Captain Hero
The Spoiler Soldier

So Gaf .. After looking at the new Dualsense controller of PS5 for some time .. I’d like to suggest some features that may could be there and please don’t take it seriously I’m just trying hard to hit at least one ..
so let’s hit the road :
• Raise to Wake ( no need to push any button to start the controller , only while the console is on ) ..
• No vibration anymore but it will be
Vib-sense you will feel the explosion but the bar will light red and the buttons goes same color and you will feel a vibration in the lowest Degree ..
• small window screen for the battery percentage in the back ( as indicator for the battery life ) ..
• the light bar can be stopped form setting but every game using a new feature related to that light bar will notification you to either activate it or just let it be if you are not interested in that
• adjustable analogs ..
• I’d like to think that there is a feature related to the console “ standby mode “ .. as a gesture in the controller you did and it will go standby mode .. as a quick new way
• reachable voice command ( while in standby mode ) not related to controller but here I said it
• that create button will add the opportunity to comment over your clips without going to another app to edit .. beside other edit choices .. and you can add your clips to one of the categories.. one of them will be “ hand to the community “ here can help other players in a specific game for example puzzles or a boss you don’t know how to kill .. here you will look for the game you want and see many clips from other players
and that’s it for me ..
that’s my imagination for the Dualsense and ps5 .. what do you think ?