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Quest for the Holy Relics: A NeoGAF DnD Play by Post Campaign

((Going to fast-track this so we get to some new material))

Much more confident in their approach thanks to the reconnaissance work done today, the party goes to bed with a sound plan in mind.

The next day, after breakfast, another brisk flight through the city brings them a good 10 blocks from the Watchers' Tower, hopefully far enough away to avoid arousing suspicion. After a not-too-unreasonable walk, they approach a different entrance to the tower, and they repeat the trick from the previous day; this time, Val and Quintus make sure to have ready access to additional Invisibility Potions if they're needed, and they keep them on their persons in such a way that the concoctions can be easily reached even without the benefit of seeing what they're doing. After reestablishing the telepathic bond, Val and Quintus follow another unsuspecting halfling inside.

Magically vaulting over the archway proves to be a trivial affair now that they're ready for it, and in less than 10 minutes after imbibing the Invisibility Potions, they once again find themselves outside the door of the office. This time, the door is closed.
((You could probably time it like that, yeah. It's basically an office building. Chances are that random people passing by won't even notice a door opening.

Even so, a Stealth check is probably appropriate for opening the door))

Mike M

Nick N
"Alright, let's go and get this over with."

Slowly -- painfully slowly -- Val tries to open the door as quietly as he can possibly manage, just wide enough to slip into the room, hopefully without raising the suspicion of anyone in the hall or in the room on the other side.

Stealth check:  1d20 + 7 = 25


bitch I'm taking calls.
Tarkus paces the alley where the pegasi are stationed, marching up and down the street passing by Sarm and Suvne with military regularity. Bristling with nervous energy he pauses to check the part of the tower visible in the sky, perhaps expecting it to explode or take off into the air in the event Val and Quin's mission goes wrong. He takes a break from pacing to kick the brick wall of a nearby building impatiently.
Sarm sits quietly against the wall of the structure keeping the party and their steeds hidden, finding himself watching Tarkus' behavior as time passes. The cleric finally becomes compelled to say something in attempt to inspire some confidence, "They were successful in coming back last time, I have faith that they can repeat themselves."
Val ever-so-carefully turns the doorknob, and notes the satisfying silence as the door creeps open, just barely wide enough for him and Quintus to slip in unnoticed.

Inside the room is the same halfling from yesterday, wearing either the same professional-style clothing, or a very similar outfit. Come to think of it, everything in this building is almost exactly the same as it was the day before; there seems to be a very powerful culture of routine in the Watchers' Tower.

The halfling is seated obliviously at his desk, but this time, instead of fiddling with the enchanted glass panel, he seems to be looking carefully through a stack of papers. He is still seated directly in front of the panel, though, and at present, it would be impossible to reach the screen without disturbing him.

He almost certainly has no idea that his office has just been breached.


Suvne is trying not to show it, but she is pretty obviously just as worried and uncomfortable as Tarkus. Rather than pacing about and kicking things, she has chosen to distract herself by showering the pegasi with attention, fulfilling her childhood fantasies as a convenient side effect. "You're magnificent creatures," she says idly, while carefully brushing a thick, healthy mane. "It is an honor to travel with you. Thank you for your help."

The pegasus affectionately nuzzles Suvne, as though to acknowledge her kind words.
Sarm observes the affection between the girl and the creature, and soon stands and dusts himself off, "It seems to think that way of you as well."

Mike M

Nick N
Val is tardily thinking that perhaps today would have been better spent observing their target's schedule and then striking accordingly the following day. Oh well, to late now, time to improvise...

"We need to get him away from that enchanted glass. Look for... I don't know, a pile of books to knock over or something... If we can get him out into the hallway, that's even better."
"We could do that... I have a better idea though."

Quintus casts a heightened charm person(level4) on the unsuspecting halfling. This of course means he is no longer invisible, but assuming her fails the dc 21 will save, the halfling will be glad to see him!
Before Val has an opportunity to comment, Quintus has already begun casting his spell, speaking aloud the appropriate syllables and shimmering back into view. The halfling whips his head around in momentary alarm, but as the mystical charms take effect, his expression broadens into a jovial grin.

"Why, hello!" the little man says in a high-pitched voice. "How do you do? My name is Hob. It's quite a pleasure, good sir!" He hops down from his chair and approaches Quintus, grabbing his hand and shaking vigorously for a man his size. "What brings you here today? Surely you've found yourself lost; I'm afraid this office isn't terribly exciting - especially for such a contemporary man-about-town as yourself! Oh, but it seems you're a bit under the weather; your skin looks dreadfully pallid. Do you require medical attention? I assure you that our facilities here within the Tower are among the finest in all of Sigil!"

((Quintus, if you ask Hob to do anything, roll a Charisma check just in case, as per the spell description for Charm Person))
"Alright Hob, nice meeting you. You know, I am feeling a bit under the weather, why don't you go talk to the doctors and I'll wait here."

Cha: (1d20+1=3)
((I really, really hope this somehow doesn't require a cha check...))
Hob raises his eyebrows skeptically. "Nonsense. I'll do a poor job of describing your malady without you also being there. I insist that you come with me so that we can have you properly looked over. Come on, then; I won't take no for an answer. My dearly departed pop-pop was always afraid of going to the doctor, and we never missed an appointment, so I assure you that you will not win this argument, good friend! By the way, it's occurred to me that I don't know your name! Perhaps you could tell me a bit about yourself while we're on the way! It's quite a long walk to the thirtieth floor, you know. I can't imagine whose idea it was to put the medical ward all the way up on the thirtieth floor, but who knows what goes on in the minds of those damned bureaucrats, am I right? Why, just the other day..."

Hob places a firm hand on the lower half of Quintus's back and eases him toward the door, and moves to open it. He never once stops talking; it seems that halflings have a truly astounding lung capacity.

Assuming that Quintus follows along with no resistance, this leaves Val all alone in the office, still entirely invisible.

((Val, if you decide to start working with the glass panel, give me a Use Magic Device check. It's alright if you aren't trained in it; your result will determine how easily you catch on to the controls))
"My plan to distract him has worked perfectly. You go ahead and change the route, let me know when you're done and... we'll figure out what to do from there."

Quintus also attempts to come up with a fake name, but with the way this halfling talks it looks like he will have plenty of time for that...

Mike M

Nick N
"Nicely done, Quintus. That worked out better than I could have imagined. Hopefully I'll wrap this up before you require extraction from the sick bay."

The moment Quintus and his new halfling helper friend have exited the room, Val turns his attention towards operating the magical glass screen to alter the route of the Lady of Pain on the appointed date and time. He got a good look at it yesterday, and it seemed intuitive enough, even though he hasn't the foggiest how such a device operates...

Use Magical Device Check: 1d20+3=22
((Dat cloak of charisma +6))
Perhaps Val ought to look into securing this job once he leaves the adventuring business, because he appears to be a natural at operating this contraption. It really is just as easy to him as the halfling operator made it appear; a touch of the fingers here and there is all that's needed to make this thing display all manner of useful data.

Chief among that data is the route of the Lady of Pain. It becomes clear fairly quickly that this halfling's job is to determine the optimal route for the caravan to take, based on the data acquired from those on the upper floors of the tower; the recommended routes are then transmitted to other workers, who review the suggestions and make modifications before sending the final transmission to the Caravan itself.

Val finds it easy enough to access the route three days' hence, and finds that if he touches any part of the red line representing the route, a convenient estimated time signature appears under the date. After taking a moment to work out how to actually change the route (which isn't terribly far off from the intended target; whoever charged the party with this task clearly had some measure of inside information), Val does exactly that, making sure to steer the caravan back to its original plotted route at the first non-suspicious opportunity.

It seems that Hob has only transmitted his preliminary recommendations for the next two days; the third day (which is the important one) has not yet been sent out. It is up to Val whether or not he wishes to pull that trigger.

Regardless, the whole affair takes approximately twenty minutes. Since he has been in constant telepathic communication with Quintus, he knows for a fact that the zombified wizard and his new Halfling friend have just entered the medical ward, and Hob is talking to the receptionist about setting up an appointment.


"...So you see," Hob concludes, "You must fit my friend in at the earliest opportunity. It's an emergency - just look at him!"

The receptionist is a human woman with plain features. She is mostly listening to Hob, but she can't seem to take her mildly horrified eyes off of Quintus. "And may I ask who you are, Sir? And what your business is here in the Tower...?"

Indeed, the receptionist's eyes are not the only pair that has settled in on Quintus; the handful of people in the waiting room are all looking at him uneasily.

"I told you," Hob insists, "He is a very close personal friend of mine! We just met in my office, you see, and..."

Hob continues from there, clearly oblivious to the fact that his story sounds glaringly suspicious to everyone else around him.

Mike M

Nick N
Val's fingers dance across the surface of the enchanted glass as all manner useful details and utilities spring up at his every touch. It seems a trivial affair to alter the course as needed, though he notes with disappointment that Hob's role to play seems simply to be offer a recommended course that receives further review. Inwardly hoping that the lumbering bureaucracy is not so nimble as to notice either the slight change or that Hob seemingly submitted it while he actually away with Quintus, Val pulls the trigger and submits the course for three days out.

It's out of his hands now.

Slipping out into the hallway, he navigates to the central staircase unseen and begins his ascent to the thirtieth floor.

"I'm done down here, on my way up to you. What's your status?"
"Yes, of course," the receptionist says warily. "It's right there. I'll schedule something with a doctor as soon as possible." She points Quintus to a door while simultaneously picking up one of those strange devices used to communicate with others far away.

Inside the door are some of the cleanest, most amazing toiletry facilities Quintus has ever seen; apparently, indoor plumbing is a thing here in this tower. There are no alternate exits, save down through the drains of the toilet and sink, but presumably Quintus isn't quite THAT desperate yet.

((Timing is important here, so be mindful of it as you decide what to do next. Also, again, if you try teleporting, tell me your target destination and give me a caster level check))

Mike M

Nick N
((What can Val do about the invisibility thing? Can he cancel it before the potion wears off, or is he stuck with it unless someone cancels it with magic?))

Mike M

Nick N
"Quintus, listen to me very carefully. You are here under the escort of one Art Vandelay in Route Analytics. You became separated, you asked Hob for help, he took you here. He seems erratic and frankly you were afraid not following his lead would have provoked him. I'll take it from there when I arrive."
"Well, I was just about to teleport back to that room so we could leave, but I suppose that would be suspicious... If you think you plan is better though, then alright. You better hurry though, they just called the doctor to check on my 'condition'."

Mike M

Nick N
((Val will end the invisibility effect at any point he's not directly being observed before he reaches the sick bay floor.))

"Presuming there's not already some ward or detection spell against teleporting in place, such events would attract unwanted attention to Hob's office and work. Let's give this idea a shot before we torpedo the whole endeavor in our escape attempt."
Quintus takes a deep breath, realizes that is kinda pointless in his current condition and exits the restroom, hopefully finding Hobs pauses for at least for a second.

"Anyways, I'll try to explain the situation as best I can. I am here under the escort of one Art Vandelay in Route Analytics. We became separated and I asked Hob for help, then he took me here. He seemed erratic and frankly I was afraid not following his lead would have provoked him."
When Quintus steps outside of the bathroom, he finds an anthropomorphic rhinoceros, outfitted identically to the gatekeepers outside, staring at him. Off to the side he sees Hob being escorted further into the medical ward by a nurse.

"Sir," the rhino-man says after Quintus spouts out his rehearsed line, "I'm going to have to ask you to come with me."

If Quintus doesn't resist, the rhino-man puts a firm grip on his arm and leads him down a nearby hallway. There is a turn into a big room. One wall of the room is covered with mirrors, each apparently the focus of a Scrying spell that seems to be watching a different remote location; all of them show scenes from other parts of the Tower.

The corner of the big room is subdivided into a much smaller, plain room, which contains a table and two chairs facing one another. On the table is one of those long-distance communication devices. The rhino-man seats Quintus at one chair, and then sits down at the other.

"What is your name, how do you know this Art Vandelay, why were you under his escort, what is your business in this tower, and why are you currently undead, Sir?"

Val is still a good 10 minutes away; 5, if he doesn't care about making a scene by breaking into a full run.

((Keep in mind that this plays out much differently if Quintus decides to resist. That said, it's safe to assume that if he doesn't resist, Quintus would be reporting every detail of this to Val as it transpires, and immediately mentally repeating each question as they come, so if you see this first Val, you can try feeding Quintus answers))

Mike M

Nick N
((Presuming Quintus cooperates))

Val alters course from heading toward the sick bay and starts making his way to what he presumes is the security office of the tower. Outwardly wearing a face of the studied impassiveness of a small, anonymous cog in the clockwork of incalculable bureaucracy, Val is inwardly subjecting Quintus to a tirade of nervous expletives between feeding him lines.

"Play as dumb as you can. Art sought you out, asked you to assist as a consultant. You'd never met him before that. Said he just needed your expertise on the dark arts for one day."
Quintus does his best to follow Val's instructions, but deception (at least of the mundane variety) is hardly his forte, and he clumsily stammers and stumbles over his own words in his attempt to play it cool. ((I rolled a Bluff check for you and even with Val's help you only got an 8))

The rhinoceros scowls at Quintus. "Sir, with all due respect, please stop embarrassing yourself. If you're not going to tell the truth, I'd rather you stay silent."

The communication device on the table suddenly emits a ringing sound, and the rhino-man picks it up. "Yes?" He listens for a moment. "I see. Thank you." He puts the machine back down and carefully walks to a cabinet, never once taking his eyes from Quintus.

Perception DC 15
You manage to make out the words "Charm Person" coming from the other end of the device, though not much else is audible from this distance

From the cabinet he pulls a collar - one which immediately reminds Quintus of the collars found on some of the prisoners kept under Ruby Keep.

In other words, it's meant to suppress its wearer's magical abilities and effects.

Though Quintus cannot say with any certainty how the collar will interact with the Hand of Vecna, he is fairly sure that the Telepathic Bond would cease to function immediately if it were to go around his neck.

"I'm going to need you to sit very still, sir. Don't make any sudden moves...."

((If you decide to resist here, give me an Initiative roll. If you beat a 15, you get to go first.

Val is still just over 5 minutes away))
Perception: (1d20+8=10)
((what I get for actually investing in a cross class skill...))

"Is that a... Thanks, but no thanks, I'm gonna have to pass on that."

Init: (1d20+7=13)
((dang it... I'm guessing as I am flat footed, I can't use any immediate actions, so no greater mirror image for me... at least not until I move))

Quintus, assuming he is not pinned or something before he can move, attempts to get himself out of reach(preferably with a 5 foot step) and cast teleport to send him to the group waiting outside.

"Sorry Val, but I am not letting them put one off those collars on me. You should go ahead and get yourself outta here as quickly as possibly as well."

Mike M

Nick N
Val turns heel and nonchalantly makes his way to the exit.

"Good luck, Quintus. Don't get yourself killed, we'll be back for you."
((Rhino moves forward and attempts to Grapple. d20 + 15 = 30 to Touch; d20 + 15 = 20 on the grapple check.

I rolled Quintus's opposed-grapple check: d20 + 5 = 23. The grapple fails.

Quintus 5-foot-steps away and attempts to cast Teleport; here is his Caster Level check: d20 + 10 = 14. The teleport fails.

Rhino five-steps at Quintus and attempts to Grapple again: 26 to touch; 18 on the grapple check.

Quintus's opposed-grapple check: 9. The grapple succeeds.))

As the rhino-man stalks forward with the collar in both hands, Quintus attempts to stand up from his chair and stumbles ever-so-slightly, allowing the rhino to get the jump on him. Towering over Quintus, he reaches forward and attempts to clamp the collar around the wizard's neck.

Quintus ducks out of the way and sidesteps out of the Rhino's reach, attempting to cast Teleport to get out of dodge... but something is wrong! There seems to be some kind of dampening field in here that is keeping him firmly in place despite his perfect casting of the spell, and he is unprepared when the rhino-man barrels forward in his approach, clamping the collar securely around Quintus's neck.

In one profoundly uncomfortable moment, Quintus feels all magical energies draining outward from his body: the Telepathic Bond is severed; his Bracers, Headband, and Rings all cease to function; his Vest of Protection from Evil powers down.

There is one exception.

The Hand of Vecna seems entirely unaffected by the collar, and without the Protection from Evil enchantment keeping it in check, Quintus experiences an excruciating pain as it sears into his hand and forearm like acid, stripping away his partially-decomposed flesh and muscles, leaving only a bony hand in its wake. The pain fades away once the process is complete, but the skin and muscles stay gone. He wiggles his bone fingers, trying not to question how they're moving around without any muscles or support structure.

The rhino stumbles backward in shock, aghast at what just happened to Quintus's hand. ((In game-rule terms, he has released his grapple, but he's still adjacent to you. Also, keep in mind that you can't cast spells right now, and the collar has some kind of lock in place so it can't be easily removed))

((Quintus, check your PMs))


As Val descends the long, spiral staircase, in a split second his mind suddenly feels much less crowded. He mentally calls out for an update from Quintus, but finds no reply forthcoming. Clearly, something has happened up there... ((If you continue downstairs, remember to make note of how you're going to deal with the anti-magic archway, if you bother trying to avoid it at all))

Mike M

Nick N
Val's eyes can't help but look up the central shaft of the tower as the communication link with Quintus is severed. His stride does not falter as he descends the staircase, though his gut is churning with that dreaded sensation that only comes when a job goes wrong every way possible.

Things are further complicated as the anti-magic arch comes into view. Diverting onto the floor above the mezzanine as though it were his destination all along, he plucks a few thick files off an unattended cart. Appearing to study their contents intently, he slows his pace as he puzzles out this wrinkle. He doesn't have much in the way if active magical effects save for the handy haversack, which is too valuable to abandon or risk losing. The floor below is too busy for him to simply hoist it over the rail and pick it up after passing through the arch, such odd behavior would certainly be noticed.

Val makes a circuit of the floor, looking for anything that might give inspiration...

((Specifically, if they have a giant iPad, do they have a fire alarm he can pull?))
Quintus looks at his new hand and figures if it can still do that with the collar, maybe it can still do some of its other tricks too. He says "Sorry big guy, but you kinda forced me hand on this..." then reaches out attempting to touch the guard that collared him.

Touch Attack: (1d20+5=7)
((Quintus is just really off his game today...)
There are no fire alarms on the second floor, per se, but Val finds himself presented with two options based on what he does find. He can either go to the security office on this floor and hopefully find a means to his end; or he can use one of those communication devices and call security to report a disturbance (they don't seem too difficult to operate).


The rhino narrowly escapes the clammy grip of Quintus's bone-hand (he still hasn't gotten used to not having any skin) and makes a panicked grab for the comm device on the table. As he scrambles toward the door, he yells into it, "BACKUP! I NEED BACKUP!" as he flings the door open.

Though the rhino is on his way out, he hasn't yet been able to exit the room before Quintus has another chance to act.

((Just in case you don't see... check your PMs again, Quintus. Your last message didn't come through correctly))

Mike M

Nick N
Val strolls past the security office on his current floor as though it were the most natural thing in the world, attempting to ascertain how easy it might be to slip in and arrange some diversion to foster his own escape.
Quintus doesn't miss this time, and the rhino-man doesn't stand a chance in the face of Vecna's dark power. Immediately his tough hide wilts and his gray skin turns paler. Over come by what's happening to him, he tries to flee, but Quintus presumably puts a stop to that by exerting control over him. It's an unusual sensation, and Quintus can sense that perhaps a tiny piece of his soul has just been chipped away, but in Quintus's own undead state, that doesn't seem to hold much effect.

And besides, there are more pressing matters, such as the fact that there are likely multiple reinforcements on their way to Quintus's current location.....

((Quintus, you now have a Taint score of 1. I will explain it more when I'm on a computer, but as long as you're undead, it has no effect on you))


Val is nearly barreled over by a rhino-man who emerges at full speed from the security office, and a moment later, a loud, screeching, brief-but-repeating buzzer sounds throughout the facility. "Lockdown procedures have been initiated. Please return to your work area and remain there until further notice," a monotone female voice echoes, and repeats itself with slightly less frequency than the buzzer.

The security office is empty, and inside is a wall full of mirrors. On one of the mirrors in the center, Val sees Quintus and a rather sickly-looking rhino-man in an office not unlike this one. In both offices, a rack of halberds sits against a wall.


Outside, Tarkus, Sarm, and Suvne see some commotion at the entrance to the tower. Previously almost immobile, the rhinos spring to action: one opens the door and goes inside, and then the other repositions himself to almost completely block the door. He then reaches into his chain mail and produces a collapsible halberd, unfolding it with expert precision and wielding it with both hands in a battle-ready defensive stance.
The rhino obeys immediately, producing a key and unlocking the collar. Immediately all of Quintus's enchantments spring back to life, including the telepathic bond; Val can feel it too.
Quintus says "Don't suppose you could cancel the alarm... probably not. You know any other ways out of here? Oh and I'll just borrow that for a bit..." then grabs the key and puts it in a pocket that hopefully won't be easily found if he is searched.

"Alright, I should hopefully be down there with you in a moment, one way or another... And I should be able to get us out. Maybe."
Sarm quickly springs up himself, tapping Tarkus' shoulder without looking at him, "Something has happened.. I see armed guards walking in."
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