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PSO on XBOX question. Help!

So I had this level 7 character on my friends Xbox that I wanted to take home. I tried to move it to the memory unit, but it just says "transferring data" for ages and nothing seems to happen. I figured it must have been done since I could still use the menus and stuff so I shut it down and took the MU home. When I got home, my char was nowhere to be found on the MU. There was a 96 block file on there, but my char wasn't in it.

So I started over. Now I've got another level 7 char that I wanna take to his house but again, I just get the "transferring data" thing that never seems to finish. Is it even possible to move chars to the MU? It MUST be since they made it look that way, but I can never get it to work. Maybe I'm not doing it right?


keeblerdrow said:
No. You cannot transfer characters on or off your XBox without any form of modding.

huuuuuuuh? Yes you can. You can transfer your characters temporarily to your Memory card and use it to play Multiplayer on another xbox but you will have to return the character to your own xbox later on.

I'm not sure what the problem with your transfer is but that happend to me once. Good thing it was only a storage character that had no weapons on him at the time. whew.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
When it says "Transferring Data" It means that your PSO character is on someones xbox/memory card.

You MUST return the character back to your xbox to make the transfer message go away.

You also need to select the "Move Character" option on his xbox to get your charcater off the MU to his xbox and it should come up.
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