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Questions about the Kings of War demo


Small balls, big fun!
Got the demo about a day ago, have played a handful of aborted custom single-player missions to get a feel for things.

I see the basic idea of the Kohan econ is still there, with gold being the only resource you can accumulate, and stone/wood/iron/mana penalties being taken out of the money flow. However, the values are different (instead of 1/2/3/5, it's 2/3/4/?).

The upgraded buildings/components seem to work differently. The markets sell off 2 units instead of 5, but give you 5 units worth of money. The increased production versions give you 6 extra units instead of 4.

Markets confuse me. Is there any reason to upgrade to a bank over a bazaar? It looks like a bank gives you one more gold, if you are in the negative in all three resources, but a bazaar could give you tons more otherwise.

Anyone broken out the spreadsheet and done a workup on econ efficiency, like in the old days? How long does it take each building to earn back its cost, that sort of thing.

Also, do the maps get bigger than the one allowed in the demo? Feels like it's an RTS based on The Village or something.

And units. How do factions affect your unit choice? Is it just one unique support unit?

I know there's probably a FAQ or something I could read, but I'm kinda hoping to draw out a bitchfest from all the old hands.
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