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Question to Marijuana smokers: Is there a way to stop eating??

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I consider "the munchies" to be the worst negative side effect of smoking pot, I can't stop myself from eating when it hits, and that's a big issue for me because I've been following a very healthy diet for a long time now and I'm completely satisfied with the results, but if this keeps happening every time I smoke, I'd rather not do it at all.

Is there anything one can do to kill the urge to keep eating after smoking pot?


Sweet Jumpin Jebus, man. That's like one of the main reasons I smoke. Sorry, can't help you. Uh, maybe try eating right before you smoke? I dunno. Never been an issue for me.
I don't think there's any way to stop it, but if you keep yourself entertained (ie: are with a bunch of mates either watching movies, ata party, whatever) and occupied, you should be able to minimise your desire for food by keeping busy.

Raoul Duke said:
Uh, maybe try eating right before you smoke? I dunno. Never been an issue for me.

Do NOT do this, it doesn't really help at all.


Yeah, try keeping your mind of the food and entertain yourself with something. You might wanna try eating healthy (but good) food instead of chips or whatever makes diet useless.
Just eat a nice sized, normal meal before you smoke.

If I do that, I almost never get the munchies.

edit: well I see someone has debunked my advice. Oh well, it works great for me, you might as well try it.

All Hail C-Webb

Hailing from the Chill-Web
Plan before you smoke. If you know you're going to be smoking later, eat less before you do. Select the shit you plan on eating before you toke, and try not to go over that amount.
Try not to think about how good the food will taste.
Drink alot
smoke cigs
Porn (you can spend an hour just staring at a nice picture)


It's not as if you loose all free will when high...just put the deadly stuff in a cabinet and tell yourself to stay the hell away. Just leave out some fruit. Pineapple is HEAVEN.
Tritroid said:
..I didn't know you smoked pot. :\

Last night was my first time in months. I used to smoke a lot in the past, but now it's more like once in a blue moon, because supply is very limited here, but ocassionally I'll get a good quantity, so it's back to smoking constantly, then after that it's no smoking at all for many months, and so on.


I've been known to eat an entire big bag of chips while high. Of course, then I forget how to swallow it. So there's me, with an entire bag of chips in my mouth. Can you picture that?

I haven't smoked since November because I ate too much last time and got really sick. Ended up throwing up the next morning, after having a bag waiting for it all night.
I haven't really gotten the munchies much until recently. Probably the best thing to do is, as suggested above, drink plenty of water. This should minimize the hunger. There are also a lot of healthy snacks you can eat. I like puffed rice and sunflower seeds.


I'm in the exact same position you're in. What I usually do is I tend to eat very little before smoking weed. Apart from that what I usually do is eat lots of fruit when I'm stoned. It's healthy and if you're like me you'll have no problem replacing all the junkfood with it.


Add a little crack to your diet!


Hmm. I know there's nothing in the world that could stop me from getting mad munchies when toking up. In fact, I'm a very health-conscious person and my diet, when sober, is probably the best anyone can have. However, when I'm high, everything gets thrown out the window, just like last night, when I went to McDonald's and Wendy's in the space of an hour, ordering with my credit card and eating full meals.

So if it bothers you that much, don't toke up, or if you can't heed that, then make sure to not bring your money with you; you won't know where to look for it when you're high.


By far the worst side effect of marijuana! Unless of course you have an eating disorder then it's one of the best. The only thing that has ever worked for me is to not have food around.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
Kurashima said:
I haven't really gotten the munchies much until recently. Probably the best thing to do is, as suggested above, drink plenty of water. This should minimize the hunger. There are also a lot of healthy snacks you can eat. I like puffed rice and sunflower seeds.

And then they'll taste good!


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Uhh... You're supposed to eat before you smoke. Eating kills the high...unless you smoke the green I smoke.


Braggin about the weed you get is like bragging about water. Any idiot can get good weed. I think it's hard to find bad weed now-a-days. Sometimes I wish I could get shitter stuff.


darscot said:
Braggin about the weed you get is like bragging about water. Any idiot can get good weed. I think it's hard to find bad weed now-a-days. Sometimes I wish I could get shitter stuff.

Same here. The stuff I get always get me really high. I'm not sure if strong weed is something I prefer.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Who's bragging?

. I think it's hard to find bad weed now-a-days.

The vast majority of herb on the street is 'bad' IMO. Compared to the 'good' it is anyway.


DaCocoBrova said:
Uhh... You're supposed to eat before you smoke. Eating kills the high...unless you smoke the green I smoke.

Is that true? How would it kill the high? I've heard this before, but I dismissed it as an urban legend.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Just try it. Your stomach sends signals to your brain to let it know that it has had enough. Same concept. Kind of a preemptive thing.


Well I guess if your buying it off the street? I'm from Canada and we don't really have the whole street thing up here.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Is it 4:20 yet? lol!

I have a sh!tload of video to edit tonight... Partaking in fine, frosted green leaves and flavored tobacco products is to order of the day...err night.


I gotta agree with CocoaBrova about the good and bad weed. I get crippy down here, but for the most part, most bud out there is average. I've smoked for years now with little break. I smoke "dro" on the regular. But I know when I've smoked good stuff. It'll be when I smoke a bowl and just get knocked on my ass. Doesn't happen very much, and whenever I've smoked stuff like that, it's always been from difficult connects. This British dude down here had the dankest, best shit I ever smoked in my life. But go figure, he's not someone I can buy from. All the crippy in the world ain't as good as one bowl of that stuff.

Anyway, eat before you smoke. It's like smoking a cigarette after you eat. It completes the meal. But I don't know about eating harshing your buzz. I've never had a problem with it. I get more of a sweet tooth when stoned, but I just stopped buying junk. I'm less inclined to make a sandwich than eat a piece of cake or ice cream. So by not buying them, there's no temptation. PEACE.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
Just don't have any munchies in your house. This is how I solved it back when I was smoking. Instead of junkfood, stock your house with bottled water and consume it instead...it will keep you occupied.
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