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Question about load times in codec/radio in MGS3 demo

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
As OPM yesterday finally became available in stores here, I had a chance to test how the MGS3 demo runs off the disc. The thing that threw me off completely was that it took literally 5-6 seconds from pressing the Select button to the radio screen appearing. All that time, Snake just stands there frozen, and I'm not even sure if the disc is even being accessed. Is my disc defective maybe, or what? I'm asking this, as the same demo installed on the HDD has literally ZERO loading time for this opearation. As soon as you press the select button, the radio screen appears.

I think this is just some bug in the disc access routine. You will notice that as soon as the radio conversation is finished, you can exit to the game and play instantly, and there's no loading going on (in both disc and HDD 'version' of the demo), which would have to take place if the radio screen replaced some of the allocated memory. Also, as soon as I exit the radio screen, if I press Select again instantly, it still taked 5-6 seconds for radio screen to appear, when I play it off the disc.


There is indeed a kinda nasty little load on the Codec screen in the demo. Not sure if the same thing appears in the final version, cuz I haven't played it, but I'm inclined to guess that they've done something to optimize that, because the demo is actually a pretty old version of the game (so far as I can tell, it's indistinguishable from the demo they showed at E3 in May).


Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Again, I kinda doubt that HDD speed vs DVD disc speed has anything to do with this, as it would mean that HDD loading would be 10x faster probably, which is not even close to that in the rest of the demo. It has got to be some disc access bug or something, at least I hope so.


I mentioned that in the MGS3 demo thread. It's totally unacceptable, and I have a hard time believing that the final game would have anything like that.


The 5-6 second load happens on my disc too. Can't imagine it being in the final version considering MGS and MGS2 didn't have this problem, and MGS3's codec sequences are not that much different.
I think the issue with the codec loading is simply because the E3 demo has been basically shoe-horned onto the DVD. It is unoptimized at this point and also has to share space with all of the other game demos and content on the disk.

Based on the quality of the previous Metal Gear Solid games, I duobt this will be an issue in the final.
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