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Quite late to the party, click and see!!!

I just picked up Soldier of Fortune II, the Gold Edition from Future Shop the other day. It's one of those games I kinda wanted to pick up when it was released, but I didnt have a good enough PC to run it at the time. And I actualy upgraded not long after initaly for Jedi Outcast. And I never got around to picking up this game. I also dont have the first, (once I find a new copy I will buy it though) but played the demo years ago in a store with full gore enabled. I even saw some bad parent letting her little kid who looked about 8-10 playing it, and she told me she lets her kids play games like this all the time (ok lady). I cant even remember why I never bought it, think it was because I was too young to buy a 'mature' game, and my dad would have never gone for it.

I gotta say, this game is pretty good, I am actualy having more fun playing this than Doom 3. I actualy started getting sick of Doom a couple weeks back, and just havent played since. Though I do want to beat it before Half Life 2. Anyway though, back to SoF2. I think one reason why I like it more is it actualy lets you be some what tactical, unlike Doom's run and gun approach.

I am now pretty far in the game, in Kamchatka. I found the game took a while to pick up, couldent really get in to it at first. And while I like it now, I gotta say, I HATE the main cherecte, John Mullin's stash, he looks like such a hic, I was hoping he might shave it at some point, but nope. Oh well. Anyway though, I have a few questions. First is, I always have AIM and MSN running even while I play games. I dont know why it's so hard for devs to makes games not let there little people singing on popups NOT show while playing a game. I have played some games where this doesnt happen, but many more in which it does. Like off the top of my head, it does it in Hitman: Contracts (cant remember if it did in Silent Assasin), SoF2 now, and it even happens in Doom, DOOM, that's a BRAND new game, jesus Id, you MUST realize people have MSN and AIM, not to mention when it happens in Doom it makes the lighting go all hwywire crazy.

Anyway, my question is this, WHY is it that in SoF2, it takes an annoyance and amplifyes it 10 times over? What happens is when I see one of the MSN popups it flashes and flickers in it's place like normal, and than as it dissipears, it EVERY SINGLE TIME fucks up my in game gamma, it makes it really dark, making even a well lit area much darker. When this happens, I go in to my display controls, and the gamma adjuster is in the same place it was before the popup. And to fix it, I just adjust it slightly and put it back to what I had it and everything is fixed.

Oddly this doesnt happen with the AIM pupups. And I know most will say just turn off the popups while playing, which I did at first, but I just got this girl's MSN, and I want to talk to her when she comes on. Still, why does this happen?

And secondly, is there any word on weather or not Raven is planning on doing a third game? At many points while playing in outdore levels I couldent help but think how much this game could benifit from being on the Cry engine and actualy have some draw distance. I have this game set to high on everything I belive, and I still can only see like 40 to 50 feet in front of me. But it seems Raven really likes using Id's engines. SoF (according to IGN) ran on the Quake II engine, and SoF2 on the Quake III. I suspose a third game could be Doom 3 based, but it would suck for outdore levels.

Anyway, just wanted to share :)

~Black Deatha


It's because all those messengers use the DirectX thingies to display them on your screen. Those games use OpenGL. And Microsoft gave DirectX a higher priority than OpenGL, so that's why you see those goddamn pop-ups while playing.

It's fun in Counter-Strike though, you can see through walls for a split second when that happens :D
TheGreenGiant said:
attention whore. Not like its a game worth talking about.

Uhh, ok than, whatever.

And that makes scence about OpenGL and DirectX, Damn MS, they always have to monopolize everything. Though John Carmack could learn to use something other than OpenGL...

~Black Deatha
TheGreenGiant said:
attention whore. Not like its a game worth talking about.
This is a "Gaming Discussion" forum, not a "Worthwhile Gaming Discussion" forum. People post these kinds of threads all the time, and who really cares? I'll admit it was kinda stupid not including the game name in the thread title, though.
Raven definitley do have something going on with id's engines:

Heretic was on the Doom engine
Hexen was on the Quake engine
SOF on Quake 2
SOF2, Elite Force, Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy on the Quake 3 engine
Quake 4 on the Doom 3 engine...

Anyway, I really liked the SOF2 multiplayer mode but couldn't play through more than a few missions of the single player. The shallowness of the AI, physics, scripting, level design and gameplay in general was just so tediously uninspired that I felt like I'd played it all before. Really left a bad taste in my mouth.

I had a lot more fun with Dead Man's Hand.
buck naked said:
Raven definitley do have something going on with id's engines:

Heretic was on the Doom engine
Hexen was on the Quake engine
SOF on Quake 2
SOF2, Elite Force, Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy on the Quake 3 engine
Quake 4 on the Doom 3 engine...

Anyway, I really liked the SOF2 multiplayer mode but couldn't play through more than a few missions of the single player. The shallowness of the AI, physics, scripting, level design and gameplay in general was just so tediously uninspired that I felt like I'd played it all before. Really left a bad taste in my mouth.

I had a lot more fun with Dead Man's Hand.

I kinda know what you mean (though I never played Dead Mans Hand), and like I said, it was kinda hard for me to really get in to, I realy despise it's tacked on stealth approch, and I really didnt care for the first few levels, there was just something about them, maybe it was the lack of interactivity in them, and the fact that I was still getting used to the games way of spawning enemies inplace after you enter certian areas, but after I got used to that, I started to enjoy it more. I think that was around the time I got to the Cambodia level's.

AniHawk said:
I say we burn him alive.

Aww damnit!

~Black Deatha
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