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Rant: Game rental and my DISGUSTED reaction. HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN?


I recently got the Games Freedom pass at Blockbuster, which allows you to have unlimited videogame rentals for one month.

Well, the majority of the games I've rented have been scratched at least a little bit. They typicially have fingerprint smudges and a few light scratches on the back of the CD/DVD. And these little things are understandable.

But today was different. Today I saw a disc that was so fucked up, I couldn't help but wonder how in the world it could get in such a condition.

Flashback to about 9 o'clock this evening. I'm browsing through the ps2 section for a game that might interest me. Most of the new games I have already played, seeing as how I've had the games pass for quite a while. So I come to the conclusion that I'll pick up a game I haven't played in a while. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City catches my eye.

I purchased Vice City the day it came out back in 2002. It was great. But alas, it got boring and I sold it. Well all this San Andreas hype got me in a 'gta-mood', so I snagged up the only copy and checked out.

When I got home, I popped open the case, and before even removing the disc I knew there was going to be trouble.

Greasy smudges, and what looked to be chocolate chip stains were quite visible on the TOP SIDE of the disc. The first thing that popped into my mind is that the bottom of this disc was going to look much, much worse. I was right.

I took the game out hesitantly, knowing that I was going to be greeted with a freak-show of a disc... Good God. Thick, nasty finger smears all over the disc. I pictured a shirt-less fatass sitting in a worn-down chair chomping down on pork chops with his bare hands, then picking the game up off of the floor with his nasty, fat-glazed hands.

Upon closer inspection, I noticed that there were circular scratches covering the ENTIRE disc. There was not one centimeter left untouched. It looked like someone took a ****ing coin and just went to town on the thing, scratching the hell out it because they forgot they needed a system to play it on.

THE DISC IS NOT A SCRATCH-OFF LOTTERY GAME. You're not supposed to touch the bottom at all, let alone torture the heck out of it!

Needless to say, the disc did not work.

So here I am, pondering as to why someone would do this. WHY? Is it because it's not theirs and they just want to be asses? "Heh heh heh, it ain't mine, I dun give a pig's snout!!" Or perhaps their pet dog needed a new toy to play with.

How in the world can someone's hands get so greasy? HOW?? Did they dip their hands in an economy-sized barrell labeled "Pig Fat"? DO THEY NOT KNOW OF THESE WONDERFUL LITTLE TOOLS WE CALL FORKS? NAPKINS?

Now instead of jacking cars in lovely Vice City, I get to picture a morbidly obese hick with a frontal lobotomy, flailing around on the floor and rubbing the poor disc on his un-bathed fatbody.

I hear ya man. I simply cannot understand the horrible means people treat CDs and DVDs. From the distance between the box to the system, what the hell exactly happens. But this is also a major reason why I never lend anything out to anybody.


Virginia. I live pretty close to VA Beach, so it's not run-down or anything. But I just couldn't imagine any other type of human being other than a hick that would do such a thing to a game disc.

It should be a crime.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
I let two people borrow my copy of MGS2...never again. Grease on the box and scratches on the disc. I don't know how some people do shit like that, all my games are in perfect condition. How exactly do you mess up a game so bad? All you have to do it take it out of the box, not touch the bottom, and put it in the system. Not rocket science, yet some people are so lazy they have actual discs sitting on the floor. Is it so hard to just put the game in the box when you're done?

I don't even rent games these days, I know they will be in crappy condition. I don't trust most people with my games, only the ones that I know take care of their stuff.

Smell to make sure it is chocolate. Taste might also be needed.
Some people simply don't give a shit about taking care of things, especially if it isn't theirs. Oh and Wario has a good point. You may want to wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap after handling.


works for Gamestop (lol)
One positive aspect of Gamefly is that almost all of their games are clean and scratch free. I guess the kiddies can't persuade their parents to send their credit card info over the net
Hm. Only reason I ask is because I've lived in Maryland the majority of my life and have never had any problems with renting games from Blockbuster.

That is...until I moved to Tennessee for a year and a half. I'm serious, some of these stores need to inspect their discs when they are returned. If the disc is returned and somebody complains that it doesn't work, then obviously the previous renter had something to do with it!

I don't know if they still do this, but Blockbuster used to make you pay for the game if it came back in any other condition than the way you rented it. Including losing the(Gasp!) instruction manual.


Beats not even being to rent games from your local store because it's in the ghetto and everyone has stolen everything except the triple-Z grade stuff and preschool games (I shake my fist at you Video Update)


I honestly don't know what people do to their game discs. Back when I ran a used game store, I'd see discs that could only have been left in a sandbox or something.

Once a kid bought a Dreamcast game brand new, only to bring it back four hours later for trade credit because he didn't like it. The disc was covered in scratches and smudges. I grilled him (probably a bit too angrily) on what the hell he'd done to the disc in the four freakin' hours he was gone. What did he put it on, where did he leave it, how long was it out of the case? He just responded with the usual "I dunno" of all modern kids confronted with any kind of responsibility and left with his credit slip.

Take 'em out, play 'em, put 'em back. That's all you need to do. I really don't understand how they get like that.


I always wash the rental discs. Who knows WTF happened to it by the previous renters. I don't let a disgustingly dirty disc be inside my clean PS2.


Docpan said:
I pictured a shirt-less fatass sitting in a worn-down chair chomping down on pork chops with his bare hands, then picking the game up off of the floor with his nasty, fat-glazed hands.

No pics, no story. Sorry!


NotMSRP said:
I always wash the rental discs. Who knows WTF happened to it by the previous renters. I don't let a disgustingly dirty disc be inside my clean PS2.

Same thing goes for Netflix.

I've noticed that more mainstream titles are always dirtier.

Perhaps that explains why Grand Theft Auto: Vice City was so messed up.

They don't call them the unwashed masses for nothing.
Grizzlyjin said:
I let two people borrow my copy of MGS2...never again. Grease on the box and scratches on the disc. I don't know how some people do shit like that, all my games are in perfect condition. How exactly do you mess up a game so bad? All you have to do it take it out of the box, not touch the bottom, and put it in the system. Not rocket science, yet some people are so lazy they have actual discs sitting on the floor. Is it so hard to just put the game in the box when you're done?

I don't even rent games these days, I know they will be in crappy condition. I don't trust most people with my games, only the ones that I know take care of their stuff.

Smell to make sure it is chocolate. Taste might also be needed.

I try NOT to lend my stuff to anyone anymore. You can never tell. Even the best mates can ruin it - I had a big fallout with a mate because

a) lent dvds but never got them back
b) finally found them; scratched and case ruined. (claims it was part of his collection)

Unless you know they really love games and treasure other peoples possesions; I'd say no to lending just about everything.


(more a nerd than a geek)
I still can't believe that the CD wasn't encased in a protective jacket when it was first released... much like a 5.25" floppy disk. If it had been, all other home laser media would have followed suit, and we'd never have this problem.

Do I blame Sony or Phillips?
Why does the person have to be fat and a hick to have messed up the disc like that? Theres an equally good chance it was some young punk or kid who does'nt care how he treats others property as well.

Dave Long

MattKeil said:
I honestly don't know what people do to their game discs. Back when I ran a used game store, I'd see discs that could only have been left in a sandbox or something.

Once a kid bought a Dreamcast game brand new, only to bring it back four hours later for trade credit because he didn't like it. The disc was covered in scratches and smudges. I grilled him (probably a bit too angrily) on what the hell he'd done to the disc in the four freakin' hours he was gone. What did he put it on, where did he leave it, how long was it out of the case? He just responded with the usual "I dunno" of all modern kids confronted with any kind of responsibility and left with his credit slip.

Take 'em out, play 'em, put 'em back. That's all you need to do. I really don't understand how they get like that.

He probably brought back a different disc. That's why you got the "I dunno" reply. Probably bought the game before (or a friend did), that one got played hard, beat up, ruined, didn't work and he still wanted to play it. So he decides he'll pay for it at full price and then return the beat up one in the new CD case he just left the store with and keep the good disc.

I saw a lot of similar stuff when I was working at EB.


We have a bit of a joke going at my EB store... Among discs, there are ones that are ALWAYS in bad shape. Always. GTA games typically come in absolutely mangled. The Getaway, also, and any sports games. I don't know what people do with them, but even when they've only been out for like three or five days, and the person doesn't like it and just wants to get rid of it, the disc is fucked up. Then, when you tell people you can't take it because it's too scratched, they're like, "What?! It still works!" Try explaining to them that, while it might actually work, SELLING it to another person in that condition is insulting to the person buying it and the store. For whatever reason, folks don't have any problem spending $50 on a piece of sand and then absolutely abusing it. Oh, well. I refuse to rent or buy pre-owned.

Also, as for lending games to people, I stopped after a friend of mine lost a bunch of my games in high school. Metal Gear Solid, Chrono Trigger, House of the Dead... Hell no, no more. Ridiculous. Someone is nice enough to give you their property, and you neglect it?


A couple of times, I've won Blockbuster DVD and game rental cards. In those experiences, I became a firm believer in trying to rent games or movies on their first day of release, the best way to ensure they hadn't been savaged.
DavidDayton said:
I still can't believe that the CD wasn't encased in a protective jacket when it was first released... much like a 5.25" floppy disk. If it had been, all other home laser media would have followed suit, and we'd never have this problem.

Do I blame Sony or Phillips?

some of the original cd-rom's were in cases, so I dunno who you would blame for that. Maybe Sony since they have patented the "make X item that will break so people have to buy another." :)

Ranger X

What i found funny is that everytime we put that subject up, nobody is to blame and nobody knows what's hapenning to those CDs lol


(more a nerd than a geek)
bune duggy said:
some of the original cd-rom's were in cases, so I dunno who you would blame for that. Maybe Sony since they have patented the "make X item that will break so people have to buy another." :)

Caddies were always a weird optional thing... if Sony/Phillip/etc. had made a permanent sealed jacket a required part of the CD design, we'd have very few problems today.


This brings up the age-old question; why not open the case right there at the counter and do a quick inspection? That way you, the employee, the customers, and the eye in the sky all see if the disk is okay or crap. Maybe it isn't good manners but fuck that, you paid money for it and in a worst case situation you get home, discover the flaws in the disk, and they blame you.

+1 anal asshole here.
DJ Brannon said:
This brings up the age-old question; why not open the case right there at the counter and do a quick inspection? That way you, the employee, the customers, and the eye in the sky all see if the disk is okay or crap. Maybe it isn't good manners but fuck that, you paid money for it and in a worst case situation you get home, discover the flaws in the disk, and they blame you.

+1 anal asshole here.
after i got a completely fucked up max payne rental disk, i do that every time...

oh, and i've seen what people do with cd's and dvd's to make them so fucked up...

they just leave them laying around *anywhere* without the case, preferrably face up, so they know what it is without having the flip it over... then when they wanna use it, they just stretch out and drag it closer then pick it up... sometimes they'll pile or stack them up... toss them in a paper bag to carry them somewhere... and maybe once in a while put some back in a case... doesn't matter which case... and this was just from the observation of some average people... who knows what the really careless ones do...


Still Tagged Accordingly
Docpan said:
Now instead of jacking cars in lovely Vice City, I get to picture a morbidly obese hick with a frontal lobotomy, flailing around on the floor and rubbing the poor disc on his un-bathed fatbody.
image be gone!
More then once I've yelled "DO NOT PUT THE DISK READ SIDE DOWN!" to relatives and friends who are playing my games. They get mad but just because they abuse their stuff doesn't mean they can abuse mine...


go eat paint
You know, this thread sheepishly reminds me of a time a few years ago when I FedEx'd a game back to Jeff at GameSpot with a little bit of pizza grease on the front of the case. Like an ignorant fatass, I was eating Pizza Hut pizza for lunch that day while putting the game into the FedEx mailer. Got an IM a couple days later thanking me for the "bonus" gift.

A bit embarassing, but a good life lesson I think.

Nowadays, I just rub Chips Ahoy all over my bare tummy and rub rental games on myself unt.... wait, did I type that or just think it?
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