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Random thoughts.



Give me enough time, a whiteboard, and your undivided attention, and I can make a strong case for how Heath Ledger's death completely changed the whole entertainment industry.

Always Sunny Reaction GIF

Kev Kev

i used to do lots of hard drugs and then go for walks around my block while boogyin' down the street to this song

because of the drugs my motor skills would be all fucked up, so if you happened to be awake at 3 in the morning in daytona beach, florida circa 2007, youd have seen my crazy ass out there stumble walkin around lookin like im havin the time of my life. sometimes my friend would do itwiht me, and we'd try to practice muay thai in the middle of the street, we must have looked insane

and all of this made me realize that at one point in my life, i was "that crazy crackhead" to someone out there who happened to notice me.
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Winter John

Anyone near Acapulco? My buddy's going down that way to deliver some farm equipment. He invited me along but the last I heard it was a cartel warzone, obviously I'm not going near the place if it ain't safe.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I honestly can't say whether boomers or gen z are worse. Both of them ruin everything they touch. Really getting sick and tired of gen z whining their way into making everything media related bad, even when none of them have a hand in creating any of it.


I honestly can't say whether boomers or gen z are worse. Both of them ruin everything they touch. Really getting sick and tired of gen z whining their way into making everything media related bad, even when none of them have a hand in creating any of it.
I think what's worse are people who buy into this bullshit that what kind of person you are is dictated by some random 20 year span or so when you were born. Right there next to astrology.
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Last night I has to change my Xbox batteries. Didnt have any so I went to buy some today.

But.... I cant seem to remember where I put that "holder" that clicks over them...drives my crazy. You know when you're looking in your fridge you're out of options.... Hate that shit Lol/No Lol

Even looked in my microwave

Shame Facepalm GIF by MOODMAN
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Last night I has to change my Xbox batteries. Didnt have any so I went to buy some today.

But.... I cant seem to remember where I put that "holder" that clicks over them...drives my crazy. You know when you're looking in your fridge you're out of options.... Hate that shit Lol/No Lol
Fridge make sense


I really don't understand the appeal of videogamedunkey and why he's so popular.
His comedy is extremely repetitive and relies so heavily on a voice that isn't even funny to begin with.
And every time he's being more serious and people criticize him or even so much as disagrees with him he just hides behind '' lol I am a comedian u can't take me srsly '' even tho he clearly was.
His own audience does it too even if they in the previous breath acknowledged that he was being serious.

I just rly don't get it.

Kev Kev

I really don't understand the appeal of videogamedunkey and why he's so popular.
His comedy is extremely repetitive and relies so heavily on a voice that isn't even funny to begin with.
And every time he's being more serious and people criticize him or even so much as disagrees with him he just hides behind '' lol I am a comedian u can't take me srsly '' even tho he clearly was.
His own audience does it too even if they in the previous breath acknowledged that he was being serious.

I just rly don't get it.
the bar is really low for video game podcasts/videos/youtube channels/etc.

the comedy bar is nearly nonexistent as their jokes are only funny to nerds with bad taste in humor, the talent bar is extremely lacking as none of them are really good at what they do they just happened to be in the right place at the right time and got lucky with a viral video or two, and the production level of most of their videos is usually elementary (although this is usually the strongest point of these types of people because they are good with computers and that kind of stuff. for instance max dood has a sweet fucking intro, video game dunkey has plenty of music, game clips and other stuff going in in his videos, etc... its just the personalities themselves are sooooo bad).

in the end, there is a huge opening for real talent to step into that arena and really take all the glory, you just need people that are actually talented, funny, intelligent, good looking, like-able, etc. everyone there now just fell into it and its kind of the early wild wild west days atm. eventually some real talent will step in and we can finally have some actually funny video game centered youtubers (hopefully, at the very least, they are funny).
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Why every construction worker doing house renovation is a monkey unable to follow simple instructions even if given to them?

1. Adjust the items in bathroom given their dimensions, making sure they all fit together and one doesn't obstruct the other - nope
2. Telling them to triple check the setting in 1. - all is checked ; two weeks later - we did it badly, need to re-do it
3. Putting water evacuation pipe in a way that will make the washing machine touch it and the wall, then bang on it thousands of times each time the clothes are getting spin-dried
4. Tell them to put the wall lamps, they put them 55cm from the top, 75 cm from the bottom, thus not symmetrical


Frustrated Jason Segel GIF by NETFLIX


This morning as I was making our coffee, it occurred to me that, though we make such a big deal about our high-techie phones, consoles, etc., man, this $20 coffee maker from Wallyworld takes my cold water from the fridge, and literally in about two seconds starts turning it into piping-hot coffee. And this type of technology has been around for decades and decades. Fuckin' wow!
Come friend, stay awhile and listen



Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
We lost so many people this pandemic (not deaths, people moving away since they can work from anyplace now) I'm having to take over some sysadmin type duties for the first time in years and boy do I hate having to do any sort of task in Office o365 / Exchange Online when it comes to anything more complex than what one can do in the EAC, Compliance Manager, etc. I miss on-prem Exchange. So much scripting now for even menial tasks. So many sessions that need to be formed in different consoles. Microsoft forcing timeout periods for sessions to some of their assets down to as brief as 60 seconds. Fuck.

Can't wait until we hire more people. I can't keep doing this all myself. Half my day was porting code to target .NET 5 rather than older versions for some in-house apps, then later having to write powershell scripts for Exchange and baby sit scripts and processes running. This is literally two different jobs. If my employer didn't offer a pension (rarity in the US) I would probably be looking for new real estate and a new job myself.


It’s 4am here and I have to be up at 6. I’m just weighing up the pros and cons of even bothering to attempt to sleep.
That kinda describes most of my nights before work. I have to be in at 4 am, wake at 11-12, and wonder if I should just get up and make coffee. I'm on vacation now, and sleep like a baby. But on work nights, I'm anxious about everything I have to do the next day. Eh...


I am Become Bilbo Baggins
I had a dream we lived in a world with no laws, nations, guns or any other projectile weapons. Everyone just fended for themselves with melee weapons and animals (eagles with iron claws, dogs with steal coated teeth etc)

I woke up thinking that would be an amazing place to live. Every day would be exciting and full of danger.


I had a dream we lived in a world with no laws, nations, guns or any other projectile weapons. Everyone just fended for themselves with melee weapons and animals (eagles with iron claws, dogs with steal coated teeth etc)

I woke up thinking that would be an amazing place to live. Every day would be exciting and full of danger.
This was my pitch for the subway interview I had recently. My 'would you kill someone for a sandwich?' presentation was not well received.

Kev Kev


i know the first season had an awkward situation in the last episode that really soured everything for people, but the rest of the show is fucking amazing. the script, the story, THE MUSIC, the philosophical ideas of life, death, reincarnation, souls, time travel, dimensional travel, whether or not memories are tied to the soul, whether r not you get a choice to be sent back from the afterlife, wondering if there really is magic in the universe or some kind of other phenomena, and so many more interesting and thought provoking ideas.

and season 2 goes absolutely off the rails in the most glorious way! but its so good, and the ending to season 2 is like on of the most holy shit moments in television history for me. and then netflix cancels it. FUUUUUUUUCK

i have to know how it ends. i am emotionally invested in this thing god damnit lmao. let them finish the oa you mother fuckers, its a good show!
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Authorized Fister
Birthdays are days that I loathe the most, you have plenty of people that speak to you on the same day once a year, to say asanine things like, have a great day! Plus you don't have to get a yearly reminder that your best years are past you. Fuck I hate it.
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Birthdays are days that I loathe the most, you have plenty of people that speak to you on the same day once a year, to say asanine things like, have a great day! Plus you don't have to get a yearly reminder that your best years are passed you. Fuck I hate it.
Are they?


Gold Member
We need a law were driver license get retired when you reach 50 unless you take a practical driving test every 6 months.

Fucking old slow people literally creating incidents because they can't walk at more than 20 km\h...stay at home if you can't fucking drive at a normal speed.


So, yesterday in the news (true story), it was stated that chicken tenders may be the next shortage. WTF!? I never eat the things. However...after recovering from Covid a couple/few weeks ago, I've been jonesing for them for some reason. I've been eating pretty much nothing but chicken tenders as my protein for about two straight weeks. I've bought three bags of 'em in the last two weeks.

Did I cause this shortage?
Sorry Michael Caine GIF


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
How I know I’m officially old tier: I am grocery shopping and three straight songs I like just played. I used to make fun of the music they played at the grocer when I was a teen. Fuck

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
It's officially winter and cold as fuck . Time to stay inside and shut the outside world out.
Let's get comfy.
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