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Radio Free Nintendo | A Nintendo Podcast for Grownups


Yeah, the aac link seems to be down and I think that's affecting my podcast app also.

:edit: listening to the mp3. Gui laughing at his joke about spin the bottle being a "twist" on the game is why I like Gui the most.
Pokemon Y will be my first Pokemon game.
It's my first since Blue. I've only played a few hours but I have to admit that I was kind of surprised with how familiar everything felt, even though it has been quite awhile.

I hope NNK picks up for James. I guess the game does get off to somewhat of a slow start but I completely expected that since it's a fairly expansive JRPG. The pacing never bothered me because I always found the "slower" parts to be relaxing and charming more than anything, partly because of the presentation like Jonny mentioned. The game does pick up a lot but I don't know if James will end up liking it or not.

I'm getting download errors in both the Podcasts app on iPhone and in iTunes.
Same here. I was desperate to listen though so I just went to the site and downloaded the mp3. At least I know it's not a problem on my end!
I'm really sorry for the problems, everyone. The AAC version didn't get uploaded late last night, so that feed, a well as iTunes, Apple Podcasts, Instacast, etc. aren't working until James gets home tonight to fix it.

If you can't stand the wait, the MP3 version seems to be fine. Again, really sorry about this! I can't get it either.
Everything should be fixed now. If you use iTunes or a podcast app, please try to delete anything you've already downloaded for 354 and re-download it. The AAC version should be 56MB.
Everything should be fixed now. If you use iTunes or a podcast app, please try to delete anything you've already downloaded for 354 and re-download it. The AAC version should be 56MB.

Yeah, it was working fine I got home from work. Listened to the whole thing while playing Pokemon. Another great episode, and I really enjoyed the longer discussion on franchise fatigue and different levels of tolerance for changes.
Did the crew ever talk about the last Nintendo Direct? It wasn't groundbreaking or anything, but the new Mario trailer was neat and Donkey Kong did get delayed.

And it's nice to have Jonny back in the hosting chair, but James did a pretty bang-up job.


Did the crew ever talk about the last Nintendo Direct? It wasn't groundbreaking or anything, but the new Mario trailer was neat and Donkey Kong did get delayed.

And it's nice to have Jonny back in the hosting chair, but James did a pretty bang-up job.

episode 105


of connectivity


And it's nice to have Jonny back in the hosting chair, but James did a pretty bang-up job.

James is usually a fantastic host (apart from RFN103, of course! :p). The second RetroActive episode about Pandora's Tower is one of the best segments this show has done in a long time. Hats off to everyone involved.
I agree, James did a great job! However, the hosting duties make it harder for him to play his usual role of spitting background jokes and trolling Jon. That's one reason I asked him to host last week, so I could enjoy not-hosting for once. It gives you a different opportunity to contribute, as I've learned from the years on Box Office Poison. Being a non- host gives you more freedo to be silly or play the spoiler, but it also means you have to be more assertive to get your air time.


Thanks for the info about transferring your NNID, Jonny, and I'm glad things went smoothly for you. It's pretty reassuring to know that the NNID really is a genuine account with all the same information attached to it that you would expect. It drives home the point that any "paranoia" associated with the Wii U eShop is baseless. If anything, it's more secure than the other account systems, since it prevents people from being able to actually do anything with your NNID if they happen to somehow get a hold of your username and password. There's just the inconvenience of only being able to use your games on one system, which is too bad, admittedly, but probably affects a minuscule percentage of users.

Now put this thing on the 3DS and we're golden.

edit: by the way, regarding your old lost/stolen 3DS, Nintendo can deauthorize those games, but it requires opening the eShop. I've heard a weird story about how somehow NoA found out someone from outside of US or Canada claimed a $30 FE/SMT credit and purchased content with it. After being found out, the next time he connected to the eShop, those games were instantly deleted and the leftover funds from the $30 credit vanished too. So no doubt they flagged your old 3DS to lose all of its content and funds immediately if the thief happens to open the eShop for any reason.
I wish I was having as smooth an experience with Nintendo's customer service as Jonny did. The AC adapter on my XL went out not long after getting a new black one, and their support site is an impenetrable mess for trying to get a repair order scheduled for that issue. It either gives me troubleshooting tips for unrelated issues or gets me into creating a repair order for physical damage to the thing, which would cost me money to repair and isn't what is happening.

So then I try to call them, and if they have too many calls coming in, it just tells me to go to their website and then hangs up on me, which is really frustrating.
This ended up being a blessing in disguise, since I looked into alternatives for AC adapters and learned that GameStop's house brand (made by PDP) is not only an AC adapter, but also works with USB. That works better for me since it's such a pain in the ass to get to the power outlets under my desk at work, whereas my work PC is covered in USB ports.


Raindrops on Goodras and whiskers on Meowstics...
Episode 355: Gratitude: The Adventure said:
This week's show has a very positive vibe, overall. It helps that our feature topic is Things We Love About Nintendo, Right Now. But even New Business kicks off with radiant impressions of Wind Waker HD from Jonny, who wasn't really expecting much from that package. Positivity takes a temporary dip for Gui to talk about the abysmal Castlevania: The Adventure (old school Game Boy on 3DS Virtual Console), and it's murky at best for a Ni No Kuni update from James. Jon is back on the bright side for Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (he's still obsessed with the portable version, for now). With some time left in the segment, we roll back around to Jonny for the subtly updated Toki Tori 2+, which he now thinks is one of the year's best Wii U games. Gui is also cheery about the Rayman conversion for Game Boy Color, also available digitally, which may be the best edition of that classic franchise-starter.

After the Now Playing break, and perhaps in honor of Thanksgiving (sandwiched between the Canadian and American observances), we spend over half an hour espousing some trends with Nintendo that fill us with glee. The idea here was not to lean on nostalgia, or even to get excited about what's coming soon, but rather to balance out our typical cynicism with a litany of things we really do love about Nintendo, happening right now. We honestly weren't sure how well this would go, but it played out wonderfully and left us feeling really good about some things, even though we may still hold reservations about the company's status.

Don't miss the happy train -- send in your own positive thoughts about Nintendo, or any other ideas/questions, for an upcoming edition of Listener Mail. And please mark your calendar for the 4th Annual NWR Live Telethon for Child's Play! It's coming up on Saturday, November 23 starting at Noon Eastern and running for (hopefully) several hours. More details are coming soon!

Time: 2'01"48
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
More RFN-relevant content: Nintendo World Report Powered Off 10 has a column from James on game collection and Sarah from Iowa.
Oh snap...you guys better not be trolling Castlevania Adventure. Sure it wasn't up to the NES versions, but it had a cool kind of atmosphere. The second one was definitely a lot better though, I mastered that game backwards and forwards.


Oh snap...you guys better not be trolling Castlevania Adventure. Sure it wasn't up to the NES versions, but it had a cool kind of atmosphere. The second one was definitely a lot better though, I mastered that game backwards and forwards.

The GB Castlevania games are objectively not good games.


This podcast has fast rocketed up to one of my favourites.

Just wanted to say thanks for the "loving Nintendo" segment, which I feel is a really refreshing change to all the cynicism typically found in most general discussions.

Obviously, you don't want it all the time, but I felt the timing was genius, and just all 'round feel good.


Glad someone is bringing up Nintendo's romp into funny games.

One of the reasons I absolutely adored Kid Icarus Uprising last year and then they topped themselves with LEGO City and Wonderful 101 this year.


Not sure if the title or my cold is what's making me throw up a little in my mouth.
Episode 356 "Real Money Pokémon Auction House" said:
We have a very packed episode for you this week, with both Listener Mail and a special report from Guillaume's recent Nintendo preview event in Montreal. But New Business is no slouch either! Jonny's first up with early impressions for Pokémon Y (why ask Y?), which brings to the series a modern presentation but is otherwise extremely familiar. Gui stirs up controversy with his harsh criticism of beloved Secret of Mana -- but it's based on his intense love of another game that few of us have played. Lindy just downloaded PS3's The Last of Us and finds it surprisingly conventional... And James presents white-hot evidence of the new Phoenix Wright game, released to the eShop just barely in time for recording! Before we snap it up, Jonny also shares a few thoughts on Steam's Volgarr the Viking, which reminds him so much of a certain SNES game...

We lost Jon during the break but soldier on for a meaty segment featuring Gui, who recently took a group of friends to Nintendo of Canada's holiday preview event. He played Super Mario 3D World, Wii Fit U, Wii Party U, Sonic Lost World, and even the new Mario Party (demoed on a 2DS)! James and Jonny grill him about each one, and we're left with new answers and even more questions about Nintendo's holiday lineup. There was time left for just a few emails after that, so we tackle your questions about the future of Off-TV play, the best way to handle Pokémon DLC, and the best time to play downloaded missions in Fire Emblem Awakening.

More emails equal more podcast! Please send in yours today.

Time: 1'52"49
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
Guillaume: Lucky duck.


Jon's description has convinced me to not go and buy The Last Of Us. I did not enjoy Uncharted at all in terms of gameplay and I'm not such a big story buff anymore that I'll sit through a game that I don't like just because it has a good story.
Jon's description has convinced me to not go and buy The Last Of Us. I did not enjoy Uncharted at all in terms of gameplay and I'm not such a big story buff anymore that I'll sit through a game that I don't like just because it has a good story.
It's really not just another Uncharted game, sorry. Their discussion on Last of Us was awful. If Uncharted was on Wii-U, these guys would be all over it. I like the podcast but the homerism is a bit much.


It's really not just another Uncharted game, sorry. Their discussion on Last of Us was awful. If Uncharted was on Wii-U, these guys would be all over it. I like the podcast but the homerism is a bit much.

Except that the host who played isn't a Nintendo-only gamer. In fact, he only just got a Wii U in the last couple of weeks. I think the overall point remains that the are more similarities to Uncharted than dissimilarities in The Last of Us.


In fact none of the host are Nintendo only gamers. Goes for the other NWR podcast as well. They own and play games on the PS3 or Xbox 360 and have for years and before that other non-Nintendo systems as well. Dislike what they say about the the game but don't try and discredit them and act as if they aren't in a position to give an opinion on the games they've bought and played just because The Last of Us wasn't put on a pedestal.
I started TLOU yesterday and will have my own take whenever it comes up again. However, Jon is entitled to his opinion (which is fully informed), and of course his impressions were from the early part of the game.


The most information on the gameplay from that game is what I could gather from two episodes of RFN (this being the second time it is brought up, the first time was in #341), both of which made strong comparisons to Uncharted, whereas most of the laudations for the game from non–RFN sources were made in favour of the story, but only briefly – if in any form – tackled the aspect of the title's gameplay, which is a key element to it, being a video game.

Call me biased or "unwilling to form my own opinion", but that's where I stand.


I hope nobody has any objections to a Saturday afternoon release.
Episode 357 "Legal Satire" said:
This episode may start out with Wii U Party (which Gui actually likes plenty), but the dominant topic of New Business is Phoenix Wright: Dual Destinies, a.k.a. Ace Attorney 5. James has already beaten the game and leads the discussion, but you'll also get less complete reactions from Jonny and guest Michael Cole. We learn how the game reinvents investigation scenes (complete with a comparison to Zork... friggin' Zork!) and that it may be a surprisingly sharp commentary on the Japanese legal system. Jonny tacks on the short version of why he pre-ordered a PS4 launch bundle, and even picked up a Dual Shock 4 controller before launch.

After the break, we lost TYP to more important website business, but the remaining trio return to discuss some Halloween-themed games available on Nintendo systems. We may not have the same array of M-rated horror fests that you'll find on PC or even other consoles, but there are still plenty of opportunities to celebrate the spookiest holiday. Case in point -- we expected this to be a 15-minute mini-feature, but it kept us occupied for the entire second half of the show! Each of us played one or two extra games for the occasion, so it starts as kind of supplement to New Business and later develops into a discussion of the larger concept of Halloween-related gaming.

Do you have any favorite Halloween (or Thanksgiving...) games? Send in your ideas, plus any other questions for the podcast crew. And don't forget that the NWR Telethon for Child's Play, including TYP's Live Radio Trivia, is coming up in just three weeks!

Time: 1'54"14
Downloads: MP3 | AAC
T-3 weeks: To the telethon.


And if you want to hear more about AA5, James will apparently be on the next two episodes of Connectivity talking about it with NWR's reviewer.
Cursed Mountain is good. Unique setting, decent graphics, interesting story and a passable combat system. Game isn't bad at all.

Edit: Ehh, never had any problem with the AR stuff in Spirit Camera.


i think jon's criticisms of the last of us were valid as early impressions. The game goes far are beyond any of the uncharted games, especially when u get to Winter. Amazing stuff!!


I'm a little surprised they didn't go over certain parts of Ocarina of Time, like the graveyard or the well dungeon. Replaying OoT on the 3DS, and I was still disturbed as heck over those scenes.

Not to mention just how fucked up Majora Mask is in general. It might not be a 'spooky' game, but it definitely fits in Nintendo's history of making 'off-kilter' games disguised as mainstream entries.
And loooooooool at RE2 being a bad game. Some aspects haven't aged well, but it's far from being bad. The N64 version didn't actually have tank controls either.


My TLOU impressions are based on the first maybe 1/3rd of the game, or more actually...about 40% through now. It's not like I played for 10 minutes and said, "This sucks". I'm just waiting for it to not be exactly what I expected, which hasn't happened yet.

To clarify, what I expected was:

A clever repurposing of the Uncharted 3 engine and gameplay that focused more on telling a darker, grittier story.

So far, that's exactly what it is. I don't find the story particularly amazing so far; characters are pretty stereotypical, with the grizzled, psychologically damaged anti-hero, the tough woman with a heart of gold, the wise-cracking kid, the nutso bunker-dweller, etc. The setting reminds me a lot of Resistance 3, in which the Chimera pretty much own the earth and humanity ekes out an existence on the periphery. I feel like I've seen a lot of it before.

Again, that's not to say it's BAD, it's just that it doesn't feel NEW. It's GOOD but not really NEW.

The gameplay to me still feels a lot like Uncharted, except that you're climbing through modern ruins instead of ancient ruins. And instead of being 80% shooting, 20% stealth, they've switched it up and it's now 20% shooting, 80% stealth. The emphasis is different but you're still doing the same things, gameplay-wise.

Just because you can now pick up ladders and planks and move them around doesn't turn the Uncharted gameplay conventions on their head. It's still the same kinds of puzzles that you're trying to solve. The crafting stuff is a cool diversion, but it's window dressing on the whole package.

Actually my main complaint is the amount of stealth. I come into the these levels and see a bunch of Runners and Clickers, and I just sigh and say, "Here we go again". And then I have to choose whether or not I take a ton of time stealthily killing these enemies, or just go in guns-a-blazin'. I've started to shotgun them all because I couldn't be bothered. It's like they swapped the annoying kill rooms from Uncharted with stealth rooms that waste your time in sort of the same way.
So far, that's exactly what it is. I don't find the story particularly amazing so far; characters are pretty stereotypical, with the grizzled, psychologically damaged anti-hero, the tough woman with a heart of gold, the wise-cracking kid, the nutso bunker-dweller, etc. The setting reminds me a lot of Resistance 3, in which the Chimera pretty much own the earth and humanity ekes out an existence on the periphery. I feel like I've seen a lot of it before.

It's the way that story is told that hit me, I'm kind of surprised anybody could be numb to those first 10-20 minutes. I was stunned, the whole thing was like, yes, this is exactly what it would feel like if society suddenly fell apart.

But if you feel like you've seen it all before, my suggestion is to hold off on further commentary on that front until you've finished it. I guarantee you won't feel the same way.


As someone who's only played one hour of TLOU, I can say I LOVED the introductory prologue thing. It was extremely well-executed and emotive.

Then the next 50 minutes were pretty boring. So I stopped playing and went back to my addiction-at-the-time Animal Crossing. Not trying to extrapolate for the whole game, but I was a bit let down after that amazing intro. I will go back to it when I can, and I'm sure it'll be great. I am actually a big Uncharted fan, so feeling like Uncharted wouldn't be much of a downside to me. But to be fair, I don't really like stealth too much, so if that's really what the majority of the gameplay revolves around, I could end up getting bored.
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