Miller:
Ditto. I really just want to see of the game runs well.
Edit: Oh snap, Ground Zeroes in the house.
Ground Zeroes WHAT??
Question: I've owned this thing since PS3 launch and works flawless recharging both Sixaxis and Dualshock3.
Any idea if it'll work with Dualshock4?
It should, Ds4 charges from my iPhone wall adaptor.
I'm assuming this hasn't been mentioned for next gen yet?
It has been announced for spring on ps3, ps4, 360 and xbone but I'm just surprised it will be at this event, is all.
In Czech Republic it doesn't launch till December 13th. Talk about a real hard wait.
I'm assuming this hasn't been mentioned for next gen yet?
Should work fine. DS4 can be charged from just about any USB source IIRC.
It has been announced for spring on ps3, ps4, 360 and xbone but I'm just surprised it will be at this event, is all.
Is octodad a launch game? That'll be the first thing I download if so (after the day one update, of course)
Did my part, and yes... that was a tasty fucking nail.
Two quick questions:
1. Will my Amazon PS4 console be shipped just the box of the PS4, or will it be in a second brown box to hide that it's the console?
2. Anyone know if there will be a bunch of demos on PSN on Friday? Any word on whether we'll be seeing more demos (closer to what Xbox Live has always offered) for the PS4?
Two quick questions:
1. Will my Amazon PS4 console be shipped just the box of the PS4, or will it be in a second brown box to hide that it's the console?
2. Anyone know if there will be a bunch of demos on PSN on Friday?
Like almost everyone who is posting here is buying Killzone with PS4. I know gaf doesn't represent the world but damn, Killzone attach ratio is going to be incredibly high.
Found this amusing Amazon user review for KZ4
5.0 out of 5 stars Eat Tacos, Win Big November 10, 2013
By M. Strileckis
Format:Video Game
Fun: 5.0 out of 5 stars
A good buddy of mine won the Taco Bell contest and received his console early and purchased this game. Now, to be clear I haven't actually played it, as he would not let me inside his house. But, I watched from afar, standing just outside his bedroom window. I peered in and watched his face light up as he played. The lighting was amazing. The devastation he felt when he died was conveyed straight through the double pane window and directly into to my soul. It burnt, but it was a good burn. I felt alive.
Lovely size image lol.
I don;t understand how people have nail like that, it makes me shudder thinking about stuff touching that part of my finger.
Found this amusing Amazon user review for KZ4
5.0 out of 5 stars Eat Tacos, Win Big November 10, 2013
By M. Strileckis
Format:Video Game
Fun: 5.0 out of 5 stars
A good buddy of mine won the Taco Bell contest and received his console early and purchased this game. Now, to be clear I haven't actually played it, as he would not let me inside his house. But, I watched from afar, standing just outside his bedroom window. I peered in and watched his face light up as he played. The lighting was amazing. The devastation he felt when he died was conveyed straight through the double pane window and directly into to my soul. It burnt, but it was a good burn. I felt alive.
This man needs to write the next Quantic Dream game.
Lineup for the review event from Greg Miller:
I am suprised to see that Child of Light is there. Hopefully that means we see some more footage soon.
Found this amusing Amazon user review for KZ4
5.0 out of 5 stars Eat Tacos, Win Big November 10, 2013
By M. Strileckis
Format:Video Game
Fun: 5.0 out of 5 stars
A good buddy of mine won the Taco Bell contest and received his console early and purchased this game. Now, to be clear I haven't actually played it, as he would not let me inside his house. But, I watched from afar, standing just outside his bedroom window. I peered in and watched his face light up as he played. The lighting was amazing. The devastation he felt when he died was conveyed straight through the double pane window and directly into to my soul. It burnt, but it was a good burn. I felt alive.