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Quietly, EA has been..


churning out rather decent GBA titles:

Lord of the Rings : Return of the King - Decent Diablo-ish hack&slash

Medal of Honor: Infiltrator - Top down metal slug/cannon fodder?

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Harry Potter as a JRPG (decent if you're a fan of HP)

and now coming:
Lord of the Rings: The Third Age, which looks to be a Fire Emblem clone, of all things.

It's so hard to find decent pics for these games, since they're so low profile, but if somebody could help with that it would be appreciated.


It's funny because their GBA games get 0 hype and some of them are in parts better than their console equivalents (i.e. Medal of honor).


thorns said:
It's funny because their GBA games get 0 hype and some of them are in parts better than their console equivalents (i.e. Medal of honor).

You have played Medal of Honor Underground right?

If EA published it anyway.


MoH: underground was an attempt to make a FPS on GBA, no? I think it failed miserably, so they went with a 2d approach for MOH: Infiltrator, which is a good/great game by all accounts. And definately better than MOH: Rising Sun..
Pfft, Medal of Honor Underground is easily inferior to Medal of Honor Takedown.

I mean, just look at the sparks.

Come on.
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