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Rank the first seasons of Star Trek.

If there is one thing consistent about Star Trek it's that the first season is absolutely awful. Sure, there are one or two stand out episodes, but it seems to take a while for writers to find their footing and develop. Looking back on this, two shows that are often considered the worst -Voyager and Enterprise- seem to have far stronger starts than any other of that Period. The Original Series, being its own thing, seems to fair far better than anything after it. Anyway, this is my list:

1) TOS
2) Enterprise
3) Voyager
4) DS9
5) TNG
If there is one thing consistent about Star Trek it's that the first season is absolutely awful. Sure, there are one or two stand out episodes, but it seems to take a while for writers to find their footing and develop. Looking back on this, two shows that are often considered the worst -Voyager and Enterprise- seem to have far stronger starts than any other of that Period. The Original Series, being its own thing, seems to fair far better than anything after it. Anyway, this is my list:

1) TOS
2) Enterprise
3) Voyager
4) DS9
5) TNG

You're mad.


So not worth it
Enterprise didn't get good until Season 3.

1. DS9
2. Voyager
3. TOS
4. TNG
5. Enterprise.

To be fair, Enterprise was fighting a losing battle since it had the worst opening theme. DS9 had the best because it was so unique and did a great job building the world and characters. Voyager had a very interesting premise that they didn't completely drop until later, so I have to put it at 2. TOS was just fun. TNG was pretty shit, but had Q, so it beats Enterprise, which was just boring and weird for too long, as said, it got good (as in, really good) once it got a proper story arc, it was just meandering too much in the first couple of seasons.


It's been a very long time since I watched TOS and TNG season 1s, but I think it'd be something like
  1. TOS
  2. TNG
  3. VOY
  4. DS9

I really disliked DS9 in the beginning, but I started to warm up to it towards the end of the first season. Haven't seen any Enterprise yet.


I used to think this way. I went back and watched Enterprise and it's really not that bad. The real shit tier episodes are season 2 if anything.

This is the truth right here. After "Dead Stop" there's like ten straight episodes of bullshit before the season even starts to pull itself out of the gutter.
I haven't watched Enterprise or TOS in a very long time so I won't bother ranking them but I did rewatch Voyager, Deep Space Nine, and TNG recently and I'd have to say:

1) Voyager
2) TNG
3) Deep Space Nine

For all the criticisms I still find Voyager the most watchable series (as in I can put on any episode and be entertained). Its first season was pretty decent as the premise of being stranded made episodes feel fresh.

Season 1 TNG was okay but nothing special. Kind of wish they went further with that whole subplot of alien infiltration in Starfleet.

Season 1 of Deep Space Nine (and pretty much everything up until the dominion story arc) was relatively uninteresting, especially with the heavy-handed religious episodes centering around Bajor and the prophet nonsense.


Is there really any question that #1 isn't TOS? Hell Season 1 of TOS is one of the best seasons ever in Trek canon.



I got the complete series of TNG on Bluray last year and re-watched the first season. I can't imagine how people decided to stick around and keep watching after that.

TOS as a show I don't like to rate among the others since it's quite different but it still has the best first season, and TNG is in the middle because it has some decent episodes that setup character plots like Data for the rest of the show (that is reference too) even though most were ranging from uninteresting to bad. I find DS9 to have less bad episodes and more just average ones in its first season... plus DS9 has one of my top 10 favourite Star Trek episodes in its first season, Duet.

DS9 also has way better character development/progression in its first season than any of the other shows.


Neo Member
WTF this is THE LIST:

1) TNG
2) Enterprise
3) Voyager
4) TOS
5) DS9

DS9 took about 4 seasons to become decent IMO. It has such a limited premise I think it took the writers some time to find their footing.

The first season of TNG was filled with interesting character development and really set the scene for the rest of the series.

I liked them all though really, each premise had its own unique engaging element which gripped from the start (except DS9).

A little off topic but what does everyone think of Star Trek Discovery? Excited? Prequel in the timeline sounds kind of lame but the visuals will no doubt be MUCH better than any of the other series.


I got the complete series of TNG on Bluray last year and re-watched the first season. I can't imagine how people decided to stick around and keep watching after that.

Much different time for TV, I suppose. We are used to some fantastic TV these days, but back in the late 80's/early 90's it's not like there was a lot of mature, cerebral programming like TNG.


Just the first seasons? Interesting idea and it will make for a very different list.

1. TOS - Obviously, some of the shows most memorable episodes are in that season.
2. VOY - It started pretty strong, not perfect by any means but compared to the others it was good.
3. DS9 - It's okay but a bit boring
4. TNG - Eh ... they tried.
5. ENT - Why is this behind TNG? Because they didn't try, most of the time it was the same old 24th century trek that pretended to be a prequel.


DS9 might have had a slow start, but the first season contained the episode 'Duet', which was worth it all by itself.
DS9 might have had a slow start, but the first season contained the episode 'Duet', which was worth it all by itself.

True, but I haven't got a list of episodes in front of me, but I believe that game in right at the end of the season... That's a whole load of terrible between the brilliant pilot and Duet.


Did any other Trek series have an episode in their first seasons as good as TOS's City on the Edge of Forever and DS9's Duet?

The answer is no. Not even close.

I think it'd be fun ranking the PILOTS as well.

I'd go:
1. TOS (The Cage)
2. DS9
3. TOS (Where No Man Has Gone Before)
4. TNG
5. VOY
6. ENT
If there is one thing consistent about Star Trek it's that the first season is absolutely awful. Sure, there are one or two stand out episodes, but it seems to take a while for writers to find their footing and develop. Looking back on this, two shows that are often considered the worst -Voyager and Enterprise- seem to have far stronger starts than any other of that Period. The Original Series, being its own thing, seems to fair far better than anything after it. Anyway, this is my list:

1) TOS
2) Enterprise
3) Voyager
4) DS9
5) TNG

2 DS9
3 Enterprise
5 Voyager

TNG has tons of amazing episodes first season. Some of the best TNG is that first season. Voyager while last did get better and I liked it after season 3. DS9 also has some excellent quality writing as does enterprise.
Did any other Trek series have an episode in their first seasons as good as TOS's City on the Edge of Forever and DS9's Duet?

The answer is no. Not even close.

I think it'd be fun ranking the PILOTS as well.

I'd go:
1. TOS (The Cage)
2. DS9
3. TOS (Where No Man Has Gone Before)
4. TNG
5. VOY
6. ENT

TOS also had Balance of Terror, which had stood the test of time remarkably well.
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