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Question for smokers: Why?

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OK, I know that I'm going to sound clueless. But I just don't get why someone would start smoking, knowing of the addictiveness and the health risks. I'm just curious.


Most people start when they're teenagers, and it's cool to smoke. Then you get (mentally) addicted and the rest is history. I know a lot of Japanese girls smoke because it makes you lose your appetite and thus helps them keep slim.
I started when I was 16. I smoke when I drink, and drink when I smoke. I only smoke about a pack every week or two, so I'm not exactly a chain smoker. Just enjoy a smoke after a good meal or when drinking.
I only smoke cigars, because I really like the aroma and flavor. I don't inhale those guys though; that'd be some pretty bad stuff then.

I don't get the whole "I only smoke when I drink" thing. You're only justifying one bad thing with another. It's like "Dude, I only rape when I steal shit."
IAmtheFMan said:
I don't get the whole "I only smoke when I drink" thing. You're only justifying one bad thing with another. It's like "Dude, I only rape when I steal shit."

I never said I only smoke when I drink. But I smoke the most when I drink. And yeah, sucks when you're stealing shit, and by the time you find out someones home it's too late to avoid the rape.


well not really...yet
hey I tried smoking for the first time at 8 years old, and I didnt do it to look cool. Curiosity killed the cat!
I started smoking very gradually. I would bum one off a friend of mine once in a great while when we were drinking, and it took years to turn into a full fledged pack a day habit. I don't think I did it to look cool, I just did it because I wanted to try one, and I didn't think I would ever smoke enough to become addicted. A smoking habit isn't something that happens overnight, it just sneaks up on you over a very long period of time.


And even i am moderately surprised
it's weird.
i had no interest in smoking until i went to Uni, where i started smoking.

The thing is , when you start smoking Cigs at first you get a buzz. The other thing that is weird : you know how NASTY cig smokes smells to all you non-smokers? that smells like the GREATEST smell ever to smokers. And alcohol seems to make the smell even nicer.

I quit smoking about 4 years ago, and it's weird how the smell goes back to smelling like ass once the chemical addiction is broken.

But yeah, non-smokers need to understand that people smoke because it's enjoyable.


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I don't smoke but I have absolutely zero problem with smokers. To begin with, I realize that everyone has their vices and I try not to judge anyone. I'm sure I have all kinds of annoying habits that bother people and I know how it would make me feel to have it thrown back in my face at all times.

Plus, every second someone is smoking is one second they're not saying some stupid shit. I'm annoyed much more by incessant chattering than I could every be by someone enjoying a cigarette.


Makes a better headline than a story, actually :)

I went to Japan to visit some old students/friends of mine and the second I get out of the airport and into the city they start offering me cigs left and right (they knew I didn't smoke)
'Oh Mr Brian, it is OK. We are longest living people, and we all smoke.' And yeah, there were a shit load of smokers in Japan. He hands me one (I forget what kind it was, if it was forigen or domestic) and I light up. Gotta say, for the first few drags it was the oxygen after the smoke that I was digging, and not the nicotine itself. Anyway, I started to like it, and now I stand before you a smoker of some 6 years. I'll quit oneday, but I'm cool with it for now.


Yeah, i'm cool with it. I enjoy a smoke. I'm an adult so I can make decisions like that ya see.
Malakhov said:
Because you just drank a few beers and a smoke would be damn good right about now

Yep. I'm a causal smoker; that is, I don't buy cigarettes myself, but if someone's offering I'll have one, or I'll go thirds in a pack when I'm at the pub/party etc. I enjoy a smoke with a beer, and I limit it to that, pretty much. I don't smoke to "be cool", I started casual smoking long after the whole "smoking is cool" age. Me and some friends just tried it out of curiosity a little while ago, and found it to be pleasurable ocassionally.


So it's one of two things:

1) To look cool
2) Curiousity

Considering 2), it must accompany 3), which is "stupidity", because how the fuck can you not know what you're getting yourself into. Or I guess some people know and they just don't care enough at the time.

I've never met a smoker who did not want to quit. Ever. Anyone I've ever spoken to about it has said they wish they could quit.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
I don't want to quit.
If you don't go overboard, and just smoke casually, you can go years and never feel any repercussions.
Why have sex? You can get a serious STD, or end up with a baby you're not ready for.

Protection during sex = condom
protection while smoking = keeping it casual


I think that goes without saying. If you don't smoke frequently enough to feel the effects, then of course you're not going to be too adamant about quitting. My post assumed those that feared for their future. Hell, my sister often smokes when she drinks and she said she's never even considered quitting.


Just tell me why under no preasure i went out and bought a cigar a few weeks ago and smoked it? I dont know why, was it the smell, cause they do have a nice smell to them.
And another thing i never smoked before i picked up a cigar, it was a nice miami hatian brand just so damn good.


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Socreges said:
I've never met a smoker who did not want to quit. Ever. Anyone I've ever spoken to about it has said they wish they could quit.

I know a number of people who smoke because they want to. At the same time, I know people who want to quit and can't. I think it's unfair to paint all smokers as weak-willed people who continue to smoke because they can't stop.


Minotauro said:
I know a number of people who smoke because they want to. At the same time, I know people who want to quit and can't. I think it's unfair to paint all smokers as weak-willed people who continue to smoke because they can't stop.
Sure, but why then are you addressing me? You can infer what you'd like from my post, but I never said that all smokers want to quit or that all smokers are incapable of quitting. My point was, of course, that from my experience, smokers would quit if they weren't so addicted and dependant.


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Socreges said:
You can infer what you'd like from my post, but I never said that all smokers want to quit or that all smokers are incapable of quitting.

Uhm, but isn't that exactly what you're implying? Why would you even mention it otherwise?

Regardless, I just wanted to supply the other side of the coin.


But I wasn't implying anything. Just giving the impression of how remorseful smokers generally are. Not that there aren't exceptions.


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Socreges said:
Just giving the impression of how remorseful smokers generally are.

My argument is with your use of the word "generally". I know you're speaking from your personal experience and I just wanted to offer mine as well. From my experience, it's only when smokers are ganged up on by a bunch of non-smokers trying to make them feel guilty that they act remorseful.


Minotauro said:
My argument is with your use of the word "generally". I know you're speaking from your personal experience and I just wanted to offer mine as well. From my experience, it's only when smokers are ganged up on by a bunch of non-smokers trying to make them feel guilty that they act remorseful.
Or maybe they're too proud to admit otherwise. :p

And no, it's not as if I'd ever be privy to gang up on someone who smokes. Both my brother and sister smoke. My mom used to smoke. Many of my friends smoke. I know these people in an honest way and I've had pretty frank discussions about smoking. At best, they don't aspire to quit, but would do without cigarettes in an instant if they thought they wouldn't immediately feel deprived.


For those of you who smoke, why not try the patch to get off the addiction? Or have you already done so?
VPhys said:
For those of you who smoke, why not try the patch to get off the addiction? Or have you already done so?

Patches/gum are rediculous prices. I'd feel like an ass spending that much to get my nicotine fix. So I keep smoking. Plus I really have no desire to quit at this point in my life. Maybe when I get my degree and I'm not stressed 24/7.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Ecrofirt said:
Cigarettes are ass, but I'll treat myself to a few puffs of a cigar every few months.

I treat myself to Cigars daily.... love them... don't do cigarettes... but fat ass cubans cigars... sign me up
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