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Random thoughts.


What Have I Done Cat GIF
fart GIF


Reverse groomer.
If I was a billionaire I'd create a rival to Twitch or Youtube but then get rid of ALL the ads so that no one ever had to see them again.
If I was a trillionaire I'd lobby the government to make all forms of advertising and revenue gained through advertising illegal and unconstitutional. No more annoying ads for everybody.


°Temp. member
It sucks that we spend the best part of the day (when the sun is out) working but then when I get off work and want to go outside and go places then the sun is already going down.
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West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist

damn, I can't wait until the next Nintendo Direct to see if these new rumors are true.


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
if you can piss like a racehorse does that mean your bladder has a horsepower rating?
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It sucks that we spend the best part of the day (when the sun is out) working but then when I get off work and want to go outside and go places then the sun is already going down.
It's one reason I liked teaching, you take them out to play and everyone gets to run around a bit


Reverse groomer.
People think it's weird to eat ice pops in the winter time but the very same people will drink a scalding hot cup of tea on the hottest day of the year.
Eat whatever you want whenever you want. Doesn't matter if it's coffee in the summer or ice cream in the winter.

Just prepare yourself for hypothermia and heatstroke
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Do it hops. But first watch their cabbage patch baby playlist. Shit's freaky af and real to boot think symbolic
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Reverse groomer.
One more weekend and 2 months without smoking 30 cigs a day
I've got an addictive personality so I've made it a personal goal of mine not to get into any drugs at all, even the relatively harmless stuff like weed or LSD. I really like the idea of having a trip but I worry I'd end up getting super hooked to it

Also, I remember trying brussels sprouts at a Golden Corral once and ended up liking them. People HATE those things. I feel weird.
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I've got an addictive personality so I've made it a personal goal of mine not to get into any drugs at all, even the relatively harmless stuff like weed or LSD. I really like the idea of having a trip but I worry I'd end up getting super hooked to it

Same. All or nothing. Although we'll have our nuances.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I wish there was a restaurant that sold that pizza they served in grade school. I'd pay fucking $6 or $7 a slice. I'd pay ballpark prices a slice.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I wish I had the money to move out of the absolute shit-hole of a city I live in.

Once I was finally making really good money I was able to move out of the shittiest shit town in the nearby seven cities into the trendy downtown of the nicest city.

After a year all I wanted to do was move back to the shitty city, I missed it so much. Thankfully my now wife talked me out of it.


Reverse groomer.
The blackpill theory sounds lame and for doomers. Imagine giving up on dating and having sex entirely because some arbitrary standard rendered you too ugly to find a chick. That's only something a 15 year old would take seriously...

Like i get being demotivated by your looks but I feel like giving up entirely sounds doomerish, and sad. Then again I have no interest in dating, i'm just an outsider looking in
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The blackpill theory sounds lame and for doomers. Imagine giving up on dating and having sex entirely because some arbitrary standard rendered you too ugly to find a chick. That's only something a 15 year old would take seriously...

Like i get being demotivated by your looks but I feel like giving up entirely sounds doomerish, and sad. Then again I have no interest in dating, i'm just an outsider looking in

Guy's that think they are too ugly to find a chick also refuse to date fat chicks.

Facts GIF by Judge Jerry
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