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RE4 now has female villagers - new vids

Musashi Wins!

Some thoughts since I've been avoiding the media on this game beyond stills....

While there's no doubt the environments and people have some great art and atmosphere, it's sort of dissapointing how on rails the environment is. You can interact within a context, with a limited set of areas and items, and almost all of them are strikingly obvious. Also, the collision detection is absolute ass during combat and simply how he wades through the grass. Maybe this is all part of the "demo" experience with this game but people who were saying this was the best looking game of all time, etc. are on crack. I hope you won't see pitchforks gliding through characters and such in the final build.

I've talked to a few who have played the demo and now seeing the pivot action and aiming in motion, I see it still lacks very good "action" controls as well. I thought this was part of the big change?

I liked how the villagers throw things, etc. They seem more reactive than the zombies of the past, but it will also be interesting to see if there's any real traces of amazing AI.

I don't know, I guess I just read all the pre-hype and then stayed away from the actual gameplay footage before. I'm not saying this game should be more than it will turn out to be in any case, I'm quite positive it will be exciting and scary going through these villages! Like so many other games that get called out lately though, I see that perhaps the dream was a bit overstated.


Unconfirmed Member
When did the size based item system start in the REs? I forgot.

But I like how it works in this one.

EDIT: What I mean by that is that most of the common items (ammo, herbs, spray etc) take up two item units. this indicates to me that other useless puzzle shit like a jewel or a "sword coin" will only take up one square.
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