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PSA for Quest 3, always manually select your guardian boundry.


Gold Member
Got yourself a new Quest 3? Excited to jump in so you throw it on and let the Quest auto select your Guardian? Immediately stop, back up, and manually draw out your boundry.

For some reason, the Quest has no issue with placing your boundry right up against walls and more importantly your TV. You are just asking for a broke hand or worse (for me at least) a busted television. In the heat of the action, you will undoubtedly cross your guardian. Always leave at least a foot of space between dangerous obstructions and your playspace. Remember, all it takes is one slip up.

For those wondering, yes I fucked up my hand a few years ago playing Echo VR. I imagine the people playing with me where ammused when my body collapsed like a sack of potatoes and I started cursing like a sailor. I also, narrowly avoided breaking my TV when my hand brushed up against the screen. Be careful out there.
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