People going to PC in overwhelming numbers could damage gaming in several ways... large companies such as MS and Sony will no longer research hardware and make breakthroughs such as the SSD I/O.
Or bring tech like the Bluray or make decent quality VR experiences accessible and the headset more comfortable.
Then they will have no reason to invest in capital intensive games such as TLOU, GOW, Horizon etc etc..... they will figure they are better off to follow the EA / Activision models of making games full of MTX's and expansions and lootboxes.
That's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of the harm it could cause..... loads of developers would lose their jobs, contracts would be lost by small indies. Loads of really bad shit. Less competition and more reason for bad practice.
Now we have a good conversation

It is certainly something to think about as this generation moves on. I get the feeling that Sony WILL lean more towards a brand than hardware. I think they are going to feel the financials with PC releases with Sony brand to see how much money they could bring in. In short, yes, I'm thinking Sony is going the way of Microsoft as far as games are concerned.