It's our last episode before E3, and we had to cram in a few more game impressions and some Listener Mail, lest it all get buried by the massive din of this week's activities. There's even a special guest who joins at the mid-point!
New Business has a few chestnuts, starting with James's long-awaited thoughts on
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze. Then, Jon checks in with
Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and maybe convinces one of us to join the cult... Jonny checks out
Adventure of Pip, the brand new indie hotness on Wii U. Finally, you'll hear updates and strategy for
Splatoon from both Guillaume and Jonny.
Just after the break, NWR Director Neal Ronaghan joins us (for the first time in years!) for a tour of our E3 coverage plans at Nintendo World Report. We're all set to blast you in the face with videos, podcasts, and written reports on all the cool stuff happening in Los Angeles this week. Just stay subscribed to RFN,
NWR TV on YouTube, and
this here website so you won't miss anything!
We also convinced Neal to stick around for Listener Mail, in which we catch up with the Humble Bundle news, a surprising Link's Awakening-Twilight Princess connection, franchise-mixing DLC ideas, and our favorite third-party Wii games.
If there's anything you want to ask the NWR staff during E3, please tweet with
#AskNWR or use
this special E3 email link for a chance to have your question answered in our daily videos. Otherwise, we're always happy to take your non/post-E3 questions and ideas at the usual
RFN email. Thanks for listening, and please do check in often for our extensive coverage of the biggest event in video games!