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Real Story Behind Lil' Kim's Plastic Surgery

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THE SOURCE (OCTOBER 2004) 40% of the interview. Thanks to Passions for the article

Interviewer: Tell us about Lil' Kim Cares Foundation
Lil Kim: In reference to the battered women, just recently, and I'm talking about a year ago, I got out of a relationship with a very abusive man. I've had the black eye, bloody lips, busted nose. I came out of the hospital from getting my nose done and he broke my again. I had to have MRI's because one time I was beaten so bad that I couldn't even move, and I had blood clots all in my back. I couldn't walk. One day I heard a voice actually telling me you better leave right now. I had to leave out my own damn house. If I had something like a Lil' Kim Cares Foundation, where I could get help then maybe I wouldn't have went through it for so long.

Interviewer: You wouldn't think that Lil' Kim in all her glamour and glory was at home dealing with that.
Lil Kim: I'm sharing this story because a lot of women don't think women in the industry go through it. They probably thinking we got it good but oh yeah, we go through it.

Interviewer: How did you recover from it?
Lil Kim: I kinda just prayed the whole time. That's probably how I came out of it, just by the grace of God, because at one point, I felt like I didn't know what to do. And it has a lot to do with maturity too. It's been times when I was in the car with my ex-boyfriend, and he punched me in my face and I was bleeding blood all over the car, all over my face and we were on our way to pick up his mom and I'm trying to conceal the blood, but she's staring like, I don't believe it. And then there were times when I had to be in public. It could have been like right before I had to be in the studio, or be on stage, and I had to pack on piles of makeup and go and smile. I had to practice my smile in the mirror, I remember sometimes people were looking at me like 'something's wrong with you.' And I'm saying "I had an allergic reaction."

Interviewer: Did anyone else know? Why didn't anyone step in?
Lil Kim: I remember one of the things that made me really say "this is it" is that my friends were mad at me, and they were saying "he gonna kill you." And you don't hear all of that when you love somebody. Your'e just like "he needs help, I'ma get him some help." I started noticing that my friends were backing up from me. They didn't want to be around. We were all fighting and I felt bad putting them in that. And he was so crazy, he might hit them too. Then my mom was hearing about it. I'm like "I gotta get rid of this."

Interviewer: You mentioned that he broke your nose.
Lil Kim: Yeah, I just came from getting it broke. (laughs) And he punctured it again. True story. Big cast on my face.

Interviewer: Did you get it done again after that?
Lil' Kim: Actually, I just ahd to go in again, and the doctor had to fix my nose it was almost shattered. You really can't tell, but if you look close you can. It goes to the left.

Interviewer: Now, you look much better in person, but the pictures don't always look like that. And there have been images floating around that really don't do you any justice.
Lil' Kim: I'm a bad bitch. I don't care what nobody say. I'm fly. I look good. The pictures that were coming out recently, and it's really just been recently. I kind of been going through this thing during the whole time with the court case. The first day they came and grabbed me, I had decided to get sugar injections that go in your lips. I just wanted to try it. I was supposed to get this role in this movie, I was supposed to be a character, almost like a cartoon, and I really wanted to play that character, almost like a cartoon, and I really wanted to play that character out to the fullest, so I was like, I'm gonna change my look up a lil' bit, and you know me, I don't care. It's jsut a sugar injection you get in your lips, for people who want full lips or whatever, and it goes away in six months. Well, in between that time, you have to have your healing moment,a nd I didn't know they was going to come snatch me up and put me in handcuffs and all that. So I'm on camera and everybody like "Ill!" what's wrong with Kim!, but I just laughed and laughed. (thx to Passions)



Eh... That's pretty fucked up.


I feel bad about automatically thinking that she was getting that plastic surgery out of vanit, but I'm not really surprised that this kind of thing happens to celebrities.


Serafitia said:
I feel bad about automatically thinking that she was getting that plastic surgery out of vanit, but I'm not really surprised that this kind of thing happens to celebrities.

Same here. I used to think that the plastic surgery was just a growing obsession with modifying herself out of disdain for her own body, like an extension of her quirky antics with the wigs, colored contacts, and eccentric clothes -- only gone horribly wrong. It's cool she can laugh about it now, but it must have been hell while she was in it. I wonder what movie she was doing where she thought the lip injections would have her better fit the role.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
That's sad... Biggie wouldn't have let that shit happen to her if he was still around....


I had decided to get sugar injections that go in your lips. I just wanted to try it. I was supposed to get this role in this movie, I was supposed to be a character, almost like a cartoon, and I really wanted to play that character, almost like a cartoon, and I really wanted to play that character out to the fullest, so I was like, I'm gonna change my look up a lil' bit, and you know me, I don't care. It's jsut a sugar injection you get in your lips, for people who want full lips or whatever, and it goes away in six months. Well, in between that time, you have to have your healing moment,a nd I didn't know they was going to come snatch me up and put me in handcuffs and all that. So I'm on camera and everybody like "Ill!" what's wrong with Kim!, but I just laughed and laughed. (thx to Passions)

Uhhh huh....I don't think so.


keep your strippers out of my American football
DarienA said:
That's sad... Biggie wouldn't have let that shit happen to her if he was still around....

I doubt that Biggie would have let it happen to that extent, but BIG said in interviews he used to slap her around too. But with all male friends Kim has in the industry, I am surprised that this went on. The friends she has wouldn't think twice about beating someone down or worse. But most battered women don't want to tell anyone at all. This story makes total sense now. In some pics her cheeks were puffy and then the next pic they weren't.

Sad story and hopefully that guy got his ass kicked by Junior Mafia.


Act like a whore and you'll probably get treated like a whore. Not the way it should be, but the way it is.
I was supposed to be a character, almost like a cartoon, and I really wanted to play that character, almost like a cartoon
Geez, what sort of cartoon character was she trying to be with big ol' lips? A racist cariacature from the 1800's?

And what movie was this?


I don't care if the cat beat her eyeballs down into her heels,

that don't explain the Monchichi thing goin' on there.

And apparently this dude hits HARD. I mean, damn, he punched her in the nose hard enough
to make her mammaries swell.



Maybe the monster implants, teased hair, "LOOK AT ME" makeup, etc. also serve some double purpose as compensating for height or something else too?


belgurdo said:

Maybe the monster implants, teased hair, "LOOK AT ME" makeup, etc. also serve some double purpose as compensating for height or something else too?


Or could be the bitch just crazy.


keep your strippers out of my American football
belgurdo said:

Maybe the monster implants, teased hair, "LOOK AT ME" makeup, etc. also serve some double purpose as compensating for height or something else too?

Compensating for her low self-esteem. That also would be consistent with allowing to be abused.


DJ Sl4m said:
Tupac and the Outlaws told the bitch to stay out of their business!!!!!

West side till we die Bio-tch.......


"Lil Kim, don't fuck around with real ass G's
Quick to snatch yo' ugly ass off tha street
So fuck peace"

Ah, good ole' Hit 'Em Up...too bad that song pretty much signed Pac's death certificate.

BTW, some of those pics are nasty as fuck...


Anyone in this thread stupid enough to believe that interview, needs to get dragged into the streets and beaten with cinder blocks!!!

Lil Kim is a surgery fiend!!!

Look she alters everything about herself, calls herself "The Black Barbie".
She wants to be white.

She's on some Michael Jackson shit!



Dame Dash has this look like, "I know this nigga didn't just take my picture next to this busted-ass ho." LOL! Kim is mostly busted, but with her new rack and face, I'd hit it and then post it all over the internet. Sucks about her getting beatup though. I hope someone gave that dude a little payback. PEACE.


i'd tittie fuck her but thats about it


Steroid Distributor
But is that Lil Kim in the picture with the metal mouth dude? Cause she looks hot there. But all the other pictures are a train wreck. Yuck.


Truelize said:
But is that Lil Kim in the picture with the metal mouth dude? Cause she looks hot there. But all the other pictures are a train wreck. Yuck.

The first two images are the most recent -- the other images are her recovery pre/post surgery pictures.


Damn im gonna have nightmare's now. She looks like she went a few rounds with the ugly stick and the ugly stick clearly won! :lol


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
You all are really naive to think that her plastic surgery is a result of her getting her ass beat.


Maybe she got beat BECAUSE of the surgery.

If you get one more surgery, it's your ass!

Sure enough...she does and got beat because of it.


Tazznum1 said:
Maybe she got beat BECAUSE of the surgery.

If you get one more surgery, it's your ass!

Sure enough...she does and got beat because of it.

Not likely. Punching one of those implants would result in your own hand coming back at you at escape velocity.

Waitaminnit.....maybe that's how she got away! He knocked himself out!
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