Cosmo Clock 21

Now with 10x the number of actual dragons.

Puzzle & Dragons is a free-to-play action puzzle RPG for smartphones. The game has an insane amount of depth considering how simple the game mechanics are, and is still going strong nearly four years after release. Download from the links below:

There are also versions for JP, KR, HK, and TW, but you probably aren't going to be downloading those if you are reading this.

No seriously, PAD is an insanely complex game, enough that you could call it an MMO. Players have written volumes about the game over the years.
The official website has a large number of video tutorials created by players to help you learn all the mechanics of the game. There are also a variety of written guides by the community if you prefer a text-based solution:
4chan Guide
SomethingAwful Guide
Wikia Guide
General Tips
Here's a few basic patterns for "solving" portions of the board for you to start learning. As you get more confident in your orb matching skills, you can chain techniques together for big combos and big damage.

At the end of the tutorial, you get one free pull on the Rare Egg Machine. If you are planning on playing the game for the long haul, some players recommend restarting your game until you get an "acceptable" rare monster. A good starter will help you bypass the early grindwall and help you launch into more interesting content sooner. "Rerolling" during Godfests, which typically occur at the start and middle of each month, can help cut the time spent not playing the game dramatically. The above guides cover what monsters you should reroll for.
It was once true that a good starting pull would be your ticket into endgame. This is no longer true: many catchup mechanics have been added to the game to help you reach the point where you can tackle new content as it releases; however endgame now requires teams consisted predominantly or solely of rare-egg-machine only monsters. Your first God is no longer an accurate predictor of the teams you'll be running months down the road, so don't sweat not having the best of the best. You'll gradually roll good monsters over time.

PADGuide is the essential companion app, providing schedules, monster stats, dungeon information, and more. Its primary benefit is allowing you to set alarms for guerilla dungeons. Android version
PadHerder helps you to manage and share your collection of monsters. Most of us prefer you link to your padherder when asking for advice rather than taking screenshots of your monster box. Android players can sometimes use PadListener to automatically sync your box instead of manually managing everything. iOS users... you're kinda shit outta luck unless you want to jump through a bunch of hoops with proxies and SSH certificates.
PuzzleAndDragonsX is the go-to website for news and information for the English versions of the game.
PADF is the largest English message board dedicated to PAD.

GAF Friends List
We maintain a (somewhat up-to-date) list of GAF players on this Google Doc. Add a GAF tag somewhere in your ingame name and feel free to send friend requests to any of us: using our OP endgame monsters, you can often trivialize parts of the game you wouldn't be able to tackle with pubbies.
Previous Threads
Puzzle & Dragons |OT| Pokemon + Bejeweled + Dungeon RPG on iOS/Android
Puzzle & Dragons |OT2| Don't Ask, Just Reroll
Puzzle & Dragons |OT3| Come for the rolls, stay for the trolls
Wall of Shame