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PSP... PS3, MemoryStick Duo... DualShock3?


I hope someone at sony has thought of this too, because being stuck with PS mem cards yet again would be a shame, and they're really missing an opportunity to just rape competing memory card makers with a mem stick + playstation double whammy.

Anyway, I had that PSP pack shot in my mind, with the cute playstation-black 32MB mem stick, and I got thinking: "Are they giving up on the PS mem cards with this?" Not that PSP is too small to house a PS mem card, that's not the issue, but cybershots and network walkmans dont come with "custom" branded 'sticks...

Now if they do abandon the PS mem card format (Yay!), I'd think a duo slot would be way too small to conveniently place on the machine (PS3) itself. it's the kind of thing 50% of the people would have to lookup in the manual upon not seeing the usual 2 memory slots over the controllers...

Duos are small, for portable devices...

Could we perhaps see a DualShock3 with a duo slot on it? If they could manage to cram one onto the PSP, there should be largely enough room on a relatively empty controller casing, and those radioshack mem card readers aren't exactly expensive, about 15 bucks canadian last I looked, wich means that other than the ridiculous premium Sony charges for their usb readers it's pretty darn cheap to make. Would it even be a good idea? I mean everyone has been doing it, except sony, since the N64... It's an idea that at least I'd be warm to what with the prospect of owning a PSP, getting a new cybershot eventually, and having to buy a PS3 for the eventual GT5, it'd be neat. imo.

And there's even the potential for free money for them. Since there wouldn't be a PS mem card slot on the machine, sony would be free to charge people who actually need it for a mem card-to-PS3 reader.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
If Sony doesn't do some form of the memstick on the PS3, especially knowing that the PSP users em, then they are simply gouging customers.

aoi tsuki

Sony's got MS mice (mice with MS readers on them) so it's a possibility. My worry would be cost. i don't to have want to pay $40 for a first party controller because it's got a Duo slot on it. i'd rather them just put a couple of MS Duo slots on the unit, and one memory card slot for legacy games.
I can guarantee you that PS3 will use memory stick. The question is whether it will still support the ps2 and ps1 memory cards. Hopefully it will.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
hmmm... seems easier to just add a mem stick port on the PS3 and "bright it up" like they did with the USB ports on the actual PS2.

I'm sure the next Dual Shock will be wireless on the go. And i don't know if the tecnology allows for data trasfers between the DS3 and the PS3.
Galian Beast said:
I can guarantee you that PS3 will use memory stick. The question is whether it will still support the ps2 and ps1 memory cards. Hopefully it will.

They're aiming for it to be BC, so its got to support those 2 memory cards also.

aoi tsuki

TTP said:
hmmm... seems easier to just add a mem stick port on the PS3 and "bright it up" like they did with the USB ports on the actual PS2.

I'm sure the next Dual Shock will be wireless on the go. And i don't know if the tecnology allows for data trasfers between the DS3 and the PS3.
It should, but the controller port would be a serious bottleneck.

SolidSnakex said:
They're aiming for it to be BC, so its got to support those 2 memory cards also.
Is there a need for two memory card slots though? The GC uses a memory card slot for the microphone. Is there a similar use on the PS2?
I'm sick of this sh*t. The GC destroyed whatever toleration of consumer pillaging bullshit ass portable memory I had. Internal HD or no sale from now on.


Son of Godzilla said:
I'm sick of this sh*t. The GC destroyed whatever toleration of consumer pillaging bullshit ass portable memory I had. Internal HD or no sale from now on.


I do agree to some extent. I am sick of buying a game, then start scrambling for memory card space after I find out it needs a lot of space I don't have. This is one of the things I love about the Xbox and hope MS doesn't throw away with Xbox 2.

Of course, for me, it doesn't determine whether I'll buy a console or not. :p


well if that SD memory card reader had come out, you wouldn't be this angry. see, normal mem cards > "special" console only cards.

aoi tsuki

mr2mike said:
well if that SD memory card reader had come out, you wouldn't be this angry. see, normal mem cards > "special" console only cards.
Games had to be written to take advantage of the reader. i think Animal Crossing + (or whatever it was called) and maybe another game actually used it. Nintendo wouldn't risk canabilizing their own memory card sales.

But i agree with Son of Godzilla. At first, one Memory Card 59 comfortably saved files from ten games. Then i got a Memory Card 251 for SSBM snapshots. i eventually got another Memory Card 251 for some more games. Now i've got files strewn across four cards (including the one that came with Animal Crossing), some are locked and can't be moved (F-Zero GX) which means i'm stuck switching cards when i want to play certain games. It would also be nice if developers would read from both slots at startup so that card swapping wouldn't be as necessary.


well that's almost as if it didn't come out: dont sell it to 2/3rd of the world and dont support it...

and about the price thing, a DS2 is 25 bucks at EB, a controller S with them 2 slots is 30 bucks. that's not so bad.

And while looking at controllers I realised the GC doesn't have a memory slot on the controller. I said everybody does it since the N64 but that's because I remembered the lump under the GC pad as a slot, and not the rumble motor... I just so rarely play GC afterall...


mr2mike said:
Now if they do abandon the PS mem card format (Yay!), I'd think a duo slot would be way too small to conveniently place on the machine (PS3) itself. it's the kind of thing 50% of the people would have to lookup in the manual upon not seeing the usual 2 memory slots over the controllers...

Almost all high end Sony screens have a memory stick slot, as well as item like PSX, DVD recorders etc.. Having a slot in the PS3 would be no problem.
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