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Random thoughts.

My friend got laid off from Facebook a bit ago and he was only 16 months into the role. That FAANG salary was his baseline living standard. HUGE MISTAKE. He bought a house then, but now he has a much lesser-paying job. He said that he should have treated that salary like a once-in-a-lifetime bonus because he's not getting back into that FAANG country club anytime soon. The new career upstarts like him are in a bad position because they don't have the resume yet to get into senior and principal positions at inferior companies. FAANG pay is not that common.

But now he's very unhappy. This guy has always been an excellent performer with a big drive, but the bad tech job economy is hurting his mobility.

He said that the "Day in the Life" videos pissed off shareholders. Projects weren't moving forward fast enough despite the highly-paid people working on them, and all of the luxuries that FAANG companies provided to go along with that compensation. But truly now that shareholders want reduced expenses because the economy has a bad outlook, and the extremely low-interest rate loans dried up, here comes more layoffs!
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Whats an Amen break?
A way to circumvent a lack of a proper synth by those who only have access to a sampler?

Those synths didnt sound too hot?
What am I missing here?
I didn't see anyone answer you, so I will.

The Amen break is a sample taken from a 1969 song called "Amen, Brother" by the Winstons, and is easily one of the most-sampled bits of music in history. Timestamped link to the sample:

If you've heard "Straight Outta Compton" by NWA or basically any Drum and Bass track, you've heard this sample, or a reproduction of it. Nowadays, it's not used to circumvent a lack of a proper synth/working within limitations because any software/digital audio workstation should be able to do both synths and samples, but that's surely how it started gaining prominence when sampled back in the 80s.

It's instantly recognizable to a lot of electronic music producers and has a sort of reverence around it, so the guy in that video took it as a challenge to make an entire track out of just that sample. It's something that a lot of music producers have done, but that guy's take on it was entertaining and well-done.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Going forward, I feel it's crucial to start shedding the losers I associate with.

But for now, I'm about to go get some chicken before this Arctic blast hits . 🥶


Mouse Ball Fetishist
Going forward, I feel it's crucial to start shedding the losers I associate with.
Losers like me, I presume?

Project Runway Crying GIF
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Observation #1: (Some) women will say they are not hungry, decline ordering food, then try and mooch. It's happened to me in a relationship, and it seems like it's enough of a well-established happening that funny TikTok sketches are made about it and people relate.

Observation #2: Women are considered to be more empathetic than men.

Hypothesis: Are women so empathetic that they get second-hand hunger?


Observation #1: (Some) women will say they are not hungry, decline ordering food, then try and mooch. It's happened to me in a relationship, and it seems like it's enough of a well-established happening that funny TikTok sketches are made about it and people relate.

Observation #2: Women are considered to be more empathetic than men.

Hypothesis: Are women so empathetic that they get second-hand hunger?

Have you ever felt the "Winds of Change"?
I can say that I am beginning to feel the breeze currently at work, and i'm not sure if its a good thing.
Not sure what your situation is, but I've had different times where the things management is doing and the lines they're feeding me don't make sense. One time, it was prep for a mass layoff. Another time, it was because they entered a lucrative partnership with another company and couldn't speak to it until it was public.

The not-knowing sucks, regardless of the truth behind the weirdness.


We are migrating from google services to office365 at work. It went live this week. There are many hiccups but I expected that. What I didn't expect was how bad of an impression this software and interfaces were going to make on me.

Fellow desk drones: Is O365 trash or do I just need to get used to it?
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In '94 I got to go to Florida to visit my Grandma and Universal Studios theme park. Got to ride the King Kong ride and Back to the Future. Skipped the Jaws ride though. I got a Jurassic Park fanny pack that I still have somewhere.

I saw a wild Manatee while on a nature walk near my Grandmas place and ate sushi for the first time. We went to an alligator park too. Drove past Disneyland.

We also went to the Anheuser Busch Park. I wanted to ride the Prowler(?) roller coaster but also too chicken.

Got to swim in the ocean too. I had a boogie board or something and got caught in the out going tide and was struggling to get back to shore. At one point something was swimming around me. Maybe a shark maybe a dolphin, either way it scared me and installed a fear of deep water. I don't know how I managed to get back to shore, but I did. My Dad laughs about it.

There was an arcade at the hotel we stayed at in Orlando. Parents wanted a lazy day and gave me some money for quarters to keep me busy. They had an old old Pinball machine in there. Another kid showed up at some point and we played Street Fighter 2 until we ran out of money.

'94 was awesome.


°Temp. member
Sigh, someone rear-ended my car. At least no one was injured and the only damage to my car was some minor cracks in the rear bumper and small paint scrapes.
The person who hit me was from another country and had no insurance. Since the damage is only cosmetic and I consider my 14 year old car to be a beater at this point then I’m going to just keep driving it as-is, but oof man. I did call the police and file a report though.
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There was a GAF account assisted-suicide like 5 posts back, and everyone just moved on like nothing happened. Where is your compassion GAF?

Anyway, moving on.

Sigh, someone rear-ended my car. At least no one was injured and the only damage to my car was some minor cracks in the rear bumper and small paint scrapes.
The person who hit me was from another country and had no insurance. Since the damage is only cosmetic and I consider my 14 year old car to be a beater at this point then I’m going to just keep driving it as-is, but oof man. I did call the police and file a report though.
Had something very similar happen. The driver who hit me wasn't willing or able to produce her license or insurance information, really did not want me to call the police, and she said I could fix the minor damage at her family's auto repair shop for free. I let it go, and I'm still glad I did. Doesn't seem worth making someone's life significantly harder for a harmless accident.

I can imagine playing my PS 9 in an old folks home while complaining about my neighbor's Iron Maiden music being too loud.
I'm so glad video games will be a thing once I (we) reach retirement age. When I tell people right now that I'd retire in a heartbeat if I could, a common response is "I couldn't retire. I wouldn't know what to do with myself." Hobbies exist and are more fulfilling than any job I've ever had.

Dune is well better than Star Wars.
Villeneuve's Dune is a treasure. Whether it's better than the original Star Wars trilogy is hard to say. Like determining if Michael Jordan or Lebron James is the better player--the game has changed and it depends on your criteria that defines "better". OG Star Wars had a bigger cultural impact and was more ground-breaking for its time, but watching that new Dune is up there with watching OG Star Wars, The Matrix or The Lord of the Rings trilogy for the first time for me. Dune's easily better than the Star Wars Prequel and Sequel Trilogies, though, and I'd like to see someone argue it's not.

In denver the new minimum wage for restaurant servers is$15.27/hr. I had no idea it was this high. Fuck tipping anymore
$15/hr doesn't go very far there. $15 per hour annualized is $31K. Denver's median annual salary is $47K. According to this website, a living wage for a single adult with no kids in Denver is $42K. https://livingwage.mit.edu/counties/08031.
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Ultimate DQ Fan
I have to work in 5 minutes. I have the same level of dread and anxiety as someone who is being forced to walk onto the tracks of an incoming train.

Last two days have been apparently a shitshow due to the winter storms. I'm not mentally prepared for what I'm about to face.
I have to work in 5 minutes. I have the same level of dread and anxiety as someone who is being forced to walk onto the tracks of an incoming train.

Last two days have been apparently a shitshow due to the winter storms. I'm not mentally prepared for what I'm about to face.
I bet you'll get through today. How many times have you had the same feeling going in, and yet you made it through?


°Temp. member

Today I decided to change my twitch name. After an hour or so I regretted my decision and wanted to change it back. However:

"Unfortunately Twitch Support cannot facilitate reverting a username change to the previously held username. You can change your username again in 60 days, but your original username will not become available again for a minimum of at least 6 months."

Why Twitch, why? At least let me pay like $10 to have it done now. Shouldn't there be like at least a 24 hour take-back period? Even if I delete my account and create a new one, the original name still won't be available for at least 6 months... and hopefully nobody claims it before me. Sadge.

On the plus side, all I did was chop the last digit off my name so it's not SUPER bad but still... feels bad man.


Funeral today and my brother is wearing his Nerogoblicon hoodie to it. (He's wearing a coat over it.)

Decide Jamie Dornan GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon

The other one he brought shows Satan waiting at a bus stop. Which is the worst choice for a full Catholic funeral.
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