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Question about gamecube 480p support

Buggy Loop

Gold Member
I got my component cables today, along with MP2 demo :D

Anyway, do i have to hold the B button every time i boot up the GC to enable progressive scan? Does it remember which setting i wanted for X or Y game or its turning it on for every games that support it and remembers it internally?
I don't really know the "official" standing on this...

But I only seem to have to hold down B whenever I hook the system up after it being disconnected. After the first time, it seems to ask for every progessive scan enabled game you put in automatically.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Buggy, reached page 285 or something (chapter 10 I think), in the last few days I read over 60 pages :).

I am catching up :).

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
I believe the first time you do it with any progressive scan enabled game, it will automatically enable pro scan with all pro scan games. If you want to turn pro scan off, hold the B button at the boot up of the game, and select the "no" option.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
This is probably a ridiculous question but how do you know whether a GC game supports prog scan? Does it have an insignia like on XBox games?


Minotauro said:
This is probably a ridiculous question but how do you know whether a GC game supports prog scan? Does it have an insignia like on XBox games?

Yes. The game cases have an icon that represents progressive scan.

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
The back of the box. Top left, I believe. Where it lists the ammount of players supported, the amount of space the game takes on a memory card, etc. Its a picture of a TV monitor with horizontal lines. All games with that support it.

Some games(mostly pre-summer 2002) support Progressive Scan, but dont have the symbol.

aoi tsuki

i don't even think i need to hold B anymore. It automatically recognizes the cable is connected and on pro-scan games will display the "Play in progressive scan mode?" prompt. If you don't press anything, after about ten seconds it'll automatically go into pro-scan mode. What sucks is that the prompt and GC startup screens (system menu too) is all interlaced, so if you're using an X-Blaster or similar device that doesn't display interlaced, you'll just have to play it by ear.

Also, do a search on the forum for "Gamecube progressive". There's a forum that lists all the games that use this mode, 16:9, Pro Logic, etc. It also covers Xbox and PS2.
Once progressive has been turned on on the GC it will always prompt you whenever you start any game that supports that mode. You only have to do the b button trick once with one game.
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