So he sleeps with some girl, her husband comes in, finds out this dude's in a closet and he's been sleeping with his girl, so he pulls out a gun, the guy says he's a pastor and isn't the only one cheating, calls his boyfriend over, his boyfriend says that he's been with him for a year, the woman is like "I Can't believe you", and dude's response: "Bitch please". So R. Kelly calls home and a dude answers a phone, R Kelly is mad and flies down the highway, gets pulled over for doing 85 in a 65, does 75 the rest of the way home, slams the door open, his woman is like "WTF, didn't you forget my Brother got released?", R. Kelly is like "Whoops" and they start fuxxin. He's hitting it hard when he pulls back the sheets and sees a used condom on the bed.