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Random thoughts.


I’m always amazed at how long people are willing to drive around a parking lot looking for a “good” spot when there are plenty of spots open towards the back that they’re too lazy to walk from.
I also avoid any parking spot which requires a reverse parking, cause fuck that lol. I always find a easy parking spot and just walk even if its far.


Just realized I’m at the precise level of balding where people my height and below can barely tell anything is going on, and the taller than me you get you see how lost the battle is. And i’m just about 5”4, so the facade is fading fast. 😂


It rained a lot today and my outfit did not react well at all.

I'm not used to rain since I've been getting so much snow recently. As uncomfortable as I felt in the car on the drive home, at least my experience of getting drenched means its time to start preparing umbrellas.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
I feel like eating a nice steak today.
The question is, whether it'll be NY strip or ribeye..



I'm tired of being alone watching my fringe shit and getting shit for it. Not my fault I can't relay hundreds of hours of info into a cohesive statement in which the Dutch monarchy isn't what it pretends to be and get shit for ruining "something I like to watch" Fuck it I'll keep it to myself. Sweet cunt.
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I sometimes wonder what it would take to snap. I'm easily irritated but to SNAP and... I often wonder. I do. I wonder. What would it take. What would it take?
Ate some spicy food today because it was nippy outside but my stomach is not having it tonight. My ass is going to be the Japanese flag in the morning so thoughts and prayers are appreciated.


Does being easily irritated often come with the abilities of self-assertion and good argumentative skills, or is this some inaccurate opinion I've made based on my own experiences with people?
If you ever worked retail when you were a young kid you'd understand how low some people are and develop a certain threshold. From entitled clients to cunt co-workers to cunt kids. Shit makes you change colors.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
Why do Americans like to fake name things after other countries?

So, I was in a local bakery and came across something called a "Dutch Crunch" loaf of bread. :D

I'm pretty sure an actual Dutchie would have never seen such a thing in their life, lol




Why do Americans like to fake name things after other countries?

So, I was in a local bakery and came across something called a "Dutch Crunch" loaf of bread. :D

I'm pretty sure an actual Dutchie would have never seen such a thing in their life, lol



More or less.. "Tijger brood"



Gold Member
Loving it the past week.

Got paid annual bonus from 2023, and it was the highest ever. Not just for my bonus $$$, but biggest bonuses ever for my company based on index payout. Our company rocked it the past year. Not so much top line, but profits were best ever as we did a great job on cost cutting and getting back in stock inventory so were normal now.

Also got my annual pay raise. Nothing crazy, but the usual 3%. My team was lucky too, we got a base bonus % increase too. Asking why? My boss didn't even have a good answer. He just said the company did great so we got increased. I dont know if other departments did too as I havent got around to probing if it was company wide or department based.

I was in such a happy mood, I was at the dentist last week and on my way out I bought my hygienist who I've known for 10 years a goodie bag of candy and chocolate from the nearby bakery. She was surprised when I came back in the door 10 minutes later and gave it to her. She loved it. And i also took out an old coworker from my past job out to lunch too. Hot mama, but engaged. Damn. I dont give a shit, I'll always pay for your lunches. lol I see her once every year or two for lunch and always hope she'll slip me some tongue when we give each other a light kiss before heading back to the office. Nahh.... it's always just a quick peck. Double damn!
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John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
I was watching Star Trek into Darkness & was wondering what happened with Anton Yelchin since I haven't seen him in anything the last couple of years.

I just read he died in 2016 pinned between his house gate & his Jeep.
What a horrible way to go! That's some Twilight Zone shit right there.

I'm so grateful for my uneventful and "boring" life.

West Texas CEO

GAF's Nicest Lunch Thief and Nosiest Dildo Archeologist
how did the sega genesis only have a 64 color palette? everything on the system looks a-a-mazing!

John Marston

GAF's very own treasure goblin
My left-over spaghetti I had in the fridge is missing.

Angry Zapp Brannigan GIF
Dude what a coincidence 😆

I'm reading a list of infamous last words from death row inmates.

Here's what Thomas Grasso had to say:

“I did not get my Spaghetti-O’s, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this."


Dude what a coincidence 😆

I'm reading a list of infamous last words from death row inmates.

Here's what Thomas Grasso had to say:

“I did not get my Spaghetti-O’s, I got spaghetti. I want the press to know this."

He got everything else. 🤷‍♂️

Grasso's last meal was two dozen steamed mussels, two dozen steamed clams (flavored by a wedge of lemon), a double cheeseburger from Burger King, a half-dozen barbecued spare ribs, two strawberry milkshakes, one-half of a pumpkin pie with whipped cream, diced strawberries, and he
requested a can of SpaghettiOs with meatballs though he used his last words to claim that kitchen staff did not honor this request.

Oh, and it was my wife that stole my food. I suspected her all a long.
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