Arcana check DC 16: 1D20+14 => [ 10 ] +14 = 24
Perception: Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 17 + 8 = 25 (pass)
Knowledge Nature: Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 9 (fail)
Perception: 1D20+5 => [ 15 ] +5 = 20
Perception: 1d20 = 4 + 2 = 6
Nature Knowledge: 1d20 = 10 + 4 = 14
Nature: 1D20+6 => [ 7 ] +6 = 13
Perception: 1D20+5 => [ 6 ] +5 = 11
Perception check: 1d20 = 7 + 2 = 9
perception: 1D20+5 => [ 3 ] +5 = 8
Perception: Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 15 + 8 = 23
Reflex Check: 1d20 = 10 + 5 = 15
Initiative Check: 1d20 = 6 + 3 =9
Code:Reflex Check: 1d20 = 10 + 5 = 15 Initiative Check: 1d20 = 6 + 3 =9
An uncharacteristic stream of expletives flowing from his lips, Kaff leaps to his feet and narrowly evades the botanical embrace of the snaking vines that have erupted around him. His rapier sings as he whips it free of its scabbard, pivoting in a circle in a practiced fencing stance as they are beset upon by their ambushers.
He quickly analyzes the situation: The axe-wielding woman is the closest ((I presume, since she's in here with us and the other three are outside the area)), but has a distinct advantage in mysteriously being unaffected by the vines. Kaff quickly surmises their only chance to prevail is to escape the brambles, and probably to prioritize the apparent magic users. He assumes a defensive posture and prepares to chart his escape...
((Pretty sure I just did this correctly; passed the reflex check to avoid being caught, used my move action to stand, free action to draw my weapon in combination with my move action since it's not concealed and I have a base attack bonus is greater than +1. Since Ivor is the only one actually next to an opponent and I used my move action, I can't get near anyone else and have no ranged options. I can't do anything further of use, so I'm invoking total defense. That all correct?))
Reflex: Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 8 + 8 = 16
Initiative: 2 + 4 = 6
((Mechanically, you could try a bull rush or a grapple, though it's important to note that she seems to be uncannily well-balanced even despite the fact that she missed her swing and is in the middle of vines. Basically I'm saying that your chance of success is small. Also, her axe may have struck the ground, but she didn't lose her grip on it.
However, since she rolled a 1, I will allow you to stand up without her taking an Opportunity Attack on you, and then you can also attack on the same turn, and if you hit, apply Sneak Attack damage.))
Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 19
Attack 1: 19 + 7 = 26 to-hit
Rolling a 4-sided dice, 1 time(s): 4
Rolling a 6-sided dice, 2 time(s): 6 3
Attack 1: 4 + 6 + 3 = 13 dmg sneak attack
((Ed: Wait, did I crit!? 2x Dagger [1d4, crit 19-20/x2, range inc 10 ft., 1 lb., light, piercing]... I used just one for the sneak attack bonus and got a 19 on to-hit... Do I double my damage roll of 4 in this case?))
Arcana: 1D20+14 => [ 8 ] +14 = 22
Reflex: 1D20+5 => [ 9 ] +5 = 14
Reflex save: 1D20+3 => [ 15 ] +3 = 18
Initiative: 1D20+1 => [ 6 ] +1 = 7
Initiative: 1D20+7 => [ 4 ] +7 = 11
Cha Check: 1D20+1 => [ 12 ] +1 = 13
Initiative: Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 10 + 4 = 14
Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 4
Attack 1: 4 + 7 = 11 to-hit
Rolling a 4-sided dice, 1 time(s): 4
Rolling a 6-sided dice, 2 time(s): 1 5
Attack 1: 4 + 1 + 5 = 10 dmg sneak attack
((Awesome move, DeadPhoenix. I was considering moving Ivor behind the barbarian to shield himself from the spray but that won't be necessary. Also he might have finished the barbarian off but the bat being open to lots of sneak attacks is very appealing.))
"Good, good.. But that mage, something must be done about that mage," Ivor yells as he struggles against the onslaught of the dire bat. "Kaff, fight with Sarm if you can!" In between the confused attacks of the blinded bat, he attempts to sidestep the beast and attack from an opening.
Code:Initiative: Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 10 + 4 = 14 Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 4 Attack 1: 4 + 7 = 11 to-hit Rolling a 4-sided dice, 1 time(s): 4 Rolling a 6-sided dice, 2 time(s): 1 5 Attack 1: 4 + 1 + 5 = 10 dmg sneak attack
((At least I am safe for this round, even if that missed. Weapon finesse miiight just score a hit?))
Initiative Check: 1d20 + 3 = 7
Attack: 1d20 + 7 =21
Damage: 1d6 + 6 = 8
Code:Initiative Check: 1d20 + 3 = 7
Kaff cries out as the crossbow bolt pierces his flesh. With a hissing intake of breath, he tries to determine the extent of the damage and is satisfied that at least his movement and sword-arm are not impaired.
Concurring with Ivor's judgement of the shape-changing druid woman to be the greatest immediate threat, he targets her accordingly.
As he approaches his quarry, Kaff observes her for as long as he dares to take size up her movement and armor, hoping to discern a weak point that may be exploited before she is completely obscured from view by the swirling, unnatural mists.
Despite the pain coursing through him, a wry smile flits across his face as he waves a finger in admonishment. "Three sleeping victims guarded by a single inattentive watchman, and still you manage to botch it up. An ambush requires more than just the element of surprise, my dear, you need follow through. Have at you."
Trusting in his calculations, estimates, Kaff strikes through her arcane obfuscation. His rapier gleams in the firelight as he lunges forth to strike with as much precision as he can muster under the circumstances...
Code:Attack: 1d20 + 7 =21 Damage: 1d6 + 6 = 8
((Not sure what mechanics would govern this, does her spell just raise the DC for a hit, or is there some separate check to make?))
Cure Moderate Wounds: 2D8+4 => [ 3 +6 ] +4 = 13
((You actually do hit on the nose with a 14, because the bat has no Dex bonus right now. Also don't forget to take your second attack; since you took the -2 on this one, you get the second one too. Also, if you hit on the second attack, you will Sneak Attack again.))
[URL=""]Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 20[/URL]
[URL=""]Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 19[/URL]
Attack 2: 20 + 7 - 2 = 25 to-hit (crit, 19 confirm)
Rolling a 4-sided dice, 2 time(s): 3 1
Rolling a 6-sided dice, 2 time(s): 4 6
Attack 2: 3 + 4 + 6 = 13 dmg sneak attack
Critical: 1 dmg
((Dude I was rolling! Can't I keep this? And dagger damage rolls are 1d4))
((Alright, that's a deal.))
Code:[URL=""]Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 20[/URL] [URL=""]Rolling a 20-sided dice, 1 time(s): 19[/URL] Attack 2: 20 + 7 - 2 = 25 to-hit (crit, 19 confirm) Rolling a 4-sided dice, 2 time(s): 3 1 Rolling a 6-sided dice, 2 time(s): 4 6 Attack 2: 3 + 4 + 6 = 13 dmg sneak attack Critical: 1 dmg
Sensing a prime opportunity, Ivor capitalises on the dire bat's confusion by striking with his second dagger while it is distracted with his first and almost missed attack.
Initiative check: 1d20 + 3 = 21
Attack: 1d20 + 7 = 27 (Natural 20)
Confirming critical: 1d20 + 7 = 20
Damage: 2d6 + 6 = 18